Lorna, I’m sorry about that. Thank you for your love and constant encouragement.
Akhan, Gizem, in SIZO-1, Murmansk 198
Akhmatova, Anna 277, 278
Alexander (lawyer) 243, 263
Alexei (inmate) 101, 108, 109–10, 211
imprisonment of 110
Allakhverdov, Andrey, in SIZO-1, Murmansk 110–11, 125
Amnesty International, Litvinov Sr alerts 86
Anders, William 1
Andrews, Iris 136
Andropov, Yuri 95
Anton (inmate) 282, 295, 305, 310, 311, 317
‘always been Russian’ 176
calls for sanctuary status of 346–7
as planet’s air conditioner 131
Russian platform in, see Arctic 30 activists/crew; Prirazlomnaya platform
and Russian seabed flag 129, 170, 176
Arctic 30 activists/crew:
accused of being CIA 49
and Amnesty Bill 329–33
bail applications for 290–1, 296–300, 302–4, 305–11, 319; granted, see individual activists/crew
calls to Russian embassies for release of 134
campaign to free: apology statement drafted by 173–4; appeals launched by 155, 179–80; Christensen made leader of 51–2; and Christensen’s global sources 168; Emergency Day of Solidarity 134–5; further global action by 193, 296–7; Gazprom stations shut down by 139; global co-ordination by 136–7; global hubs of 135; London hub of 135–6; and UEFA Champions League game 137–9
charges against 204
eventual numbers calling for release of 346
families called from Arctic Sunrise by 53
hashtag devised for 50
initial interrogations of 57–8
Investigative Committee HQ arrival of 56
Investigative Committee tries to split 252
jail arrival of, Murmansk 68–9
jail arrival of, St Petersburg 276–7
jail sentences pronounced on 65–6
London homecoming of members of 335–6
Moscow march for release of 208
Murmansk arrival of 55–6
Nobel laureates’ plea for 199
piracy charges against 5, 58, 101, 109, 121, 147; hooliganism substituted for 204–6
post-release bonds among women of 323
post-release confinement of 328
Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights offers to act as guarantor for 263
at Prirazlomnaya protest 19–28
prison psychologist’s meeting with 119–20
prison transfer of 270–3, 275–6; prospect of 257–8, 260, 264, 267–9
Russian citizens complain about detention of 129
smuggled letters to and from 159–60
state broadcaster’s news reports on 110–11
supplies got to 162
thirtieth day of imprisonment of 193
Tutu’s letter concerning 198
see also Arctic Sunrise
Arctic Sunrise:
film footage of Russians’ raid on, see camera memory card, footage on
FSB’s drugs-find claim concerning 189–93
guns fired towards 25–6, 28–9
ITLOS orders release of 322
Prirazlomnaya hailed by 21
Prirazlomnaya platform observed by 11–12
RHIBs launched from 11–12
Russian occupation of 31–41
Russians’ aggressive radio messages to 14
Russians disable comms systems of 37
towing of, to Murmansk 41–7
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
Argus 342, 348
Artamov, Andrey 8
Auden, W.H. 93
Ayliffe, Ben 33, 136, 172, 186–7, 289, 302, 306