prison transfer of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 70–1, 78–9, 81–4, 116–17, 124–5; ‘curling tongs’ sent to 162, 163; Speziale’s tapping code with 84, 145, 204
in SIZO-5, St Petersburg 282–3, 299–300
SIZO-5, St Petersburg 285–6
strip-searched 70
tweet of 38–9
Willcox’s reunion with 319
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
Harris, Cliff 82, 183
Harris, Lin 82
Haussmann, David 65
Hewetson, Frank:
and Amnesty Bill 333
arrest of 8
bail granted to 311
and Cairn Energy 129
‘Colonel’ sobriquet of 13
diary entries of: post-release 328–9, 333, 335, 342–4; in SIZO-1, Murmansk 156–7, 159, 193, 194–5, 197, 202–3, 206–7, 251–2, 267; in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 281–2, 295, 305, 309–10, 311, 317
and father’s wartime experiences 196
grappling hook skewers 12–13
jail arrivals of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
jail sentence pronounced on 87
leaves Russia 335
memory stick hidden by 45
other activists blame 272–3, 275, 281–2, 328
panic attack suffered by 6, 149–54
piracy charge put to 120
plane’s take-off blocked by 12
post-release diary entries of 328–9, 333, 335, 342–4
post-release family reunion for 329
postponement of hearing concerning 67
power stations broken into by 12
Prirazlomnaya platform observed by 11–12
at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
prison transfer of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
release of, on bail 317–19
‘review’ of prison by 220–2
Russian commandos kick 33
and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 5–10, 100, 101–2, 109, 112–15, 119–23, 142, 147–50, 154, 219–20; and Arctic Sunrise film footage 262; diary entries of 156–7, 159, 193, 194–5, 197, 202–3, 206–7, 251–2, 267; Popov’s interview with 220–3
in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 280–2, 317–19; British consuls visit 292–3; diary entries of 281–2, 291, 295, 305, 309–10, 311, 317
Sunrise crew first met by 15–16
suspicious hotel man followed by 325–6
tuna protest of 13
US bans 12
and Valium 5, 6
wife’s letter to 147, 148–9
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
Hewetson, Joe 195, 206, 251, 329, 342, 343
Hewetson, Michael 195–7
Hewetson, Nell 195, 206, 311, 329, 342, 343
Hitler, Adolf, Molotov signs pact with 91
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) 244–5
Human Rights Watch, Litvinov Sr alerts 86
Hurricane (RHIB) 20, 23–4
in SIZO-1, St Petersburg, officials’ tour of 285–6
Independent on Sunday 221
International Herald Tribune 93, 256
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Kremlin contemptuous of 263–4
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) 155, 260–1, 263, 290, 322
ITLOS, see International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Ivan (inmate) 72–3, 74–5, 79, 269
Izvestia 255–7
Jensen, Anne Mie, release of, on bail 313–14
Kenyon, Laura 185, 191
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail 64, 176, 330, 345
King, Martin Luther 245–6
Kopelev, Lev 91–2, 93, 94, 97, 300
Korean War 244
Kresty jail, see SIZO-1, St Petersburg
Kulluk platform 132
Ladoga 11, 12, 20
Arctic Sunrise challenged by 21
Saarela and Weber detained on 26–7
shots fired by 25–6, 28–9
Larisa (lawyer) 178–9
Lawson, Dominic 273–4
Lenin, Vladimir 89
Lenin’s Tomb (Remnick) 96
Leonid (inmate) 75
Liddle, Rod 274
Litvinov, Anitta 97, 226, 300
Litvinov, Dimitri (Dima):
bail application of 320; granted 321
border guard’s exchange with 334
boss cell’s circular to 103–4
described 13
exile childhood of 96
father compares protests of, with own 344
father discovers fate of 86–7
fist of fear felt by 143
grandfather of, see Kopelev, Lev
great-grandfather of, see Litvinov, Maxim
homophobia fears of 54
initial interrogation of 57–9
jail arrivals of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
jail sentence pronounced on 87
Kresty governor’s gift to 321
leaves Russia 333–4
letter of, to son 300–1, 309
other activists blame 272–3, 281–2, 328
piracy charge put to 58–9
postponement of hearing concerning 67
previous arrests of 46, 274
Prirazlomnaya hailed by 21
prison transfer of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
release of, on bail 321–2
and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise
Siberia upbringing of 13
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 99–108, 109–10, 141, 143, 207–12, 252, 257–60; and discovered letters 225–8, 240–1; and FSB 207–11, 252–5; letters smuggled from 161; library discovered by 143; messages of 102; Popov’s interview with 232–41; and prison psychologist 227–8; and punishment cell 229–32; and radio report heard in cell 60–1; and smoking 211–12
in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 279–80, 287–8, 300–1, 309
smoking quit by 343
strip-searched and fingerprinted 60
US move of 97
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
Litvinov (née Low), Ivy 90
Litvinov, Lara 97
Litvinov, Lev 97, 230, 300–1
Litvinov, Maxim 89, 90–1
Litvinov (née Kopelev), Maya 93, 96
US move of 97
Litvinov, Pavel 85–7, 92–8, 320, 323–4, 344–5
and FSB’s drugs-find claim 192–3
Izvestia letter of 255–6
and KGB 93, 95, 96, 255–6
and son’s bail application 319–20
tried and convicted 95–6, 344
US move of 97
Lost Child of Philomena Lee, The (Sixsmith) 169
Lovell, Jim 1
McCarthy, Joe 244
McCartney, Paul 199–200
Maciel, Ana Paula 303–4
bail application of 305–6; granted 306
release of, on bail 312
Mafart, Lt Col. Alain 248
Mao Tse-tung 244
Marina (inmate) 283, 286
Mears, Ray 342
Medvedev, Dmitry 143
Men’s Journal 249
Menuhin, Yehudi 93
Mikhail Ulyanov 340–2, 347–8
Mitterrand, François 248
Molotov, Vyacheslav 91
Moore, Henry 93
Moruora 15
Murray, Rachel 136
Naidoo, Kumi 167, 322
and ‘Bagel’ meeting 173
offers to stand as security for Arctic 30 187–9
previous jailing of 188
and Prirazlomnaya platform 130