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‘Yet India knows there is one weakness it can exploit and that is Tibet. In 1959, when the Dalai Lama escaped, Prime Minister Nehru travelled all the way to the Mussoorie Hill Station to greet him. This was a completely unfitting reception for a government to give the leader of a rebellion in a friendly neighbouring state. Your Russian troops have been in Chechnya to prevent separation, causing great bloodshed. We have done nothing like that in Tibet since putting down the rebellion in 1959. Even now, during the riots after the escape of prisoner Togden, our reaction has been constrained. Indian troops carried out that operation. The rebels are given sanctuary and supplies on Indian territory. The Dalai Lama, the inspirational leader of the rebellion, lives there. I sympathize with your President’s concerns. I am worried, too. But I cannot allow the dismemberment of the Motherland in exchange for Russia’s desire to lead a tripartite power bloc which might or might not work.

‘So tell President Gorbunov to bring his influence to bear on India. An end to terrorism in Tibet. The expulsion of the Dalai Lama. The arrest of terrorists. The closing of their camps. Once that is announced, we will withdraw our troops from Arunachal Pradesh and then Russia can mediate in talks about our disputed border with India. Until then, the war continues.’

Without saying goodbye, Tao turned on his heels and left the room. Jamie Song escorted Baltin outside, so they could talk more freely.

‘We are offering you six Typhoon-class nuclear-powered submarines,’ said Baltin.

‘President Tao sees it as a trick,’ said Song. ‘The issues on the table now will be solved within a few days. The submarines will take months of training and trials before we can put them to use.’

Baltin nodded. ‘Do me one favour, then, Jamie. I understand the Americans are about to come down on the side of India, which will put them directly at odds with you. The Indian communities in Europe and the States are carrying out an impressive lobbying campaign, way smarter than anything the Chinese can do. Mushroom clouds, democracy, all that sort of thing. Get yourself on CNN and do something to neutralize it.’

Song laughed sarcastically: ‘So while India and Pakistan are in the middle of a nuclear war, China goes on CNN.’

Cabinet Room, Downing Street, London

Local time: 0400 Monday 7 May 2007

‘They want us to blow up Chinese ships in a Burmese naval base,’ said Anthony Pincher.

‘It is one of the most preposterous ideas in the history of modern conflict,’ said Christopher Baker, looking at his Permanent Under-Secretary, Sir Malcolm Parton, for support.

‘If the Chinese found out it was us,’ said Sir Malcolm, ‘our relationship would be set back generations. They would never forget it.’

‘Does that matter?’ said Pincher. ‘My gut political instinct is to back India. This is the sort of action which would let us do it in a distinctive way, not as a lapdog to the Americans.’

CNN Studios, Atlanta, USA

Local time: 2300 Sunday 6 May 2007
GMT: 0400 Monday 7 May 2007

Anchor: We’re going from the crisis in India and Pakistan over to Beijing, China where we hope the Foreign Minister, Jamie Song, can shed some light on the terrible unfolding of events this evening. China is a long-term ally of Pakistan. It is at odds with India over Tibet. Seventeen hours ago, China invaded India, using the territory of another ally, Burma — or Myanmar — to move in. Jamie Song is calling from his car mobile so we apologize for the quality of the line. Foreign Minister, thank you for joining us. Firstly, on the nuclear strike. Hamid Khan has been unclear about whether he will launch another nuclear strike. Can you persuade him not to, for the sake of world peace?

Song: You speak about peace as if you can pluck it off trees. Yes, China wants peace. Our whole doctrine over the past fifty years has been to strengthen our political institutions and our economy. You can’t do that while fighting wars. We are not expansionist and we did not start the present conflict.

Anchor: You invaded India. You supplied Pakistan with the neutron bomb.

Song: Indian troops invaded Tibet. We are merely defending our borders. I utterly refute the allegation that we supplied any nuclear material to Pakistan.

Anchor: All right, Foreign Minister, you say you’re not expansionist, yet India claims that you have sent warships into the Indian Ocean.

Song: Technically, they are in the Andaman Sea. But you’re right. China’s oil supplies from the Middle East go through the Indian Ocean. We have a ship-visiting arrangement with the government of Myanmar. Given our reliance on that oil, it is only right that the Chinese navy is there to offer protection.

Anchor: Then you would have to take on the Indian navy.

Song: We hope it won’t come to that. You will also note that the British, Australian, New Zealand and Singaporean navies are in the Andaman Sea as well and an American carrier group is in the Indian Ocean.

Anchor: Could we try to look ahead, Foreign Minister. I understand President Hastings is about to hold a brief news conference. He’s expected to announce his support for the Indian government against Pakistan. What will be your reaction?

Song: He should examine the facts. India invaded both China and Pakistan. Pakistan exploded nuclear weapons over its own territory, not on Indian soil. India broke through the Line of Control in Kashmir to try to set up a new frontier ten miles inside Pakistani-controlled territory. India is hosting Tibetan terrorists. It is dangerously glib to talk about democracy and dictatorships. It might win him votes for the next election, but it will not create a better or safer world — that is if there is a world left for any of us to live in.

Anchor: I’m sorry, Foreign Minister. Should I take that as a warning for the President?

Song: If you wish to see it like that. India and China are not like Iraq and Kuwait or Belgrade and Kosovo. If we are threatened, we will defend ourselves, and as I pointed out just now, India has proved itself to be the most unpredictable and hazardous country on earth.

General Headquarters, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Local time: 0930 Monday 7 May 2007
GMT: 0430 Monday 7 May 2007

‘Get me President Hastings!’ Hamid Khan had watched Jamie Song’s broadcast and taken it to be a message of continuing support. He also remembered the words of the Mullah al-Bishri: concentrate on Kashmir. If he won Kashmir, he would bring peace to South Asia, secure Pakistan and win the respect of the Islamic and Western worlds.

‘The White House is referring us to Ambassador Watkins at the Embassy,’ said Masood. Arthur Watkins, a career State Department diplomat, was patched through to the bunker at Chaklala.