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“Interesting. We’re going spelunking in the morning, if you’d care to join us.”

“That’s the darkness and bat-shit thing, isn’t it.”

“Oh, . ”

“ You’re going to actually need my help?”

“I think so.”

“Well, all right then. How about you pick me up?”


“Who buys breakfast?”

“The county will, sir.”

“Fat chance. I know how this is going to go-about twelve hours out there in the sun without food. I’ll buy.”

By the time she reached home that night, Irma Sedillos had gone home, Teresa and the two boys were in bed, and her husband was engrossed in his office, the light from the computer screen casting weird shadows down the hallway.

She settled in the large leather chair, and waited until the physician had finished whatever thoughts were driving his fingers as they flashed over the keyboard.

“How’s it coming?” she asked as he swiveled his chair around.

“Like crazy,” Francis said. “You look absolutely beat.”

“I am.” She leaned forward with her elbows on her knees, then reached out and circled his legs with one arm as he walked around her chair, bending down to sink powerful fingers into the muscles of her neck and shoulders.

“You’re one big bunch of knots,” he whispered, working down the kinks. “I stopped by to talk with George and Tata for a few minutes. They’ve got a flood of relatives and friends at the house.”

“I saw the traffic when I drove up.” She sat bolt upright, eyes closed, as his fingers drove down her flanks, following the tension down to her beltline. “I spent the evening with Casey Prescott, out at the cave where they found the cat.”

“How’s she taking all this?”

“Well, she’s struggling with it.”

Her husband shifted both hands and worked on her right side, and she leaned against him. “Why did you need to do that?” he asked.

“The cave? It turns out,” and she shifted her weight as he did, “that Freddy lied about where he found the cat skeleton.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No. It’s actually a spot over behind Herb Torrance’s place, at the north end of the canyon. When we found Freddy, there was a handgun in the carrier of his four-wheeler. There’s every reason to think it came from the cave as well.”

Francis paused, and his hands moved up and encircled Estelle’s skull. “Now that’s bizarre.”

“It is. And I have a feeling that things are going to get más bizarro before we’re through with all this. There’s evidence that someone took a shot at Freddy shortly before his crash.” His hands hesitated at that, and then she groaned as he worked his thumbs in unison up the sides of her neck and over the dome of her skull. His silence was question enough. “We’re not sure how that might have happened.”

“I talked with Alan,” he said. “He has the autopsy scheduled for tomorrow. He didn’t seem to think there would be any surprises. But you said someone shot at him. They didn’t hit their mark.”

Nos vemos.”

“The shot caused the crash, you think?”

“I just don’t know. I can’t imagine any other way.” She reached up and took one of his hands in hers. “But I can’t imagine that, either.” It seemed an enormous effort to pry herself out of the chair. “Let me shed some hardware.”

She unclipped the holstered pistol from her belt, along with the two-way radio, cuffs, and the leather badge holder and stashed them on an upper shelf beside the door. “What’s the update on Butch? Do they know anything yet?”

“I talked with Dr. Berryman on the phone at some length this afternoon. The boy is responding to treatment as best as can be expected. They’re in uncharted waters with this, I think.” He hunched his shoulders, a habitual expression of I don’t know that Estelle often saw mirrored by their oldest son, Francisco.

“Your mother asked me tonight if you’d made up your mind about Leister,” he added.

Ay, ” she moaned. One of the brochures about Leister Musical Conservatory had been near at hand for a week now. She’d probed the school’s background and reputation, talked with professors, students, and graduates…a check as thorough as if national security was involved.

The campus in Philadelphia was picturesque, the stone, ivied buildings surrounding a verdant quadrangle crisscrossed with cobblestone walkways, a scene that could have been shot at any number of eastern campuses. Her son had surprised her by discovering Leister on the internet after a recommendation from the itinerant elementary school music teacher-a woman Francisco didn’t particularly like, but to whom he’d apparently listened with at least half an ear. The little boy had presented Estelle with the notion of attending Leister two weeks before, when the brochures he’d ordered arrived in the mail.

The resident school offered an interesting curriculum-a music-driven program that presented the full spectrum of traditional middle and high school courses wrapped around a core of intensive music theory, application, and performance.

Acceptance at Leister was determined by audition, and Estelle was surprised to see the claim that a full sixty percent of the 230 students were on full-ride scholarships. Apparently, the bulk of the school’s funding came from massive endowments.

“I talked with Maestro Miles Cornay a day or two ago.”

“You’re kidding. How did you manage that?”

She wagged an eyebrow at him. “We have ways.” She smiled. “No, I was going to talk to you about it, but Butch and then Irma…I got distracted. Anyway, Dr. Cornay gave Leister a shining endorsement. He said the place changed his life.”

“How so?”

“That’s where he discovered conducting, apparently. They encouraged him in that direction.”

“And now he’s principal conductor in New York,” Francis said. “Not bad.”

“He suggested we do nothing until we have the chance to visit. In fact, that’s what all the references told me. Unequivocal recommendation, but you have to go there and look for yourself.”

“Then we need to schedule that, if Francisco is serious.”

“I think he is.”

“He’s been quiet about it.”

“That’s what makes me think he’s serious,” Estelle said. “I get the feeling that he’s afraid we’ll say no if he pesters.”

“Then we need to visit for everyone’s sake,” her husband said. “We can’t just say no…just because. And we need to do it sooner rather than later.” He wrapped Estelle in his arms. “Right now, he’s trying to make sense of everything that’s happened yesterday. We talked for a while before he went to bed, and he told me that Carlos came out with a zinger. Carlos asked him how long Freddy had to be dead.”

Ay, how long,” Estelle groaned. “A long, long time.” She thumped her forehead against his chest. “Things can change so fast. You know, when I was holding Butch, waiting on the EMTs, his brother was already lying dead out in Bender’s Canyon.”

“There’s nothing you could do about that,” Francis said.

“I think that someone watched Freddy die, oso. It doesn’t look as if they even went down into the arroyo to check on him. They just left him there.”

“But you’re not sure of that.”

“No. I’m not sure. As Padrino is fond of observing, I have this cloud of tiny puzzle pieces swirling around my head. None of them make sense. None of them fits. All I know is that the roof has fallen in on my neighbors and there was nothing I could do about it.”

Francis enveloped her in his arms again. “We can’t imagine how things might have gone for Butch if you hadn’t responded so quickly,” he said, and Estelle patted his arm impatiently.

“Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good,” she said. “I…he… was lucky despite being so unlucky. ” She patted his arm again. “Freddy didn’t even enjoy the tiniest snitch of luck.” She drew away.