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Her insolence maddened him so completely he could not form a coherent thought. He looked at his hands and then at her and said from between clenched teeth, “You will honor my victory over my enemy by cleansing this tainted blood from my body.”

Her lips thinned into a grim line, but she said nothing as he hauled her into the bathroom. He waited, impatience pounding inside him, as she turned reluctantly to the sink. Her movements stiff and jerky, she dampened a cloth and waited for him to move nearer. He saw her breath catch as he did so. Was true fear for her life only now sinking in?

A definite tremble in her touch, she smoothed the cloth over his flesh, slowly but surely cleansing away the blood and, at the same time, somehow converting his fury to something hot and wild, sending it pulsing through his veins, only to reignite the heat still smoldering in his loins.

Over and over she rinsed the delicate white cloth and moved it across his skin, her fingers kneading, gliding, until he was rigid with need. The pulse at the base of her throat fluttered frantically, whether from fear or her own desire, he could not say. Michal only knew that he could not bear her touch a moment longer.

“Enough.” He flung her hand away when she reached for him once more. If she touched him again…

Glaring at him as if she wished the blood had come from his body, she threw the soiled cloth into the sink but said nothing.

Michal closed his eyes and took in a long, deep breath. He brutally squashed the softer emotions that tried to surface. Those feelings had no place in his life now. He set his jaw hard against them. This was his life now. Even if this mission ended today, he wasn’t sure he could ever go back to being the man he once was. That man was gone. Lost to the unfeeling monster he had become.

She had been right when she’d called him a monster.

He was that and worse.

“Are you finished with me now?”

Rage renewed inside him ending his moment of self-deprecating reverie. She stood right in front of him, arms folded over her breasts, staring directly at him with utter disgust.

“There is nothing else I will ever need from you.” He hurled the words at her, making her flinch, but to his surprise, she quickly recovered.

“Then why don’t you let me go?” she challenged.

He could almost believe the bravado and arrogance she flaunted, but then he saw a flicker of the truth. She was playing him…trying to trip him up. The momentary glint of fear in those blue eyes gave away her true self.

She was still afraid of him. Didn’t trust him. Didn’t remember him…

“Answer me, dammit,” she demanded sharply, a definite quiver in her voice now. She knew he’d seen the truth and her frustration made her weak. “Why don’t you let me go?”

“Because I cannot bring myself to let you go.”

Her heart slamming mercilessly against her rib cage, Ami saw the truth of his statement in his eyes a fraction of a second before he moved. Those strong arms snaked out and hauled her up against him, pressing her breasts against the solid wall of his chest, rendering any thoughts of escape futile.

“Is that what you wanted to hear?” he growled savagely. “That I cannot bear to exact the revenge you deserve?” The troubling emotions straining his voice swirled and darkened in his deep brown eyes. “That killing you would be like cutting out my own heart-the heart that I had thought dead these two long years?”

Her brain told her to push him away…not to believe the need-filled words he spoke, but her heart wouldn’t let her. “Yes,” she whispered instinctively. Some part of her that she either didn’t understand or didn’t remember wanted to hear exactly that.

His mouth claimed hers before she could take back the solitary word that revealed far too much of the confusion and fear twisting inside her. His kiss was hard and punishing and at the same time incredibly needy. She flattened her palms against his chest to push him away, at that same instant she felt him tremble. Just once. And her internal battle was lost.

She surrendered to the desperate words he’d said…to the heat of his skin…the feel of his muscular body as he held her closer, tighter in those powerful arms. The last gauzy-thin resistance faded as he deepened the kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth, seeking, teasing, needing. Unable to restrain her own need, her arms went around his neck, pulling him nearer, allowing her the added pleasure of aligning intimately against him. His savage groan sent heat searing through her veins.

He lifted her against him and carried her to the bed. It was too late to resist…too late for her and too late for him. No matter what he’d done or who he was, she needed him right now. Needed him in ways she couldn’t explain…needed him to help her forget for just one moment…

His fingers fumbled with the buttons to her blouse, his knuckles scraping her pearled nipples through the thin fabric. Impatient to feel more of his touch, she pushed his hands away and ripped the blouse from her body, bearing her upper torso to him. For a long while he only stood there, staring at her breasts, as if making up for lost time. Then he dropped to his knees and patiently tugged off her jeans, her panties, his eyes devouring every inch he bared.

He kissed her slowly, fully, moving over her thighs, across her abdomen and up her rib cage. He lowered her onto the bed and continued his erotic journey until his mouth covered one aching breast. Her body arched like a bow and she cried out before she could stop herself. She writhed in pleasured agony as he sucked deeply from first one breast and then the other. When she was certain she would simply die of it, he moved on, feathering kisses along her throat, over her chin, until he possessed her mouth once more.

His kiss was slow and deep, tender with a barely restrained ferocity. He dragged out the kiss, laving her with his full attention and a seemingly endless patience when she wanted nothing more than for him to finish this. To fill her with the hard length she felt pressing against her. He moved between her thighs, cradling himself there so intimately she would have screamed with the unparalleled ecstasy of it had his mouth not been fully sealed over hers. He pumped his hips slowly, erotically, sliding his pulsing length along her throbbing feminine channel. She locked her legs around his, urging him to fill her…to bring her the completion her body sought.

“I can’t lose you again,” he murmured against her lips, his gaze seeking and finding hers.

His tender words wound around her heart and tightened like a vise while the insistent nudge of his sex as he positioned for entry sent the tension in her body soaring. She lifted her hips instinctively and whimpered with need when he held back.

His fingers threaded into her hair and twisted to the point of pain at the same instant fury flashed in the dark depths of his eyes. Her body humming with desire, on the very brink of climax, the intensity of the rage suddenly glaring down at her caused her thundering heart to shudder to a near stop.

“But if you betray me again, I will kill you.”

He plunged fully inside her, bringing her to an instantaneous orgasm and obliterating all other thought.


MICHAL SAT QUIETLY as the sun rose, spilling light through the windows behind him. He watched Amira sleep as he had done every night since bringing her to his secret estate just over one week ago. He would sleep a few minutes here and there as necessary, however the slightest shift in her position or change in the pattern of her breathing and he awoke instantly.