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“Maybe I should just get pregnant now,” Jessica said. “I won’t be showing too much in three months. I should still be able to fit into my dress. Or I could get it altered.” She looked down and rubbed both hands over her flat belly.

Oh God, shoot me now, Trey thought. Babies, weddings, and pregnancies. What will they be talking about next? Their periods?

Dare finally managed to make it into the room to greet his guests. “How are you doing, Myrna?” he asked, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “You look gorgeous as usual. Are you sure you just had a baby?”

She beamed. “Oh, I’m sure,” she said.

“Harold’s bringing your glass of water and some other refreshments. I told him to hurry.”

“Thanks, Dare.”

“No problem. I hear you named that poor kid Malcolm Trey.” Dare nodded his head in the direction of Brian and Jessica who were competing for Malcolm’s complete lack of attention.

“It’s better than Malcolm Terrance, isn’t it?” Myrna asked. Terrance was Trey’s real first name, but even Myrna knew how much he hated it.

“Uh, sure,” Dare said. He turned toward the two kissy faces, who were undoubtedly driving little Malcolm bonkers. “Well, let’s have a look at this kid. Apparently he’s the biggest star in the house.”

Dare slipped the baby from Brian’s hold into the crook of one arm. The guy was a natural at everything. Even holding babies.

“Will you look at that? He already has his father’s rock star hairstyle.”

“He’s adorable,” Jessica crooned. “Yes he is. Yes he is. Adorable.”

Trey was beginning to feel sticky from all the sap in the room.

“When do we have to leave?” Brian asked, coaxing Malcolm out of Dare’s arms and back into his.

“As soon as Reagan gets back,” Trey said.

“Reagan?” Brian, Jessica, and Myrna questioned in unison.

“Trey’s new girlfriend,” Dare said.

“Trey has a girlfriend?” Brian said in disbelief.

“Yeah,” Dare said.

Trey does? That Trey.” Brian pointed at Trey.

“Yes, I have a girlfriend. Is that so hard to believe?”

Brian nodded his head. “Yes, it’s very hard to believe. You’ve never had a girlfriend in your adult life.”

“Never?” Jessica questioned, trying to get Malcolm to grip her finger in his fist.

“Depending on how you define girlfriend, I have dozens of them. Had,” he rectified.

“The series of women you string along in every town aren’t girlfriends; they’re conquests,” Brian said.

“Well, Reagan is my girlfriend. And she’s going on tour with us.”

“How long have you known this chick?” Brian asked.

“We met yesterday.”

“And did you decide she was going on tour with us before or after you fucked her?”

“Brian, don’t be crude,” Myrna said. “You asked me to marry you the day after we met.”

Brian scratched his head. “You’re right,” he said. “As usual.”

“Reagan touring with Sinners was my idea,” Dare said. “She’s our new rhythm guitarist, and I figured it would do her good to spend a couple of weeks out on tour before she’s subjected to the insanity that surrounds Exodus End. She’s talented but not very experienced.”

“You hired a female guitarist?” Jessica asked.

“Uh, yeah,” Dare said. “She fuckin’ rocked our faces off.”

“That is so awesome,” Jessica said. “I can’t wait to meet her. I bet she’s cool. Is she cool?”

“She must be pretty terrific if she’s got Trey thinking commitment.” Brian grinned at him and punched him in the chest.

“She is,” Trey said. The thought of her made him smile. “Terrific. And cool.”

When the doorbell rang about twenty minutes later, Trey went to answer it himself. He found Reagan on the doorstep breathless and lugging two huge suitcases.

“I didn’t know what I’d need, so I brought everything.”

“I told you all you needed was a box of condoms.”

She thrust a paper bag at him. “I bought six dozen. Is that enough?”

Trey laughed and kissed her tenderly. He enjoyed the sensation of her lips against his so much that instead of pulling away he deepened the kiss. Her rolling suitcase tipped over as she released its handle to draw him closer.

“I missed you,” he murmured against her lips.

“You did?”

“Mmm hmm.” He kissed her again to prove it.

“You’d better go grab a guitar, Reagan,” Dare said from behind Trey. “The jet is waiting for you guys.”

Trey reluctantly released Reagan and grabbed the handle of her suitcase.

“Is this seriously my life?” she said, shaking her head and following Dare in the direction of the practice room. “I don’t recall rubbing a magic lantern and making three wishes.”

Trey watched her walk down the hall next to Dare until she was out of sight and then wheeled her suitcase into the parlor where everyone was waiting.

“So where is she?” Brian asked, craning his neck to look behind Trey.

Trey couldn’t resist fucking with him. “She’s right here in this suitcase. She’s an amazing contortionist.”

“A contortionist?”

“Yeah. Why do you think I fell for her so quickly? She can wrap both ankles around her neck and lick her own clit.”

Brian’s eyes widened. “No shit?”

“Shit no.” Trey shook his head and grinned. “She went with Dare to pick out a guitar.”

“Is she really that talented?” Brian asked.

“I think she could give you a run for your money, Master Sinclair.”

“We’ll see,” he said. He lifted sleeping Malcolm to his lips and then lowered him into his carrier. “I love you, little one. Keep an eye on your mom for me. You’re the man of the house when I’m away.”

Jessica hovered nearby to watch the little guy snooze. Brian drew Myrna to her feet and then led her out of the room so they could say their good-byes in private. With nothing better to do, Trey went to stand beside Jessica so he could watch his godson sleep.

“He really is amazing, isn’t he?” Jessica said.

Trey glanced over his shoulder in the direction Brian had disappeared. “Yeah. He really is.”

“I wonder if Sed’s ready to start a family.” Jessica stroked the baby’s cheek with her knuckles. “I sure do want one of these all of a sudden.”

“It’s that biological clock. Tick. Tick. Tick. I can hear it all the way over here.”

Jessica shoved him. “I’m not that old.”

She wasn’t old at all. She was just fun to tease.

“You know Sed has always wanted a bunch of kids,” Trey said.

“Yeah, every time we talk about it he adds another one to the brood. He thinks we need eight now.”

“Do you have any idea what that’s going to do to your vagina?”

“Trey!” She smacked him repeatedly in the arm.

Yeah. Fun to tease. She got riled up so easily. One of the many things that got Sed’s motor running for the woman. Not that Trey blamed him. Jessica was easily the most beautiful woman he’d ever met, and Trey had met a lot of women in his day. She was way too high-strung for Trey’s taste. Trey preferred someone more laid back. Like Reagan. She entered the room as if on cue carrying a guitar case in each hand. Dare had two as well.

“Reagan, we’re only going to be gone for two weeks,” Trey said. “You don’t need four guitars.”

“She wanted to bring eight,” Dare said. “This was our compromise.”

“They’re all so beautiful. I couldn’t pick favorites.”

Reagan tossed a questioning look in Jessica’s direction. Trey hadn’t realized they were standing so close to each other. Jessica had seen him hit rock bottom, so he was incredibly comfortable around her. Hell, he was incredibly comfortable around most people. Reagan would have to get used to it sooner rather than later.