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"Look at that stud pound pussy!" one of the boys said in a voice full of awe and admiration. The other boy laughed wildly.

Denise sat back on her heels, watching the incredible sight at close range. The girl's pussy-lips were stretched to near tearing around the donkey's baseball-bat cock. As the huge cock fucked in and out, the girl's toes clawed the straw. Hot pussy juice continued to trickle down her legs.

"Uhhhh, uhhh, uhhhhh!" the girl groaned, squirming as if she were being tortured. As she gasped from the donkey's fuck-thrusts, she played with her own tits.

The two boys had stopped giggling. Their faces were red and they were massaging their big boy-cocks with pumping hands.

The girl jerked suddenly as if she'd been shot. Her eyes rolled back to white slits and she whined, her body shuddering. "I'm coming, ohhhhhh!"

She writhed, looking completely delirious, gasping repeatedly as the donkey cock fucked her spasming cunt. After several seconds, she fell forward and collapsed in the straw.

The donkey brayed, his cock banging up and down against his abdomen, fuck-lube and pussy juice dripping from it.

"You bitch!" one of the boys said, kicking at the girl. "You didn't give him a chance to come."

The other boy pushed at the girl with his bare foot. "Get back up and fuck him!"

"I can't," the girl said. "Leave me alone." Then she sighed, pillowing her head on the straw as if she were going to take a nap.

The boys nudged her with their feet, but she only sighed, ignoring them.

The donkey was getting more and more riled. He kept braying and snorting, thrusting at the air, shifting his hooves. His cock slapped his abdomen again and again.

"You fuck him!" one of the boys said to Denise.

"I-I can't," Denise said, suddenly feeling very weak, almost sick.

"It's…it's too big."

"If she can fuck it, you can fuck it," the boy said, moving toward her.

"A girl's cunt is like rubber-it'll stretch big enough to take an elephant's cock if it has to." He pulled Denise by the hand. "Get up and bend over. You'll love it, just like she did."

The donkey's cock banged Denise as she was pulled to her feet. His prick was so hot, so hard. She feared his cock, and yet it excited her.

"Bend over," the boy said. "Turn up your ass and show me your cunt.

Wow!" The boy, kneeling now, reached up as Denise bent over, and he slipped a few fingers inside her cunt. "Juicy bitch! Oh, wow!"

Denise's heart pounded. She pressed her back to the heaving abdomen of the restless, lusting donkey. It seemed that the more scared she felt, the more excited she became. The hot juice was dribbling from her pussy and down her legs, and the boy started licking it up.

"Christ, don't eat her now!" the other boy said. "Slide that donkey prick in her before he shoots all over her ass."

"Spread your flaps," the kneeling boy said shakily. "Open up that hot fuckhole."

Shivering, whimpering with terror and terrible excitement, Denise reached behind herself and tugged open her cunt-flaps. The hot juice ran out of her pussy like water.

The boy lifted the donkey's bucking cock into position and the beast fucked it up Denise's cunt.

She thought that long cock was going to come out her mouth. She thought her loins had exploded. She whined, writhing and gasping, out of her mind with frantic shock. It was as if an arm had been rammed up her pussy. She was sure that at least a foot of donkey-cock had been rammed up her cunt. What was surprising was that she felt little pain. The stretch made her mouth gape and her body tense, but the unbearable pain she'd expected to feel wasn't there.

"Oh, wow!" the kneeling boy said. "Sexy! Fuck that cunt, you dumb old animal!"

"Come here and help me hold him," the other boy said, struggling with the donkey as it fucked its cock in and out. "He wants to rear. I can't hold him alone."

The other boy jumped up to hold the snorting animal's head. Denise saw the two huge boy-cocks jutting up at her, saw grubby hands pumping them. The sight of the two boys jacking off fed her lust. As the donkey-cock fucked in and out of her, she gritted her teeth and rotated her ass.

"Ohhhhhhh!" she moaned, her entire body prickling with fuck-tension.

The feeling was driving her out of her mind.

"Fuck that cock, you hot girl," muttered one of the boys.

"How's it feel?" said the other boy. "Bet it feels real good, don't it?"

Denise realized that tears were running down her burning cheeks. She was so hot that she was melting. She rubbed her back against the animal's furry belly, gasping as he rammed his giant fucker into her again and again. Her loins were going to burst from the tension. The fuck-feeling saturated not only her loins, but her legs, her belly, her tits-even her fingertips.

"Fuck meeeee!" she whined. "Ohhhh, fuck meeeee!"

"Goddamn!" the boys said in unison, breathing heavily as they tried to hold the donkey down and simultaneously pounded their lube-bubbling cock.

Denise swore that the cocks of the two boys had grown inches longer, inches thicker-that they were starting to resemble donkey-cocks.

The donkey brayed repeatedly, thrusting with a quick rhythm, fucking Denise's cunt as if it were the cunt of a female donkey. Denise knew that she was going to lose her mind if this went on much longer. Her nipples and toes tingled as if they were being stabbed with millions of microscopic needles. She was going to come any time now.

The cocks of the two boys were so stiff that their cock skin had pulled back tautly. Their purple prickheads looked as if they would pop off their cockshafts at any moment. Their pissholes looked big enough to insert fingertips in. Denise wanted their cum.

She reached out, grabbing the cockhead of one of the farm boys. "Let me suck it! Oh God, please let me!"

"Shit!" The boy stepped forward, and he rammed his cock into Denise's mouth. The moment she tasted his sweaty prick-knob, his cum exploded against her tonsils. "Awwww shit!"

Denise sucked in a frenzy, glugging down the boy's thick hot cum, munching on his prickhead and swallowing as much of his prickshaft as she could. His cum streamed down her gullet as his prick quivered and contracted in her mouth.

"Hold this fucking donkey!" the other boy gasped. "Come on, damn it!"

The spent boy staggered back to grab the head of the lust-incensed donkey. The other boy lunged forward, ramming his cock at Denise's mouth just as it erupted its molten fuck-cream.

"Ahhhhhhh!" the coming boy moaned, jerking himself off into Denise's mouth. "Eat it!"

Denise cooed, slurping and sucking, munching prickhead and swallowing salty cock cream. He came too fast for her to swallow all his jism, and much of it ran down over his knuckles. Before he could step back to assist his companion in holding the frenzied donkey, Denise managed to suck the thick cream off his dirty knuckles.

The donkey exploded into her pussy. It was like taking a load of buckshot up her cunt. The donkey-cum gushed into her like lava exploding from a volcano. She cried out in shock, then shuddered from head to toe as her loins went into spasms.

The boys were muttering excitedly as they tried to hold the thrusting donkey, who kept trying to rear up as he pumped out his cum-load. The beast brayed with each explosion of his cum, thrusting fiercely, fucking his spurting prick deep into Denise's clutching cunt. The wild cries of the donkey expressed her own feelings perfectly. Her toes clawed at the concrete underneath the straw as her entire body shook with spasms of pure pleasure-pleasure so intense that it verged on pain.

"Fuck meeeee!" Denise whined, jerking with spasms, gasping as the donkey-cum burst into her. "Ohhhh, fuck meeeee!" She felt completely delirious, completely out of her mind.

She fell away from the donkey at last, collapsing on top of the naked girl in the straw before her. She could feel her cunt gaping wide open for several seconds before it began to close up. The girl under her uttered a few cuss words, but didn't try to push Denise off. So Denise lay on top of her, trying to catch her breath, trying to get back her senses.