“I don’t know. If Arman had been holding the true Hammer, maybe he wouldn’t be dead.”
“The Hammer couldn’t have saved him from the aurak’s poison. And if you had not been in possession of the Hammer when you fought the draconian, the Hammer of Kharas would now be in the hands of the Dark Queen,” said Tanis.
Flint thought this over. Perhaps his friend was right. That didn’t make what he’d done any better, but maybe, in time, he could forgive himself.
“Reorx told me the dwarf who found the Hammer would be a hero, Tanis. His name would live forever.” Flint snorted. “I guess that only goes to show the gods don’t know everything.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” said Tanis.
New readers to this series will note many unanswered questions and unresolved mysteries at the end this book, questions such as: how, why, and by whom Raistlin was led to Skullcap, and why haven’t the good dragons entered the war against the Dark Queen? Since this volume is one of the “lost” stories that occurs in the middle of the series, we have deliberately left these questions and other issues unresolved for the time being. Those interested in finding out the answers, and following the further adventures of Raistlin, Caramon, Tanis, Sturm, Flint, Tasslehoff, and all the rest, are encouraged to continue their sojourn in the world of Krynn.
Suffice it to say, Hornfel was given the real Hammer of Kharas, and in return, he and the other Thanes permitted the refugees and the heroes to find safe haven in Thorbardin. The war rages on, however, and no place is truly safe for anyone. For those interested in learning what happens next, this story continues in Dragons of Winter Night, Volume Two of the Dragonlance Chronicles.