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Peggy gave her a cold look. "I've got money, I just don't have time.

I've got business to take care of. That big boar of a bus driver didn't let Romeo aboard for free. I had to bribe the old goat, and now I've gotta pay off on that bribe."

Denise still didn't understand.

The fat bus driver stepped back into the bus, glanced up the aisle, giving Peggy a lecherous once-over, then plopped down into his seat with a grunt and sealed shut the bus door. A few moments later, he was driving them away.

They didn't go to any gas station. Instead, the driver took them to a wooded park at the edge of town and pulled the bus onto a secluded road among the trees. He glanced toward the back of the bus as he shut off the motor.

"Come on, farm-girl, let's you and me take a little walk."

Peggy slipped the leash back on her dog.

"Uh-uh, girl," said the driver. "The mutt stays aboard. Your girlfriend there can take care of him."

Denise suddenly found herself holding the leash as Peggy shoved it into her hand.

"Take good care of him," Peggy said. "I won't be long." She turned away and wiggled down the aisle, leaving the scent of hot cunt behind her.

The driver put his fat arm around Peggy's back and escorted her off the bus. Denise watched through the window as the two of them disappeared into the trees. The bus driver was shoving his hand down into Peggy's shorts and feeling her bare ass.

Denise didn't have time to fret about what was going on between Peggy and the bus driver, because the moment they passed out of sight, Romeo started whimpering and straining at his leash. Denise tried to hold him back, but he just about pulled her out of the seat.

He must want to piss bad, Denise decided, so she got up and had to trot down the aisle after him to keep from being dragged.

Off the bus, Denise winced as she made her way over the ground, bruising her bare feet on hidden pebbles in the grass. She yanked hard on the dog's leash a few times to force him to slow down. He lifted his hind leg at the first tree he came to and let loose a hot yellow stream of piss. He sniffed around, pissed on another tree, sniffed some more, pissed again, then began dragging Denise into the bushes.

"Come on," she said, trying to sound forceful. "Back to the bus. Come on!"

The dog wouldn't obey. He dragged her deeper into the trees and bushes.

Denise was about to let go of the leash when she and the dog burst into a clearing. The dog started growling.

"Jesus Christ!" snapped the bus driver. He stood there with his pants down around his ankles, his big stiff cock stuffed into Peggy's mouth as she kneeled in front of him without a stitch on.

Peggy choked on the man's cock, then jerked her head back, letting his cock go. "Romeo, stay!" she shouted, spit leaking down her chin. "Now sit!"

The dog growled, then whimpered and sat down.

"I'm sorry," Denise said, never so embarrassed in her life. "He dragged me out here. I couldn't hold him."

"Sure you couldn't," Peggy said sarcastically.

"Quit jawing and start sucking," the bus driver said.

Peggy waved his cock in the air and lapped at it as if it were an ice cream cone, her pink tongue licking around and around the shiny purple head of his prick.

The man moaned, closing his eyes. "Yeah, lick that thing!"

Peggy worked the skin up and down on the man's cock, slipped the foreskin up and down over the cock-knob. "Look at this," she said, glancing at Denise. "Uncut. You don't see many of these around. Sexy, ain't it, the way the skin slips up and down."

Denise had never seen anything like it. She'd heard Tim and his friends talk about certain boys being uncut and wondering if it felt any different to have an uncut cock, but she'd never quite known what they were talking about. She knew that uncut meant uncircumcised, but she wasn't quite sure what uncircumcised meant either. The boys always talked about the extra skin. Well, that bus driver certainly had extra skin on his cock, enough to slide up almost over the big round cockknob. Denise dropped the dog's leash and wandered closer, intrigued.

The bus driver grinned wickedly. "So, you'd like to get in on the action, too. Never knew a farm girl yet who was shy about sex. Take off your clothes, girl. Let's see that sexy little body of yours."

Denise froze. She wanted to turn and run, but she didn't have the strength. What had she gotten herself into?

"Come on, girl, I wanna see your tits." The bus driver looked her up and down. "Sexy bitch. Christ, take your clothes off before I rip 'em off you." His arm shoot out and the tips of his fingers hooked the neck of Denise's blouse.

"Don't tear my clothes," Denise squeaked. Her finger fumbled with the buttons of her blouse.

The bus driver grinned, letting go. "That's it, strip 'em all off, you gorgeous little cunt. Shit, the guys will never believe this. Two girls together, naked and on their knees, worshipping my old dog. Two farm girls yet. Shit!"

Denise dropped the blouse, feeling herself blush.

"Take the jeans off next," the driver said. "Oh fuck, look at them smooth young legs. Shit! Yeah, mighty pretty!"

"Please," Denise squeaked, trembling all over, wearing nothing now but her panties and bra.

"Mmm, mmm!" Peggy sounded as if she were cooing as she munched on the man's big cock. She kept sucking on the cockhead, kept wiggling her tongue up under the foreskin.

The bus driver pushed her head away. "Slow down, bitch. You're gonna make me blow before I want to. You and your girlfriend here are gonna have to share the cream. I only got time to feed you one round." He looked back at Denise, licking his lips as if he wanted to devour her.

"All right now, first the bra, then the panties. Come on, bitch, strip!"

Denise closed her eyes, her hands shaking as she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. She got the snap open and lowered her arms.

The bra slid off her tits, drifting to the ground.

"Christ, ain't they sexy!" The man smacked his lips. "Bigger than I thought, and they tilt up so nice with those big pink cherries. Now let's see your cunt and ass."

Denise's heart was pounding. Her throat was so dry she could hardly swallow. As she leaned over, her tits dangling as she slid her panties down her legs, she felt a powerful throbbing in her cunt, as if her heart had slipped down between her legs. As she stepped out of the panties, she smelled her own cunt and realized she was dripping between the legs, that the inner sides of her thighs were slippery as if with hot melted butter.

"Straighten up," the driver said. "Oh yeah! Fuck yes! Now turn around and show me your ass. That's it. Now bend over a little and shove your butt up in the air. Oh Christ, now wiggle it."

Denise felt absolutely wretched. She also felt absolutely wicked, dirty. She realized that she could run away if she really had to, that there was nothing keeping her here except her own weakness-and maybe her own lust.

"Goddamn, I've gotta taste that ass, sweet stuff." He pushed Peggy away and fell to his hands and knees.

Run now! A voice in Denise's mind screamed. Run!

The man's sweaty hands clamped around Denise's hips. He spread her asscheeks and started to lick between them.

Denise found herself panting. She gasped as the man licked up and down her ass-crack as if she had honey trickling down it.

"Shit, what a tasty little bitch!" the driver mumbled. He chewed on her asscheeks as if he wanted to devour them. "Down on your hands and knees. I wanna do your cunt, too."

Denise dropped down. She felt her tits hanging heavily as they swelled.

Her pussy-lips felt like inflated balloons, tight with hot blood and fuck-tension. She turned her ass up, shoving her cunt in the man's face. The pussy juice dribbled down her legs. Suddenly, she was so excited she could hardly breath.

"Mmm, what a pussy," the man growled, his teeth gnawing on her cunt slabs, tugging on her silky cunt hairs. "Beautiful!" He forced the hairy pussy flaps apart, opening her cunt up. "Mmmmmmm!" His lips mashed to her open fuckhole and he sucked, eating her hot cuntmeat, eating her pussy juices.