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Dex turns to me. “As if he will even get a shot in.”

“Hey, not all of us have trained with Reid Knox,” Rake adds. “You have an advantage.”

That was the truth. Dex was undefeated in the ring so far.

And the sex afterwards—wow. It was hot—passionate and frantic.

I had no idea who Reid Knox was, but I should thank him. Dex was an amazing fighter.

He gives me one last lingering kiss. “I owe you some spooning,” he whispers into my ear.

“What?” I ask, laughing.

“I don’t want you to feel like we’re having sex then I’m just leaving you,” he tries to explain.

I hide my smile. He doesn’t want me to feel like he’s using me, like he was just going to fuck and run like he did with the other women. “Baby, it’s okay. Go do your thing we can snuggle tonight.”

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Rake says. Shit, I forgot the bastard was even there.

I flash him a pointed look, then head to my room for a nap.

Chapter Twenty One

“What about Akira?” I ask, my nose stuck in the baby names book.

“What else do you have?” he asks, stretching his arms above his head.

“Lilliana, Rose, Clover, and Chloe.”

“Clover,” he says, smiling. “I think it’s my favourite.”

“Clover Black,” I say, testing the words on my tongue. “It’s beautiful.”

I put the book down and lie beside him.

“Not as beautiful as she’s going to be,” he replies, pulling me into his side. I rest my cheek against his chest.

“Well that’s a given,” I reply, earning me a chuckle.

“Are you ready for your exams?” he asks, absently stroking my hair.

“Yeah I am. I’m actually excited to sit for them tomorrow,” I say, smiling widely. I need to go into the university to sit for my exams. Tomorrow is the first one I have, and it’s for my family law unit.

He chuckles. “You’re a nerd, babe. It’s so fuckin’ hot.”

I shake my head at him. “You think everything is hot.”

“Everything about you, yes,” he agrees. “Do you need to study tonight? Or can we do something?”

“I need to study, I want to ace this exam,” I tell him carefully. “Aren’t you going into work now?”

“Yeah in about a half an hour,” he replies. Good, I need him out of the house. Tomorrow is his birthday, and I need time to get his surprise ready. Then time to kick his ass for not even telling me it was his birthday. I remembered that it was in June from when we were younger, but I couldn’t remember the date. June nineteenth.

A date I would never forget again.

Dex heads into work while I start to plan like crazy. I cook him his favourite meal, set up the dining table with a tablecloth, candles, and a red rose in the middle. Okay, so the romantic setting is more for me than him, but it looks pretty. I set the wrapped presents on the table.

“Rake will you text me when he’s about to leave the shop?” I ask.

“Yeah, I got you babe,” he replies. “You know you’re a pain in the ass, but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him.”

“Thanks Rake. Although from what I saw with you and that woman, you’re the pain in the ass.”

“Fuck you must be good in bed,” he grumbles. I laugh and step to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his hard chest. After a moment, he returns the hug.

“I’m taking Dex out tomorrow night, brothers only birthday celebration,” he tells me.

“Fine,” I grumble.

“Vinnie will stay with you.”

Poor Vinnie.

“Why? I thought that shit with the Wild Men was over?” I ask, frowning. After the incident happened, the Wind Dragons met up with the rival MC and spoke. I don’t know what happened, but Dex came home saying that the issue has been dealt with.

“Better to be safe,” he says. “Look what happened last time.”

I sigh and look up into his face. “Wild Men is a stupid MC name.”

A lip twitch. “It is. I’m going to the shop, I’ll message you when he leaves.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I have a long shower, shaving my legs and other places. I rub in my cherry blossom lotion, apply makeup, and iron my hair straight. I put on my robe and head to check on the food in the oven. Arrow walks in, looking a little worse for wear. Wrinkled clothes, lipstick on his neck, and … I could smell the alcohol from here.

“Hey Arrow,” I say, smiling sadly. Ever since Mary’s death, he’s not the same person he was.

“Hey Faye,” he says quietly. I walk over to him and kiss him on his cheek, his prickly beard brushing my skin.

“Can I make you something to eat?” I ask him. I wish he would let me look after him, but he doesn’t. He drowns his sorrows with alcohol and easy women. I’m not going to judge his methods of coping, but I hope he gets back to himself soon.

I miss my friend.

“Don’t worry about me Faye. I’m gonna have a shower then get out of here so you can spoil your man for his birthday,” he says, walking away.

I sigh and watch him as he leaves. I spend the rest of the afternoon painting my nails and pampering myself. When I get the text from Rake, I set out the food, light the candles, and put on my outfit.

The cut and some black lace panties.

And that’s it.

I look in the mirror and smile.

I look good.

My long hair frames my face and has volume on top, giving me a sexy look. My eyes are dark and smoky, my lips a blood red. The sides of my breasts are visible, but my nipples are covered by the black leather cut. My fair skin stands out even more. I had planned on wearing sexy heels, but I choose comfort instead and go barefoot.

When I hear him enter the door, I walk out to greet him. He stops in his tracks when he sees me standing here.

“Holy fuck,” he whispers as his gaze devours me. He walks towards me, eyes on my body. “This is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“Stay still I need a photo of this,” he says, taking a picture with his phone. He slides it away then kisses my mouth. “How did I get so fucking lucky? I’m going to send a thank you letter to the condom company.”

I gape. “You did not just say that.”

He grins crookedly. “What’s the occasion beautiful?”

“I have exams for the rest of the week so I thought we could celebrate your birthday early,” I say, rubbing my body against his. “You didn’t even tell me it was you’re birthday.”

“Not a big deal babe. Just another day.”

“Not anymore, it isn’t,” I reply, breathing him in.

“Let me have a quick shower, I have grease on me,” he says, kissing me once more before walking into the bathroom. I make myself busy in the kitchen, waiting for him to finish.

He enters the kitchen moments later, wearing nothing but a pair of low slung jeans. I stare at his body, appreciating the view.

“Take a seat,” I sat in a husky tone.

He sits down and stares at the table. “No one’s ever done anything like this for me before.”

I smile. “I’m glad you like it.”

“I fuckin’ love it. Now come here,” he demands. I walk up to him, laughing as he pulls me onto his lap. “I’m going to make you scream my name a few times before we eat whatever smells so fuckin’ good and has my mouth watering.”

He kisses me greedily, cupping my cheeks with his palms. I grip onto his shoulders, giving it back to him, kissing him with an intensity that surprises even me. When he leans me back against the table and fucks me, I love every single second of it.

I love his expressions, the sounds he makes, the dirty way he talks to me.

The way he takes joy in my pleasure.

His bossiness and his demands.

I give as good as I get. I match his passion and his intensity.

He was made for me, this man.

I dig my fingers into his dragon tattoo and let the pleasure consume me.

Chapter Twenty Two