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Bansa, Helmut

Barker, Nicolas

Barnes and Noble

Barrow, Bernard

Barrow, William James

deacidification process of

fold tests of

lamination process of

Barrow Corporation

Barrow Research Laboratory

Barton, E. H.

Bastian, G. C.

Battin, Patricia

at Columbia University

at Commission on Preservation and Access

on microfilm

preservation crisis as viewed by

Baylor University, Armstrong Browning collection at

Beach, Alfred

Beach, Moses

Becker, Joseph

Belasco, David

Bell and Howell Information and Learning

see also

University Microfilms


Bell Labs

Belzoni, Giovanni

Benchley, Robert

Bennett, James Gordon

Bennett, William

Bentley, Richard

Berkeley, University of California at

in Digital Library Initiative

double-fold tests at

microfilm program of

Berry, Nicholas

Bhabha Atomic Research Center


Biblioteca Nazionale (Florence)

Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec (BNQ)

Biggar, Joanna

Bigmore, E. C.

Billington, James

CIA and


of books

of journals

in newspaper preservation


see also


Binkley, Robert C.

Bishop, William Warner

Blackbeard, Bill

Blair, John

Blair, Tony

Blixrud, Julia C.

Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia (Prime)

Book Collector

book cradles

Bookkeeper system




allegedly crumbling into dust;

see also


dealers in


effects of humidity on

microfilm replacement of

repairing of

value of

see also specific topics

Boomgaarden, Wesley

Boorstin, Daniel

Booz, Allen and Hamilton

Borio, Gene

Bosse, David

Boston Dielli

Boston Investigator

Boston Public Library

Boswell, James

Boucher, Victoria

Bourke, Thomas A.

Bowdoin College

Bowen, William G.

boxes, protective

Boyd-Alkalay, Esther

Brandon, Henry

Brechin, Gray

Brentano, Robert

Brier, Bob

“Bright Eyes” (Susette La Flesche Tibbles)

British Californian

British Library

David and Mary Eccles Centre for American Studies at

newspapers deaccessioned by

Brittle Books (Haas)

Brittle Books congressional hearing

Brittle Books Program

Brittle Books Programs (Merrill-Oldham and Walker)


of books

of newspapers

questionable crisis of

tests for,


double-fold test; fold testing

Brookhaven nuclear laboratory

Brooklyn Eagle

Brothers of the Christian Schools

Broun, Heywood

Browder, Earl

Browne, Malcolm

Browning, B. L.

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

Browning, Robert

Brown University

Bruccoli, Matthew J.

Buchanan, Sarah

Buckland, Lawrence F.

Buckland, Michael

Bulletin (New York Public Library)

Bunch, R. E.

Burke, Colin

Bush, Vannevar

Butler, John Marshall

Butterfield, Lyman

Cady, Susan A.

California, University of

Task Force on Collection Management Strategies in the Digital Environment at

see also

Berkeley, University of California at; Irvine, University of California at; Los Angeles, University of California at

California State Library

Cambridge University

Campbell, John

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Canadian Conservation Institute

Cannon, Harold

card catalogs, electronic databases vs.

Carlyle, Thomas

Carmichael, Leonard

Carnegie, Andrew

Caro, Robert

Carson, Arthur

Carson Laboratories

Cartoon Research Library

Case, Charles Z.

Castro, Fidel

Caswell, Lucy Shelton

Catholic University of America

Caulfield, D. F.


Cause and Prevention of Yellow Fever (Barton)

Causes and Cures of Crime (Mosby)


Celluloid Corporation

cellulose acetate

Center for Research Libraries

Central Intelligence Agency, see CIA



Cheever, Henry

Cheney, Lynne

Cheshire, Marc

Chicago, University of

microfilm program of

Chicago Graphic

Chicago Historical Society

Chicago Katolik

Chicago Post

Chicago Public Library

Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune Company

Child, Margaret S.

Chosen Kobunka Sokan (Umehara)

Christian Science Monitor

Chronicle Publishing Company

Chronology of the Origin and Progress of Paper and Paper-Making (Munsell)

Church, Randolph W.

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

Billington and

Clapp and

Project Artichoke of

Research Board of

Cincinnati Enquirer

Citizen Kane

Civil War, U.S.

Clapp, Verner W.

Barrow’s relationship with

CIA and

at Council on Library Resources

fold testing promoted by

on lamination

and Library of Congress

microfilm advocated by

Clark, John D.


Cleveland Public Library

Clinton, William Jefferson

Cold War

Coleman, Sandra

Coles, James S.

College and Research Libraries

College Art Association

Columbia University