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“Everyone looks hot tonight,” I grumble, staring down at my text book.

My life sucks!

Dex kisses the top of my head. “I’m going out for a smoke.”

“Okay,” I sniff.

“Babe,” he says.


“Stop pouting, yeah?”

Three sets of amused eyes stare at me.

“I’m not pouting. I hope you all enjoy your night. I’ll see you at what? One am maybe?”

Laughter ensues.

Dex kisses my lips then heads out the front door. I look at Tracker who winks at me when he sees me staring.

The rest of the men arrive, and they all get on their bikes and ride out. Dex is the last one to leave, because he kisses me for about ten minutes before I can finally get him to go.

He kisses my stomach and then he leaves.

I study for two hours then fall asleep.


I wake up in the middle of the night to laughter. My room door open and Dex walks in, knocking his foot on my new dressing table.

“Motherfucker!” he growls.

I stifle a laugh. He flops down onto the bed, his hands searching the sheets for me. When his fingers finally touch my arm, he says, “Yes!” like it was a big feat to find me, then rolls right next to me. He wraps me in his arms and kisses the back of my neck.

“I missed you,” he says when he realises I’m awake.

“Did you have fun?” I ask him drowsily.

“I did.”

“Good,” I reply.

“But I still missed you,” he says, turning me to face him. “Next time you’re coming with me.”

“To a strip club?” I ask incredulously.

“Anywhere,” he replies, his hands now roaming all over my body. “You’re a million times sexier than those girls.”

“So the grass isn’t greener on the other side?” I ask a little breathlessly as his thumbs graze my breasts.

“No, and I never for one second thought that it was,” he says quickly, claiming my mouth.

We make love, and I fall back asleep with a smile on my face—insecurities fading away.

Chapter Twenty Three

Exams past in a blur and then I get a two week break. After more baby shopping, I’m about to pull out of the car park when I see Renee.

And she’s not alone.

When I see her with a man with her, my interest piques. When the man turns around my eyes widen in shock.

What the hell is Eric doing with Renee? I take a photo of the two of them and send it to Dex. Sometimes a picture is all the evidence you need. I notice Vinnie staring in their direction too. He has his helmet on so I can’t see his expression.

We drive home and Vinnie opens the door for me, not looking me in the eye.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him.

“Nothing,” he says, opening the back door and grabbing all my shopping bags out. Dex walks out of the clubhouse looking agitated, all coiled muscles. He slaps Vinnie on the back and takes the bags from his hands. Vinnie leaves, and I’m left feeling confused.

“Is everything okay?” I ask him, placing my hand on his chest.

He looks down at me, still radiating tension. “Everything’s fine we just need to talk about something.”

That sounded ominous.

I suck in a deep breath. “Okay.”

“Let’s go into our room,” he suggests. Or more like demands. He needs his own word. Deggests or Sumands.

I hold my hand up. “Is what you’re going to say going to piss me off?”

He bobs his head. “More than likely.”

“Maybe we should sit in my car? Then I can just drive off when I lose my temper.”

I’m carried to my room.

“I’m having déja vu,” I say as I watch Dex pace before me.

“You can’t get upset over this—you’re pregnant,” he finally says, his tone pleading.

I gape at his audacity. “Yes I realize I’m pregnant. Now tell me. What have you done?”

He looks down at the floor with his hands on his hips. “Renee cheated on me, yeah?”

“Yes,” I say. I knew that part. Stupid ass woman.

“But I didn’t tell you who she cheated on me with,” he says, risking a glance at me.

I shake my head in confusion.

Until it hits me.

My throat burns.

The picture I took today.

Eric and Renee?

He reaches out to touch me but his hand stops mid motion. “My brother slept with my wife. While he was dating you.”

What was this? Fucking wife swap.

I swallow hard. “Okay Eric is a douche lord, and I might even hate him, but why would I get mad at you over this?”

He stares at me, not giving anything away. “I kept it from you. I didn’t want to hurt you. Then you sent me that photo today, and I knew you were going to ask questions. Maybe they’re together now. I personally don’t give a fuck. I didn’t know how you would feel about it.”

I scrub my hand down my face. “It’s the past. It just shows that I’ve made the right choices since leaving Eric. Let them have each other—hell they deserve each other.”

He exhales, then smiles shakily. “You took that better than I expected.”

Something else hits me then. “Wait a minute…”

He freezes.

“You knew that Eric had slept with Renee when we first slept together,” I say, my mind working. When it hits me, I grit my teeth. “You used me to get back at Eric!”

He rubs the back of his neck. “At the time, maybe. But I wanted you. You’re fuckin’ beautiful, babe, of course I wanted you.”

“I was living a fantasy that night… and you were just doing it to get back at him?” I ask, my face falling.

“A fantasy?”

“You were the first boy I ever noticed… in that way. It was a childhood crush that turned into a teenage fantasy. I’ve always wanted you, I just never thought it was possible to have you,” I admit.

“Faye, I ran into you, I didn’t go looking for you. You were there, and you took my breath away. I couldn’t believe my eyes, how sexy you were. I remember thinking how much of a dumb fuck Eric was to cheat on someone like you with someone like her.”

I stare at him as my mind races.

“So it was more than just getting back at Eric? Because if you didn’t find out I was pregnant, I’m not sure we would have never seen each other again,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest protectively.

Silence. Then, “I came by your uni once. It was a week after we slept together, and I wanted to see you. You were standing there wearing all black holding an animal print folder, and your hair was down and sticking out in every direction.”

He smiles, like it’s a fond memory.

“Really?” I ask, my voice gentling.

“Yes. You need to understand babe, you were doing well. Going to law school, making something of yourself. And you’re young. I didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew I wasn’t exactly good for you. You’d gotten rid of Eric and for that I was fuckin’ happy. You had a chance at a fresh start. Sure you fascinated me, but I didn’t really know what I was feeling so I just watched you, and then I left.”

His eyes plead with me to understand. I appreciate his honestly and tell him so. I was trying to get over Eric, and Dex was trying to get back at Eric. This whole thing is stupid and messed up.

“You know what? Who cares how we got together. We’re here now, in love, and about to have a child,” I find myself saying. “As long as you don’t screw up now, I don’t care about what happened before.”

I laugh at his shocked expression. “I can be reasonable Dex. Unless you cheat on me. That’s another story,” I say, my gaze going to his crotch, the threat visible in my eyes.

He cringes and cups himself. “I won’t fuckin’ cheat, I already told you.”

“Just making sure honey,” I reply, smiling at him, the evil in me gone.

“You can be a psycho sometimes, you know that right?” he says, getting down on his knees in front of me. I sit on the edge of the bed, now at each other’s eye level.

“I’m your psycho,” I whisper bringing my face closer to his.

Our foreheads touch.

“I want you to be my wife,” he whispers.

“Did you just call me a psycho then propose?” I ask, my eyebrows hitting my hairline. Now who’s as romantic as Shakespeare? Not.