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Weber, David C. “The Foreign Newspaper Microfilm Project, 1938–1955.” Harvard Library Bulletin (spring 1956). In Veaner, Studies in Micropublishing, 1976.

Weeks, Linton. “Brave New Library.” The Washington Post Magazine, May 26, 1991.

—. “In a Stack of Troubles: The Librarian of Congress Has Raised Funds. And His Voice. And a Lot of Eyebrows.” The Washington Post, December 27, 1995, p. F1, Nexis.

Welsh, William J. “Can Bill Welsh Conquer Time and Space for Libraries?” Interview with Arthur Plotnik. American Libraries 15:11 (December 1984).

—. “The Library of Congress: A More-Than-Equal Partner.” Library Resources and Technical Services 29:1 (January/March 1985).

—. “The Preservation Challenge.” In Merrill-Oldham and Smith, Library Preservation Program, 1985.

—. “In Defense of DEZ: LC’s Perspective.” Library Journal, January 1987.

—. “Libraries and Librarians: Opportunities and Challenges,” paper presented at the seventh international seminar, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Library Center, Kanazawa, Japan, 1989. In Welsh, Research Libraries — Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, 1993.

Welsh, William J., ed. Research Libraries — Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993.

White, Linda J. Packaging the American Word: A Survey of Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century American Publishers’ Bindings in the General Collections of the Library of Congress. Library of Congress Preservation Directorate, 1997. No longer available on the Library of Congress’s website (or anywhere else); formerly at lcweb.loc.gov/preserv/survey.

Wiederkehr, Robert R. V. The Design and Analysis of a Sample Survey of the Condition of Books in the Library of Congress. Rockville, Md.: King Research, 1984.

Williams, Gordon. The Preservation of Deteriorating Books: An Examination of the Problem with Recommendations for a Solution. Report of the ARL Committee on the Preservation of Research Library Materials, September 1964.

—. “The Preservation of Deteriorating Books.” Library Journal, January 1, 1966.

Williams, John C., and George B. Kelly, Jr. “Method of Deacidifying Paper.” U.S. patent nos. 3,969,549 (July 13, 1976) and 4,051,276 (September 27, 1977).

Williams, Richard L. “The Library of Congress Can’t Hold All of Man’s Knowledge — But It Tries, As It Acquires a New $160-Million Annex.” Smithsonian 11:1 (April 1980).

Wilson, William K., and E. J. Parks. “An Analysis of the Aging of Paper.” Restaurator 3 (1979).

—. “Comparison of Accelerated Aging of Book Papers in 1937 with 36 Years Natural Aging.” Restaurator 4 (1980).

—. “Historical Survey of Research at the National Bureau of Standards on Materials for Archival Records.” Restaurator 5 (1983).

Winks, Robin W. Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939–1961. 2d ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987.

Wise, David, and Thomas B. Ross. The Espionage Establishment. New York: Bantam, 1967.

Woodsworth, Anne, and Barbara von Wahlde, eds. Leadership for Research Libraries: A Festschrift for Robert M. Hayes. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1988.

Wright, Susan. Preventing a Biological Arms Race. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990.

Yagoda, Ben. About Town: The New Yorker and the World It Made. New York: Scribner, 2000.

Yerburgh, Mark R., and Rhoda Yerburgh. “Where Have All the Ultras Gone? The Rise and Demise of the Ultrafiche Library Collection, 1968–1973.” Microfilm Review 13 (fall 1984).

Zinman, Michael. It Became Necessary to Destroy the Town in Order to Save It. Privately printed, December 1997. Poster.


*The following items may be used as a guide to search for information in this ebook

Abbey Newsletter

Abbey pH pens


accelerated aging, see paper: accelerated-aging test of

access, definition of

acidity of paper

Adams, Henry

Adelstein, Peter

Adkinson, Burton W.

Adobe Software

Advanced Information Systems

Adventures of Big-Foot Wallace, the Texas Ranger and Hunter, The (Duval)

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

AEC, see Atomic Energy Commission


Air Force

Akzo Chemical

Alaska Daily Empire

Albany Argus

Albany Journal

Albro, Thomas


alkalinity of paper

Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory

Allegheny College

America As I Found It (Duncan)

American Antiquarian Society

American Council on Education

American Film Foundation

American Hebrew

American Heritage Dictionary

American Institute

American Journalism Historians Association

American Library Association

Library Technology Project of

American Mission in the Sandwich Islands, The (Cheever)

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

American Newspaper Repository

American Newspapers 1821–1936 (Gregory)

American Philosophical Association

American Research Bureau

American Scientist

American Society for Testing and Materials

American Theological Libraries

“Analysis of the Magnitude, Costs, and Benefits of the Preservation of Research Library Books” (Hayes)

And Master of None (Rider)

Andrews, Jane

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Angle, Paul M.

ANSI, see American National Standards Institute

Apple, Nick


Applied Mathematics Panel

Apte, Anand


Archeological Review

Archives of Ontario

“Are Our Banks Betraying Us?” (Rider)

Are the Dead Alive? (Rider)

“Are Your Microfilms Deteriorating Acceptably?” (Clapp)



Army of the Potomac, The (McClellan)


Arrhenius equation

Art History SAC


books as

newspapers as

artificial aging, see paper: accelerated-aging test of

Ashworth, John

Asphalt Jungle

Association of Research Libraries

annual preservation statistics of

ASTM Standards

Atlantic Monthly

Atlantic Research Corporation

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

Auger, C. P.

Austrian National Library

Automation and the Library of Congress (King Report)

AVCO Corporation

Avram, Henriette

Babb, James T.

Baker, John P.

Ballard, Diane

Banik, Gerhard