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I knew it wasn't right to answer him back when he was this angry but I couldn't let him defend someone that hurt my friend so badly. "He is like them! How can you say he isn't? He isn't into the bullshit they were into, but he does carry the trait of not carin' about other people. He would use and abuse girls-"

"He doesn't abuse them," Dominic cut me off with a scream, making me jump back on the bed.

Dominic followed me though and when I realised he was following me, my heart jumped up into my throat.

"He fucks bitches that want to be fucked by him," Dominic snapped as he grabbed my hands, got between my legs and applied his weight onto my body pinning me in place. "He doesn't spew false promises to get pussy because pussy falls directly onto his lap… or onto his cock it would seem."

I screamed and tried to lash out at him. I hated when he referred to women as 'pussy'. I hated when he referred to me as that word back when he first kissed me in his bedroom, so I wasn't about to lay quietly while he referred to other women as that word, especially when one of those women was my friend.

"Don't call Alannah that word. She is more than just a hole for Damien to stick his dick into and so is every other female he and any other lad come into contact with. I know the majority of the girls he has shagged just wanted sex with him, but a lot didn't and it is disgustin' that he will be nice and romantic before he touches them, but afterwards he doesn't even speak to them! How can you condone that?" I bellowed.

"Because he is my brother, and I love him!" Dominic shouted into my face.

I shook my head and glared. "You can still love him but not agree with what he does. If you talked to him about-"

"About what, Bronagh? You want me to sit my brother down and ask him to take a break from the only thing that makes him feel something?" Dominic growled.

I scoffed. "His purpose on this Earth isn't to fuck everythin' with a vagina and pulse, Dominic! If he needs sex all the time then maybe you should consider that fact that he is a sex addict-"

"You need to shut the fuck up because you have no idea what you're fucking talking about," he spat. "He isn't an addict, he just fucks girls because he likes to. Loads of people like sex without attachment, and Dame is one of those people!"

I used my forehead to push his head away from mine when he tried to press it against me. "Well, he needs to reevaluate his life because he hurts people by usin' them, and that is exactly what he did to Alannah. He knew she wouldn't be one of those girls who didn't care; it was written across her face how much he hurt her!"

Dominic glared at me. "She had sex with him too, Bronagh. She didn't have to if she didn't want to!"

I screamed and struggled under him. "You don't get it; he used her attraction to him against her!"

Dominic shook his head. "I'll talk to him about that then but you just stay away from him. Throwing someone's dead parents in their face is disgusting. I thought you would be more sensitive than that since you know what it's like to lose both your parents."

I was dumbstruck as he got up off me but quickly sat up and said, "My parents were nothin' like yours!"

Dominic shrugged. "You loved them and Damien loved ours regardless of their choices in life, and yet you still used them as a verbal weapon to hurt him. I never thought I would be disappointed in you. I know you speak your mind but that was low, Bronagh, real low."

A lump formed in my throat when he turned and walked towards the door of the room.

"Where are you goin'?" I shouted.

Dominic didn't turn around as he said, "To find my brother and make sure he is okay. I'm going to do what you want and speak to him about hurting Alannah since it means so much to you."

The cloud of anger that hovered over me started to fade away as I said, "Thank you-"

"But I'm doing it alone, I need to be away from you right now."

My heart broke as he started to walk away from me.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, my voice shaking.

Dominic paused and hesitated before he said, "No, I'm not. I love you, Bronagh, but I would be lying if I said I didn't hate you a little bit right now. I need to leave just until we cool off."

I felt tears fall from my eyes as I said, "You said you would never leave me… you promised you wouldn't."

Dominic sighed as he reached the door of the room. "And you promised you would never hurt me. I guess we both broke our promises."

When he opened the door and closed it after him, I burst into tears and fell back onto the bed. There was a pain in my chest that hurt so much, it felt like there was a weight pressing on it. I forced myself to breathe in order to control my sobbing.

I knew I was sticking up for my friend when I lashed out at Damien, but there was no escaping the fact that I had formed the divide that was just placed between Dominic and me. I could have chosen my words differently when speaking to Damien, but no, I had to go for his heart by bringing up his parents. Dominic was right; I should have never thrown them in his face, all the things I spewed before I said that would have been hurtful enough.

"Stupid!" I cried and punched the pillow next to my head.

I continued to cry for what felt like an age and eventually cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with a jolt some time later and groggily crawled from the bed I was on until I was standing on the floor. I was a bit unsteady on my feet because of the heels I was wearing, but after a moment or two I got a handle on my legs and walked steadily towards the door of the private room.

When I opened the door, I was met by laughter and some low music that was nothing like the volume that had been blaring earlier before Dominic's fight. I closed my eyes at the thought of him and tried to overlook the pain in my chest. I repeated in my head that we didn't break up, and we were only apart because we were cooling off. We would speak soon; he was probably in my house right now pissed off that I wasn't there waiting for him.

I reached for the handle of the door and closed it behind me after I stepped out into the hall. I then walked down the hallway in the direction that led back into the nightclub. The laughter and wolf whistles I heard made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I got goose bumps when I stepped out from the hallway and looked around the club. The dance floor was empty except for two girls dirty dancing with each other in time with the sensual music that was playing low. I glanced towards the circle but found that section of the club to be black because the lights were switched off. I jumped when I heard a deep, rumbling chuckle come from my far left. I looked in the direction and spotted three men sat around the very booth Dominic and his brothers always sat at. Two of the men were in their forties or fifties while the other was a younger lad, probably nineteen or so.

The man who was chuckling looked in my direction and stared at me for a moment before he gestured with his finger for me to go to him. I didn't know why but instead of walking straight towards the exit, I kept my eyes on the man's as I walked towards him. He smiled at me when I reached the booth and held out his hand for me. I took hold of it and moved when he gently pulled me down to the spot next to him.

"What is your name, beauty?" he asked me, his accent not Irish but American.

"Bronagh," I replied as I still just stared at him.

His hair was jet black, his eyes were a light hazel colour, and his skin was lightly tanned. There wasn't anything exceptionally remarkable about him; he was just a good-looking man, average even, but he had something about him that made me want to be close to him. It was the weirdest feeling I had ever gotten in my entire life; I knew he was somebody important just by looking at him. He had a dominant status about him and, to be honest, I was curious to know who he was.