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"I wonder what those fires are," Sagen asked.

Vulpine scanned the horizon in the general direction of Sagen's gaze. Multiple fires flickered in the distance. Vulpine was mildly disturbed he hadn't spotted them on his own. Perhaps his eyes weren't what they once were.

"Let's find out." Vulpine veered toward the lights. Perhaps these were campfires of humans journeying toward the forge. If so, it would be a satisfying warm-up to have the Aerial Guard deal with them. After they'd flown another mile, however, his eyes began to untangle the glowing riddle. It was the remains of a human farm. What had once been a large farmhouse, a barn, and various outbuildings were now little more than mounds of cinders where the occasional fire still burned.

Beyond the house was a five-acre field full of humanoid figures. He squinted. No, earth-dragons. They were too broad and squat to be humans, plus they had tails. They were not the only figures in the field.

"Your keen eyes may have earned us valuable allies," Vulpine said to Sagen.

Vulpine soared over the burning buildings, the smoke stinging his eyes. He tilted his wings to slow his flight, drifting downward. Their descent was nearly silent as they landed a few dozen yards behind the mob of earth-dragons and were almost instantly spotted. A flurry of shouts ran among the assemblage as they all turned to face the sky-dragons.

"Greetings," he called out. "I'm Vulpine, Slavecatcher General. I've been given authority to take command of Albekizan's troops to establish a blockade of Dragon Forge. Who's in charge here?"

Ninety-nine earth-dragon heads instantly swiveled to stare at a single beast. Beast was exactly the right term; this was the largest earth-dragon Vulpine had ever seen, over six feet tall and almost that broad across the shoulders. Unlike many soldiers, this earth-dragon wore no armor, and was naked save for a necklace of human teeth that draped round and round his shoulders. He carried a weapon in both hands that looked like a fence post topped with an anvil. His most arresting feature, aside from his overall mass, was his beak. Unlike the normal smooth lines resembling a turtle's beak, this dragon's bony jaws had been carved and chiseled into ragged, jagged edges that reminded Vulpine of the blade of a saw.

The beast stomped forward, drawing ever closer, as if his intent wasn't to march to Vulpine, but to march over him. The squadron of Aerial Guards readied their weapons. Vulpine raised a fore-claw, motioning for them to remain still.

The beast stopped inches from Vulpine.

"I'm Sawface!" he yelled, at a volume appropriate only if Vulpine had been standing on the other side of the field. "These are my Wasters! I'm the top boss!" His breath smelled heavily of goom, the booze of choice among earth-dragons, fermented from cabbages and hot chilies.

Vulpine nodded respectfully, looking over Sawface's shoulder. "I admire your artistry," he said.

Beyond Sawface, fourteen human bodies were lashed to upright poles, like scarecrows in the field. They ranged in age from an elderly man to an infant. Not all were dead. Several were missing limbs. Two were missing heads. As frightening a scene as this presented, Vulpine was certain they would fail as scarecrows. No doubt by the following evening, crows would be devouring the eyes.

Sawface shouted, forcefully enough that Vulpine's feather scales were stirred by the wind of his voice. "We slaughter men! All must die!"

"Yes," said Vulpine. "Quite. However, if you rid the world of humans, who will grow the cabbages and chilies to make goom? Is a world without goom a world worth living in?"

Sawface opened his jaws to shout a response, but then some dim light flickered in his eyes.

Vulpine said, "I would like to engage your services in establishing a blockade around Dragon Forge. I can pay more gold than you can imagine. More importantly, I can supply you with all the goom you can possibly drink. I have full command of the kitchen barracks at the Dragon Palace. Join me, and I'll have fifty wagons of the stuff rolling toward us before sunset."

Sawface ground his lower jaw against his upper one, a grating noise like un-oiled, rusty gears grinding together inside the beast's head. Finally, Sawface held up his weapon. "I want a chest of gold that weighs more than the head of my hammer!"

"Done," said Vulpine. "I'll double it, in fact, once you've performed a service for me."

"Name it," said Sawface.

"I want the four main roads leading to Dragon Forge decorated with these scarecrows of yours," he said. "Two miles on each road should suffice. I understand it may take you some time to find enough bodies-"

"Do they need to be fresh?" asked Sawface, rubbing the underside of his jagged beak with his blood-encrusted hammer. His voice was quieter now. He almost sounded like he was thinking.

"I can't see why."

"Have your gold ready in a week," said Sawface, gruffly, before turning and stomping back to the rest of his mob.

Vulpine looked back at Sagen. "That went well."

"Shall I send one of the guards back to requisition the goom?"

"Of course not," said Vulpine. "I gave the order for the wagons to roll before we left. I anticipated we would find remnants of Shandrazel's army. In fact, it's time we divide our forces. There are four main roads leading into Dragon Forge. Send ten guards to each to establish the blockades. Have your remaining guards spread throughout the area seeking out earth-dragons. Make them similar offers of gold and goom."

Sagen nodded. "At once, sir. On which road will you be establishing your command post?"

"I won't be establishing the command post. You will. Pick whichever road you think is most vital. I have other business I must attend to."

"Other business, sir?"

"I need to pay a visit to the sun-dragon Rorg," Vulpine said. He grimaced. "A most unpleasant task. Rorg tends to divide all of life's problems into two categories: those he can solve by killing something, and those he can ignore. Dealing with him is always tedious."

"How many guards will you need as an escort?"

"None," said Vulpine. "I said he was tedious, not dangerous. The day I can no longer handle negotiations with a sun-dragon is the day you may build my funeral pyre." He looked toward the east. The scarecrows were black silhouettes against a brightening sky. "A new day approaches," he said. "The humans have had their moment of glory. Today begins their time of terror. When we're done, they'll be begging for our merciful guidance once more."

Getting to the top of the city wall was more challenging than Burke anticipated, especially with his crutch in his left hand and the case that held the spy-owl strapped to his back. The spy-owl weighed close to fifty pounds, which had the effect of pressing his belly up against the ladder, preventing him from seeing his remaining foot as it searched for the rungs. His aching arms supported most of his weight as he slowly worked his way up, one frustrating rung at a time.

Of course, he could have called out and any of the sky-wall bowmen would have run to his aid. But after all that time feeling helpless in his wheeled chair as his right leg died, he was eager to return to independent mobility. Getting around on his crutch felt like sprinting after his confinement to the chair.

He reached the top of the ladder and tossed his crutch onto the walkway that ran along the battlements. He grunted as he tried to slip the straps that held the spy-owl off his shoulder. Unfortunately, this threw off his center of gravity as he leaned backward. The ladder swayed slowly back from the wall.