I gulp, wondering what Arrow was going to do to me.
“Okay, you’re right; it’s none of my business. If it was me—I’d want someone to tell me though.”
“Is this about Eric?” he asks in a gruff voice.
I scoot closer to him and look him in the eye. “I guess so. I was with him forever, you know? I realize now it’s just what we were used to. I just wish he’d broken up with me before sleeping around.”
“He doesn’t deserve you Faye. He never did.”
“He’s been calling non-stop,” I say, tracing the tattoos on his knuckles.
“I’ll get you a new sim card tomorrow,” he says instantly.
“Okay. Are we still going out somewhere tonight?” I ask, fighting a yawn.
“Are you tired? We could just order something in,” he replies.
“Sounds good,” I say, smiling.
“What am I going to do with you Faye?” he says, leaning forward and kissing me on my nose.
“I could think of a few things,” I say dryly, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
He pulls back, his expression going blank. “There are some things I need to sort out before we even think of going there babe.”
“What things?” I ask. I move closer, close enough that I can smell a hint of his cologne.
“Nothing, babe, nothing,” he says, brushing it off and rolling away from me.
I groan in frustration.
What the hell is he hiding?
When I wake up in the middle of the night, Dex isn’t in bed. Feeling thirsty and a little curious, I tip toe into the kitchen to get some milk then look around for him. I hear voices outside so I move the blinds to the side to take a peek. I can’t hear, but I can see Dex’s lips move as he talks to a man I’ve never seen before. His hand is around his neck, squeezing.
I gulp.
Would Dex kill him?
Finally, he shoves the man to the floor and then points to the gate. Next, Dex turns to Arrow, says something to him, and then punches him in the stomach.
What the fuck?
I get back to bed before they can notice me.
An hour later, Dex slides back into the sheets and pulls me into his arms, hugging me. He even kisses the top of my head.
Which Dex is the real Dex?
Chapter Twelve
The next day, after a morning of studying, I exit my room and walk straight into Mary.
“Oh sorry honey,” she says in her sweet voice, her arm going to my waist.
“Sorry,” I mumble, giving her a small smile. She is looking beautiful today in high waisted shorts and a singlet top with a picture of a pin up girl on it. She’s so hot! How could Arrow cheat on her… with that!
“I was just coming to get you actually,” she says. “You’ve been cooped up in your room all morning; do you want something to eat?”
Could she get any nicer?
“Sounds good,” I say. “How have you been?”
“Good, busy with work,” she says as we walk side by side into the kitchen. I look down at what I’m wearing, track pants and a singlet top with a chocolate stain on it. I look like shit compared to her.
“Where do you work again?” I ask her, sitting at the table.
“I’m a vet,” she says, opening the fridge and pulling out a large container.
“Wow,” I say, impressed. “Beauty and brains.”
Except for dating Arrow.
She laughs. “You’re sweet. Here, Sin told me to make this for you and make sure you eat it.”
She puts the container in front of me, a healthy looking chicken salad. “Thanks.”
“I’ve never seen him care for someone so much,” she says, staring at the salad.
I smile but decide to ignore that comment. “Where’s Arrow?”
She loses her smile. “Club business. Listen he told me about what happened yesterday.”
My jaw drops open. “He did?”
She laughs at my expression. “Yes, he did. We aren’t exclusive, him and I. But thanks for standing up for me all the same.”
“I don’t get this club,” I admit.
“You don’t have to honey. Love the man love the club, that’s just how it goes. Dex was pissed at Arrow for letting you see what you did.”
I choke on a piece of lettuce. “Love?”
Is that why Dex hit Arrow? Because he had to deal with my reaction to seeing Arrow cheat?
“Oh I’ve seen how the two of you look at each other,” she says, flashing me a knowing look.
“Do you need glasses?” I ask her keeping a straight face. I turn as Tracker, Irish, and Allie walk in.
“Hey you,” I say to Tracker, giving him a warm smile.
He walks straight to me, leaning down and kissing me on the head. “I’m hungry, cook me some food.”
I gasp. “You have hands, use them.”
“He was using them pretty creatively just before,” Allie purrs. What? Does she just sleep with anyone?
“Get the fuck out Allie,” Tracker growls.
I stand. “Thanks for the food Mary.”
Heading back to my room Tracker stops me in the hallway. “What’s wrong?”
I sigh and turn to face him. “I guess I thought you were my only friend in this place and now you’re fucking the enemy. I don’t know. I guess I’m just hormonal.”
Yes! Saving me once again.
“And you kissed me!” I blurt out. “I guess that wouldn’t mean anything to you though, considering…”
“The fuck,” comes a heated growl. I turn and look into angry blue eyes.
Shit. Fuck. Shit.
“Umm...” I mumble.
Yeah I have nothing.
“You kissed her?” he says to Tracker, who stares him straight in the eye and nods. “Outside,” he snaps, then walks off.
Tracker turns to me, eyes piercing into mine. “Sorry, but you’re his.”
With that, he walks off. I go to follow them but I hear Dex call out to Arrow to keep me in my room. Shit, he couldn’t call anyone else?
“Hello little girl,” he says, grinning. He points to my room door. I put my hands on my hips and stand my ground.
“Aren’t you going to stop them?” I ask him, my voice raising. In answer, he herds me into the bedroom.
“Now about the other day,” he starts, pretending as if there weren’t two men out there doing god knows what to each other.
I laugh nervously. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
“What are you sorry about?”
I frown. “My pregnancy stunt didn’t cock block you?”
He laughs now, holding his stomach. “Fuck no, as if these bitches care.”
Lovely. “I just really like Mary, okay. Don’t worry, Dex gave me a warning.”
His face softens lightly. “Yeah, Mary is a good girl.”
I roll my eyes. “She’s a catch! Someone needs to wife her!”
His lips curve. “Now don’t be saying things you can’t take back.”
I blink. He blinks. Then we both laugh. When our laughter subsides, Arrow looks at me intently. “Need to ask you something.”
“Go ahead,” I say.
“You realize Sin is going to take over the club someday…”
“As President?” I ask. I’d never really thought about that before. What does that mean for me and our child?
“Yeah. Being the old lady of a president isn’t just for anyone,” he says, playing with his beard. “You need to learn when to keep that mouth of yours shut.”
I open my mouth and then snap it closed.
“Good, you’re learning,” he comments, looking amused. “We like you so we let you get away with shit, but not all bikers are like that you know. You can’t go running your mouth in front of others.”
“I’ve already been told this. And Sin doesn’t even want me,” I say, unable to keep the bitterness out of my tone.
Arrow grins. “He fuckin’ wants you; trust me on that, little girl.”
“No he doesn’t want me. And he doesn’t want me being with anyone else either,” I huff, staring at the door. Before Arrow can grab me, I run to the door and through the house. When I walk outside, I see all the bikers and women standing around Dex and Tracker, who are both beating the shit out of each other. Tracker has blood streaming down his face, while Dex just has a cut lip.
“Stop it!” I yell at the top of my lungs.