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My lips were starting to hurt and felt a little puffy, so by the time the last lad from the team in line stepped up to me, I was happy it was nearly over. I wasn't happy when I saw who the lad was though.

"No way," I hissed, "go to Destiny!"

Jason smirked at me and said, "I'm a brunette man, Bronagh, can't bend the rules."

I hissed at him. "That's bullshit, you hate me, and I hate you. This is not happenin'!"

He stepped towards me, and I growled.

"Problem with kissin' me, Bronagh?" Jason grinned.

"I have a list a fuckin' mile long!" I snapped making him snicker.

I grimaced.

I hated him so much, probably even more than I hated Dominic. I groaned then; Jason was back in school, and Dominic was here as well now. They both made my life hell and would totally be to blame if I ever killed myself.

Jason stepped forward to me again so I swung at him with my right fist making him laugh and jump back. I heard a deep chuckle from behind Jason then, a chuckle that made me want to shrivel up and die.

"I'm feeling a little jealous here, Bronagh, I thought I was the only guy that you physically assaulted around here."

I growled when Dominic stepped out from behind Jason and grinned down at me.

The lanky bastard!

"You must be Nico?" Jason said getting Dominic's attention.

Dominic looked to him and nodded, which made Jason smile as he said, "Some of the lads told me you filled in on tormentin' Bronagh while I was away. It's much appreciated, man. I didn't want her to get too bored without someone to annoy her."

I scoffed.

What a dick!

"When you're both done blowin' each other, you can kindly fuck off," I bit out making them both turn to me and grin.

I glared at them both.

"Rules say you have to kiss anyone from the ages of thirteen and eighteen if they are payin'," Jason smirked at me.

I wanted to kick him in the face.

"I know the fuckin' rules but why me? Why not Destiny? You both hate me, and I hate you!"

They both smiled, and I snarled.

I flicked my eyes behind the lads' forms and spotted a girl that for once made me happy at the sight of her.

"Micah," I shouted, "your boyfriend is tryin' to buy a kiss!"

Jason's face turned red when he looked over his shoulder and spotted Micah Daley, his equally evil girlfriend, storming towards us.

"You fuckin' cunt!" Jason hissed to me.

He turned to face Micah and held his hands up by his face. "I'm team captain; I have to kiss one of them, and I had to pick a brunette because they are my preference, but I was only goin' to plant one on her cheek. I swear."

Micah glared at him.

"Like I'd kiss any girl when I have you, babe. Especially Bronagh. Micah, she is disgustin'."

Thanks for the vote of confidence, prick.

I rolled my eyes.

"Give me the two Euro," Micah snapped and held out her hand.

Jason gave her his money then turned his body to look at her when she moved by him and headed towards me. Fuck!

"I wasn't goin' to let him kiss me cheek, I swear," I blurted out and resisted throwing my arms in front of my face.

You see, Micah was a kickboxer and could probably kill me with one punch or kick, and I really didn't want to die like that.

Micah rolled her eyes. "It's mandatory for the sports teams to help out at the kissin' booth since it makes the most money but Jason won't be kissin' you or Destiny. I will fill in for him."

I flicked my eyes to Jason and noticed his mouth dropped open; his friends and Dominic looked just as shocked as him. I looked back at Micah and shrugged, I preferred her kissing my cheek over Jason any day. I was game.


Micah rolled her eyes at my stiffness and leaned forward towards me. I turned my head to let her kiss my cheek but she caught my chin with her hand and forced me to look at her. She did something then that made the lads almost collapse and me almost have a heart attack.

She kissed me, on the lips, in front of everyone, and she stuck her tongue inside my mouth.

I guessed the rumours about her swinging both ways were true after all. I had the same problem with gay people, bi people, straight people, and pretty much any people in general who touched me. I didn't like being touched, talked to, or noticed in any way. Micah was fucking that up big time, because she was really going to town on kissing me and drawing lots of attention because of it.

I had my eyes wide open and my mouth agape when she pulled back from me. She snorted at my facial expression before turning and strutting off like she was on some sort of catwalk.

"I'm so happy that was you and not me; she all but wore the face off you," Destiny cackled.

"Fuck you!" I spat before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"That was-"

"So fuckin'-"


My eyes landed on Dominic when his voice said the word sexy; he was staring at me and licking his lips. I looked at the other males and noticed they were doing the same thing. It set off alarm bells in my head.

"One kiss per… person!" I stated out loud which made some of the lads mutter curses before moving away.

I couldn't exactly say one kiss per lad since Micah had just kissed me in front of everyone. That would make me sexist or homophobic or something like that.

Dominic stepped directly in front of me, but I ignored him while I continued to wipe at my mouth.

"I take it you didn't like a girl kissing you?"

I felt my eye twitch. "No, I'm straight and feel a little traumatised over what just happened, but I'll call Micah back for round two if it will get you to fuck off or step into Destiny's line instead."

Dominic laughed. "As erotic as you and Micah kissing was, I think I want a turn at your lips."

I blushed, I actually fucking blushed!

"You have to be jokin' me, right?"

He shook his head.

"But… but… you hate me!" I spluttered.

Dominic smirked. "Be that as it may, I'm a brunette man."

"You told me you were a redhead man this week, Dominic. You said next week is blonde week and this week was redhead week, remember you said that?" Destiny's voice said from my left.

I gave Dominic a disgusted look, the prick actually sorted out which girls he would shag by hair colour and separated them into weeks. The bloody slut - wait, if he said he was a redhead man this week that meant I was off the hook for a kiss since I was a brunette. I swear I saw fireworks light up around me because of that.

"Oh, really? You can't break the rules Dominic. They are there for a reason so go over to Destiny, redhead of the week, for your kiss, please."

He growled at my happiness and quickly leaned into me with his lips puckered. I, however, turned my head so fast that his lips pressed against my cheek.

"Ha!" I laughed and snatched his two Euro from his hand. "That was your one kiss from me, bitch!"

He looked so mad when he pulled back from me and then even angrier when I did a little victory dance whilst sat down on my stool.

He dug out another two Euro from his pocket, and spat some curses and insults at me. He stepped over to Destiny, tossed the two Euro into her basket, and then grabbed her face and crashed his mouth down on hers.