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Abioye looked steadily at his sister and nodded that, yes, he understood – and when Inyene turned her back to the room to gaze out into the eastward dawn and continue her tirade against Montfre, the lord Abioye and I shared a look.

Yes. This was going to be our opportunity. Our determined eyes met. And we were going to use it to bring Inyene down.

End of Dragon Connection The Stone Crown Series Book One


Daza: the name for all the peoples of all the tribes living in the “Empty Plains”; includes the Souda, Metchoda, Uoda, Jinda tribes.

Dragon Rider: graduate of the Torvald Training Academy; a human bonded with a Dragon.

Dragon Spine Mountains: the mountain range running north to south, running along the Middle Kingdom’s western boundary.

Earth lights: crystal that glows green or blue when exposed to any kind of light and holds onto that radiance for long periods of time, used to power mechanical dragons.

Empty Plains: the Torvaldite (or “Middle Kingdomer”) name for the Eastern Plains.

Imanu: the name for a Daza wise woman; a leader within the tribe.

Masaka Mountain: the location of the Masaka Mine complex; one of the mountains within the mountain range running north to south, dividing the Middle Kingdom from the Eastern Plains. The entire mountain range is referred to by the name Masaka Mountains by the Daza; see also World’s Edge Mountains.

Metchoda: the name for one of the Daza tribes, meaning “People of the Open Places.”

Middle Kingdomer: the Daza name for the fair-skinned people of Torvald; also Torvaldite.

Roskilde: an island nation, once considered enemies of Torvald.

Souda: the name for one of the Daza tribes, meaning “People of the Western Winds.”

Soussa winds: the Daza term for a gentle wind upon the plains.

Stonedog: a creature of the World’s Edge Mountains, a fierce predator the size of a small pony, with skin like plates of rock.

Torvald: capital city of the Middle Kingdom; also once the name of an Empire, ruled by an evil wizard-king, and consisting of the Three Kingdoms of the Midmost Lands (North, Middle, South).

Torvaldite: the name for the fair-skinned people of Torvald; also Middle Kingdomer.

Tozut: the Daza term for horse dung; an insult.

World’s Edge Mountains: the Torvaldite and Red Hound name for the mountain range running north to south, dividing the Middle Kingdom from the Eastern Plains, last refuge of the wild dragons; see also Masaka Mountain.

About Ava

Ava Richardson writes epic page-turning Young Adult Fantasy books with lovable characters and intricate worlds that are barely contained within your eReader.

Her current work is ‘The Stone Crown Series.’

She grew up on a steady diet of fantasy and science fiction books handed down from her two big brothers – and despite being dog-eared and missing pages, she loved escaping into the magical worlds that authors created. Her favorites were the ones about dragons, where they’d swoop, dive and soar through the skies of these enchanted lands


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2019 Relay Publishing Ltd.

All rights reserved. Published in the United Kingdom by Relay Publishing. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Ava Richardson is a pen name created by Relay Publishing for co-authored Fantasy projects. Relay Publishing works with incredible teams of writers and editors to collaboratively create the very best stories for our readers.

Cover Design by Joemel Requeza


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