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Morse, Samuel F. B.

Mosby, Thomas

Moses, Robert

Motion Picture Daily

Mumford, Quincy

mummies, paper from

Munsell, Joel

Murray, John

Murrow, Edward R.

“Must the Library of Congress Destroy Books to Save Them?” (Biggar)

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)


incident and

diethyl-zinc testing and

Nast, Thomas

National Archives

lamination program of

National Bureau of Standards

National Cash Register

National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

in Digital Library Initiative

Division of Preservation and Access of

Medieval Institute Microfilming Project of

microfilming funded by;

see also

Brittle Books Program; U.S. Newspaper Program

Office of Preservation at

preservation grants of

Slow Fires


National Formulary of Unofficial Preparations, The

National Historical Preservation Act of 1966

National Humanities Alliance

National Library of Scotland

National Medal for the Humanities

National Microfilm Association

National Preservation Office (Great Britain)

National Preservation Program Office

National Register of Historic Sites

National Science Foundation

National Security Agency (NSA)

National Trust for Historic Preservation

National Union Catalog

Nature of Things

Naval Academy

Navy, U.S.

NEDCC, see Northeast Document Conservation Center

NEH, see National Endowment for the Humanities

Nehf, Henry

Neilsen Bainbridge

Nelson, W. Dale

New Hampshire State Library

New Orleans Times-Picayune


as artifacts

color in

dealers in

discarding of;

see also specific institutions

illustrations in

microfilm replacement of

see also specific topics

Newspapers in Microfilm

Newspapers in Microform

newsprint, see wood-pulp paper

Newton, Isaac

New York American

New Yorker, The

New York Forward

New York Herald

New York Herald Tribune

New-York Historical Society

New York Post

New York Public Library (NYPL)

conservation department of

lamination program of

microfilm program of

newspapers discarded by

preservation office of

“semi-rare” books at

New York State Education Department

New York State Library

New York Sun

New York Times, The

New York Times Book Review, The,

New York Tribune

New York Vienybe Lietuvninku

New York World

New York World’s Fair (1964)

New York World-Telegram

Nickerson, Matthew

Niles, Ann

“19th and 20th Century U.S. Newspapers in Original Format: Inventory of Volumes Held in Remote Storage” (Library of Congress)

Nixon, Richard M.

Nixon’s Vietnam War (Kimball)

Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

“School for Scanning” of

Northrup Services

Northwestern University

Notre Dame University

Noyes, Nicholas

NSA, see National Security Agency

Nuclear Science Abstracts


Nyren, Karl

Oates, Joyce Carol

O’Brien, Frank M.


O’Connor, Michael

OCR, see optical character recognition

Octavo Corporation

Office of Censorship

Office of Naval Research

Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

O’Hara, John

Ohio Historical Society

Ohio State University

Cartoon Research Library at

double-fold tests at

Okamoto, Yoichi R.

Okerson, Ann

Old World Wisconsin

Oliphant, Margaret

Olszewski, Ann

“On a Supply of Paper Material from the Mummy Pits of Egypt” (Deck)


Onondaga Historical Association

Operations Research (OR)

Operations Research Society of America

optical character recognition (OCR)

optical disks

Oregon, University of

OSS, see Office of Strategic Services

Ottemiller, John H.

Overhage, Carl F. J.

oversewn bindings

“Oversight Hearing on the Problem of ‘Brittle Books’ in Our Nation’s Libraries”

Pagenstecher brothers

Palmer, Gretta

Panama City Star and Herald


accelerated-aging test of

acidity in


from esparto grass

from mummies

natural-aging experiments on

pH of



return to acid-free

sizing of

temperature and

“turning to dust,”





wood-pulp paper

Papermaking (Hunter)

Parisi, Paul

Parks, E. J.

Parsonage, J. S.

PAs, see preservation administrators

Patel, Divyakant


Paul, Dorothy


Peaks and Glaciers of Nun Kun (Workman)

Penn, William

Pennsylvania, University of

Pennsylvania State Archives

Pennsylvania State University


Personius, Lynne K.

Petroski, Henry

Pew Charitable Trust

pH of paper

Philadelphia Daily Evening Register

Philadelphia Inquirer, The

Philadelphia Public Ledger

Philip Morris

photocopying, preservation

Pierce, John R.

Planning Research Corporation

Plotnik, Arthur

Ploughed Under; the Story of an Indian Chief