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As if he were a mind reader, Trey turned, lowered his head, and claimed her mouth in a deep, hungry kiss. Stunned, she pulled away and lifted a hand to slap him. She caught herself just in time. She got lost in his eyes, her hand suspended millimeters from his angular jaw. He tilted his head so that her fingertips brushed his cheek and then turned his head to caress her tingling flesh with his lips. Gentle, sucking kisses on the tips of her fingers drew a groan of longing from deep within her. She wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled him down to meet her desperate kiss.

He quickly took control, applying a gentle suction to her lips and then teasing them with hints of an expert tongue and tender nibbles. She tugged him closer, wanting to press against his hard body. Chaotic screeches wailed from their guitars as their strings rubbed against each other.

“You two do not make beautiful music together,” Dare said as he returned to the room.

Reagan jerked away from Trey and discovered he hadn’t been holding onto her at all. All the contact between them had been her doing. Oh God, she’d thrown herself at him. She should be mortified, but she wasn’t. She wanted to throw herself at him again and keep throwing herself at him until he caught her.

“Does this mean I win?” Trey asked, his deep voice doing strange things to her nipples.

She chanced a peek at the front of her thin white tank top. Yep, her arousal was apparent. She crossed her arms over her chest. Why had she decided against a bra that morning? As a card-carrying member of the itty bitty titty committee she didn’t really need to wear a bra most days, but one would have concealed her high beam issue.

“Did I say you could borrow my guitar, bro?” Dare asked.

Trey removed the guitar and handed it to Dare. Reagan squeaked in surprise when Trey drew her against him and claimed her mouth in another kiss. Glad she hadn’t been the one to initiate the contact between them this time, her arms slid around him to draw him closer. For once in her life she wished a guitar wasn’t hanging around her neck so she could relish the full length of Trey’s lean body against hers. Feel his rigid arousal against her damp mound. Why was she melting against him instead of trying to fend him off? Why was she stroking the cool, smooth skin of his back as if she hadn’t just met the guy? What was it about this man that was so utterly irresistible?

Trey’s mouth moved to her ear. “I want you,” he whispered.

A shiver of pure delight snaked down Reagan’s spine, and she shuddered with complete surrender.

God, yes, take me you sexy, sexy man. Right here. Right now. Any way I can have you. I want you too.

“Trey, we need to talk to your latest conquest for a moment,” Dare said. “Do you mind?” He waved at the open door in get-the-hell-out-of-here-twerp fashion.

Latest conquest? Could a man who made her feel this special be a player? She realized that’s exactly what made Trey a good player. She was so going to get her heart broken. And while that realization totally sucked, she’d deal with it when the time came. There was no way she was shying away from that opportunity. Or that man.

“I’ll meet you in the hot tub,” Trey said to Reagan.

Probably not a good idea, but she had lost their duel. Might not have if he hadn’t touched her. Kissed her. Drove her to utter distraction. Thank God he had. Otherwise they might be heading off to the skate park. Yeah, not exactly her best idea.

“I’ll be there in a bit,” she said, her heart thudding in anticipation.

Trey moved from her loose hold and slid past the congregated members of Exodus End. Reagan’s face flamed. Again. They’d all been watching that. What must they think of her?

“We talked,” Dare said.

They all looked so serious. Reagan swallowed. Here it comes. Dreams smashed against the rocks.

“We want to sign you for the upcoming concert season,” Max said. “The first half of the tour is US. The second half is world. We leave in three weeks. Can you get your shit, um… stuff, in order before then?”

“Of course!” she gushed.

“Awesome,” Max said. His welcoming smile faded. “We do have a few concerns.”


“First, you’re a woman.”

She lifted a brow at him. “Last time I checked. Is that a problem?”

“Potentially,” Max said. “Things happen on tours that might offend you.”

She snorted with laughter. “I am unoffendable, Max. Trust me on that.”

“We’re guys,” Logan said. “We’re not used to having to behave ourselves.”

“Why would you have to behave yourselves?” Reagan asked.

“You’re a woman,” Steve said.

“I think we’ve already agreed on that point.”

“We don’t want you to get freaked out and leave in the middle of the tour,” Dare said.

“No chance.”

“You’ll undoubtedly see things…”

“I get it. You guys party. You fuck sluts. You cuss and argue. You lose your minds and break shit. Whatever. I can handle it.”

They exchanged glances.

“I can handle it,” she insisted.

“All right, but we’re going to be pissed if you back out on us.”

“I won’t.”

“Our second concern…”

The four of them shifted their gazes to the floor. It must be a pretty big concern to make four balls-of-steel rock stars unable to meet her eyes.

“We all noticed that you are…” Steve murmured.

“Fucking hot,” Logan blurted.

“Yeah, hot,” Max agreed. “But…”

“You need a makeover, sweetheart,” Dare said.

She was fucking hot, but she needed a makeover? She set her jaw to control the anger rising up from her chest. “I see. And if I refuse?”

“You’ll be destroyed by the tabloids.”

“We know you’re in this for the music, Reagan, and so are we, but… we kind of have this reputation of…”

“Looking gorgeous,” Reagan said flatly.

“If you don’t want to be a part of that, it’s okay, just know that you’re going to hear about it,” Max said.

“Remember that time Dare cut his hair?” Logan said. “You would have thought it was a national emergency.”

“I’ll think about it,” Reagan said. If she didn’t get a makeover, she was going to end up the frog in a group of princes. Just freaking wonderful.

“We also think you might need a personal bodyguard,” Steve said. “When our fans see you…” He produced a low growl that made Reagan feel like willing prey.

“A bodyguard?” she managed to say.

“We have security. They’re just not used to keeping too close an eye out for one individual. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

She lowered her chin and gave them all her frostiest look. “Look here, guys. I’m not some delicate flower. I’ve been in my share of mosh pits.”