SEVENTH FALL: Double Hit: 10 Jordan—hits TZ14-13. 30S- river Hits Cardiff, southern edge of Landing Calusa & Bordeaux TZ5-2, 20S-485 Dorado—hits Seminole & just misses Ierne
EIGHTH FALL: Double hit—11, just tip of Kahrain unoccupied end of Karachi Camp—mountains Longwood area of Ierne
NINTH FALL: Kahrain-Cathay—12 TZ13-l0/ 15S-44S Paradise River right in the center
TENTH FALL: Double Hit—13 TZ13-11.50 TZ10-7 Kahrain & Delta Killarney (unoccupied) Boca River
ELEVENTH FALL: 14—Sea and Cathay TZ10-7 Just misses Malay River Tips southeast edge of Thessaly
TWELFTH FALL 15—Double TZ10-7 Araby/Cathay Just misses Maori Lake Clips into Seminole East
This book could not have been written without the advice, assistance, and aid of Dr. Jack Cohen, D.Sc., lately Senior Lecturer of Reproductive Biology at Birmingham University, England, whose expertise and enthusiasm helped me create the dragons of Pern, and attendant botany/biology/ecology. Jack made fact out of myth, and science out of legend. I am not the only writer of his acquaintance who owes him a tremendous debt of gratitude.
I am also indebted to Harry Alm, Naval Engineer of New Orleans, Louisiana, for his configuration of the Thread Fall Patterns, based on only casual remarks in various of my books. To his wife, Marilyn, I owe the patient and correct transmission by Compuserve of this incredible technical data.