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Raymer turned to Quint. “Three days for us to get to Castle Warrington is too late to warn the Earl. The battle will be under way, or maybe already decided.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” Quint snapped, and then drained another mug of ale. “I intend to make it in two. I’ll ride with spare mounts.”

Raymer noticed the dice game had come to a halt, and as he glanced at the soldiers who were also trying to listen. “Innkeeper, come here.”


“We have important business to discuss. I want you to ask everyone to leave, including yourself and anyone else in the kitchen. We may ask you to return in a short while, so remain close.” Raymer expected resistance but instead received instant cooperation. The innkeeper leaped to notify the occupants of the other tables, and all quickly left, knowing they would eat and drink for free upon their return.

The innkeeper shut the front door, then rushed to leave by the rear, all to the astonished expressions of Fleet, Dancer, Ander, and Quint.

When they were alone Raymer said softly, “What I am about to tell you is only for your ears, and I am only going to tell you because I trust you, and it may save many lives.”

Quint set his ale aside and leaned closer.

“I do not know how this is going to work, or if it actually is. You all need to help me with my idea.”

All nodded.

Raymer waited, uncertain of how to begin, or how much to share. Finally, he decided to tell all. “Dancer and I believe that I have ‘bonded’ with that dragon that came to us in the night. We don’t know exactly what ‘bonded’ means, but to some extent I can order the dragon to do things, and it seems to obey.”

A soft silence fell upon the room. Even the crackling fire grew softer. They looked from one to another, but nobody spoke, and none challenged his statements.

Raymer continued, “My point is that a dragon can fly much faster than we can walk or ride a horse.”

“A message,” Quint said, seeing where Raymer was going.

“Dragons don’t speak, so even if I can make it fly to Castle Warrington, which is still not certain, how will it warn them of King Ember’s betrayal?”

They sat and looked at each other again, each waiting for another to come up with a good idea. None came forward.

A small smile twitched on Quint’s face and then grew. “What if it attacks the castle?”

Raymer said, “Is this another of your jokes?”

“Not at all! Listen, the army of Northwood is spread out over all of the kingdom in peace times, but Fairwinds Provence has, at least, four training centers for recruits and one for officers, along with two other fortresses, one inland and one just outside the castle on the edge of the sea.”

Raymer waited, and watched the smile grow on Quint’s face.

Quint said, pounding a fist on the table top, “If your dragon attacks Castle Warrington the palace guards will be prepared for another attack.”

“They will be there to fight the dragon, but when King Ember’s soldiers arrive they will find your palace guards ready to defend the castle from dragons, or invaders,” Raymer said. “But palace guards are not the army.”


The five of them looked from one to the other.

Quint said, “It’ll work. I think. The dragon attack might pull some of the armies in from the field to fight for the castle, and when old King Ember’s troops show up, they’ll already be there, armed and in full fighting mode.”

“If I can make the dragon attack. But I still need help.” Raymer said.

“Help?” Quint repeated, the puzzlement clear on his face.

“I can’t just touch minds with the dragon and tell it to fly to Castle Warrington. Dragons are basically stupid creatures and can’t read maps, even if we had one. It will not know where to go or how to get there.”

“Landmarks,” Dancer said, looking to Quint for confirmation.

Quint blanched and then shrugged. “It seemed like a good idea, but I’ve never been this far south, so I don’t know any landmarks.”

The mood of the room descended as if all had learned their best friend recently died. Raymer lifted his mug with the intention of seeing the bottom of it and many others. Quint sat near him, his focus on the worn wooden planks of the floor.

Ander said, “The man who was rolling dice has been there. Remember he used the loaf of bread to represent Bear Mountain?”

Raymer slapped the top of the table with his palm, drawing surprised reactions from the others as he half-stood. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have eaten the bread, I guess.”

Ander stood, turned, and headed for the door. “I’ll go find him.”

“Will that work?” Quint asked. “Can you direct a flying dragon by describing landmarks you’ve never seen?”

“This is all new to me,” Raymer said. “I can’t even tell you for sure if I can make the dragon fly in that direction, let alone attack the castle.”

Fleet, who had said little since beginning the trip with them, leaned forward to catch their attention. “I have some concerns, too. The dragon attacking the castle is not going to help the reputation of the Dragon Clan. People, there will remember the attack, especially the families of those it kills.”

Dancer nodded in agreement. He faced Quint and waited before speaking. “This thing we are doing will carry implications that will last for years or generations for our people. Do you have any concept of the sacrifice we are making?”

Quint listened and inhaled a deep breath before answering. “No, I do not understand, but I’m beginning to. Right now I’m worried about my own family, but I will make you one promise. Should we survive King Ember’s treachery, I will make my parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, and every person living in Warrington Castle aware of your sacrifice.”

“You will make them understand?” Dancer asked.

Quint nodded.

Dancer said, “I appreciate your efforts and will hold you to your word, but there is more. With your explanation, there will be more fear of what our powers can do. How dangerous we can be. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Before he could answer, Raymer added, “Before you make any statements to them, I think you should consult with an elder about what to say. Perhaps Myron could visit you?”

“He would be welcomed as a hero!” Quint paused, then said, “However, I see what you’re telling me. You want no more rumors spread about you and Myron could tell me what to say and how much.”

Ander opened the front door of the inn and escorted a nervous looking old man inside. “This is Henry. He says he knows every hill and building between here and Castle Warrington.”

As they settled at the table, both realized they had interrupted a serious conversation. Henry reached for an empty mug and poured himself a generous amount of ale from the pitcher. Ander looked from one to another as he waited for an explanation.

Raymer took the lead. “We can settle all this later. Right now we’re wasting valuable time. For all we know, King Ember’s army may attack in the morning, although I think it will be the day after at the earliest. But the Northwood army needs time to prepare a defense.”

They all turned to Raymer, silently waiting for him to continue.

Ander said, “Attacking the castle is not a friendly move. Are you sure there isn’t a way to send a message?”

Raymer said, “Whatever we do, it has to be done now, or we fail. I don’t like attacking the castle, but it will draw all the attention of the whole kingdom. Understand one thing, first. This is new to all of us, and if I can ask a dragon to fly all the way there and attack, fine. But think of how silly that sounds.”