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Shay's mouth felt dry. "Of course," he rasped, as Jandra unbuttoned her coat.

Behind them, Lizard splashed up onto the shore, his mouth and all four claws brimming with bright minnows. "Big catch!" he said, spraying wriggly fish parts over the rocks before him.

Jandra knelt down to her pack and pulled out the tin pot she carried. "Good job! Put the fish in the pot. They're small, so you'll need to catch a lot. Can you do that?"

"Good hunter," Lizard said as he dropped his catch into the pot. He turned and leapt once more. He undulated beneath the surface as gracefully as an otter, his long tail whipping around like a rudder.

"That should keep him busy," said Jandra, continuing to fumble around in her pack. She pulled out a walnut-sized chunk of white soap, the only thing that remained of the fist-sized bar they'd started the journey with.

Shay had his coat, boots and socks off by this point and was fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. He peeled it off then reached for his belt buckle. He looked up, to see if Jandra was looking at him. She was. She had her hands on her own belt buckle. With a synchronized movement, each pulled their belts free. A few seconds later, each was standing before the other in their long-johns. The coal that had permeated their skin had sunk down to the once white cotton of their undergarments, leaving them gray. Jandra turned her back to him as she unbuttoned her long-johns.

Slowly, she peeled the gray cotton down her shoulders, revealing her bare back. She was slender, but not boney. Her pale skin glowed in the soft light. Her underwear bunched up at her hips for a moment. She took a slow, deep breath and pushed the long-johns over her hips until they dropped around her ankles. She stepped out of them. She was now naked save for the silver bracelet on her wrist. She wrapped her hands across her breasts and looked back over her shoulders.

"So," she said. "This is me. Scaleless, tailless, wingless, pale, and hairy."

"I give thanks to whatever gods there may be that you are scaleless, tailless, wingless, pale, and hairy. You're breathtaking. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Have you seen many naked women?"


Jandra smirked. "So the bar for comparison is fairly low."

"Have you seen many naked men?"

"Ragnar, obviously. Bitterwood when I cleaned his wounds. And I caught a pretty good look at Pet," she said. She paused, and he wondered if she was still searching her mental list. Apparently, however, she was remembering the last man on her list. "Pet was… well, honestly, he was like a work of art. He'd been bred to have a perfect body. It was only everything else about him that made my skin crawl."

"I suspect magnificent isn't the word about to spring into your mind," Shay said. He clenched his jaw. Jandra was all but naked. It was time for him to take the plunge. Since she'd turned her back to him to work up the courage, he did the same. He unbuttoned his long johns and pushed them down. They didn't bunch around his hips. Unlike Jandra's hourglass figure, Shay was built like a plank. His limbs were lanky and lean. His torso was so thin his ribs could be counted. If there was an ounce of fat on him anywhere, he was unaware of it.

His skin was as white as the soap Jandra held, save for stripes of freckles around his shoulders. His torso was mostly hairless, though his legs were covered in thick orange growth. Jandra was quiet. He wondered if she was repulsed. He looked over his shoulder and discovered she was only a few inches away, staring at his back. Her hand fell gently upon his shoulder blades, her fingers tracing the map of ropey white scars.

"By the bones," she whispered. "You said… you said you'd been whipped. But…" Her thought trailed off. Shay knew why.

His most severe beatings were best described as flayings, the whip peeling away flesh and muscle down to the bone. It was why he always stood with rounded shoulders and a slight hunch. Due to the scarring and muscle damage, he couldn't stand truly straight if he tried.

"You said I was brave," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I couldn't have survived this. I can't believe you're still alive, let alone still hopeful. So willing to risk everything to share what you know with the world. I don't know that I could be so defiant after what's been done to you."

"I was always willful," Shay said, managing the faintest ghost of a grin. "I read about things like freedom and justice and love, and I believed in them. I wanted to experience them. And if a world run by dragons didn't offer these things, then I knew from an early age I'd have to change the world. Chapelion did his best to beat my dreams to dust. I'm not brave, Jandra. I'd beg to avoid a whipping. I'd weep before the leather ever touched my back, and renounce every idea I'd ever believed in. When the beatings would stop, the slavecatchers would order me to drop and kiss their talons in gratitude for their devotion to my improvement. I've groveled, Jandra. It's not courage that drives me. It's fear. It's shame. I'll slit my own throat before I ever bow down to a dragon again."

Silently, she took him by the hand and led him toward the pool. They crept into the cool water together, their hands clasped for balance on the slick, smooth stones. Shay shivered as the water rose up his legs. They neared the white water at the edge of waterfall and suddenly he slipped. He plunged beneath the water, pulling Jandra down with him. They both flailed about, their legs and arms entwining. They both grew still as Jandra pressed her breasts against his chest. They clung to each other tightly as they drifted back to the surface. Jandra's body was hot against his despite the chill of the water.

They bobbed above the surface of the pool. The water was deep here; Shay could barely touch bottom by stretching his toes. Jandra was floating, with her arms still clasped around his shoulders and her left leg wrapped around his hip. Gray water streamed out of her coal-tinted hair. Dark, oily spots lay upon her cheeks as the water beaded on the grime. Her face was only inches from his.

"Clean enough," she murmured, as she pressed her lips against his.

His assumption proved true. Kissing was simple enough to figure out. He closed his eyes as his toes curled and they drifted in the water, weightless.

"Scary birds," said Lizard.

Jandra's eyes fluttered open. The little green earth-dragon was perched next to her head. Behind Lizard, the fire had died down to a few smoking embers. Shay was still asleep beneath the blanket with her, his bony arm draped across her rib cage. It was warm under the blanket with the two of them pressed together. Jandra wasn't in the mood to get up and worry about breakfast yet.

"Go catch fish," she mumbled as she closed her eyes. She snugged the blanket tightly beneath her chin. She felt marvelous. For the first time since the goddess had altered her memories, she felt like she'd dreamed her own dreams. Shay's arms around her made her feel safe. He held her tightly enough that she couldn't be pushed out by the goddess.

Lizard's damp paw fell onto her forehead. He flexed his claws ever so slightly, pricking her.

"Scary birds!" he said, more emphatically.

She opened one eye. She didn't normally consider birds a threat, though she supposed a particularly robust eagle could have carried off Lizard. Still, for all she knew, there could be eagles the size of elephants down here.

"Where?" she asked.

"Scary birds!" Lizard shrieked, pointing skyward.

It wasn't birds. Three winged humans were flying across the lake. Their wings were metallic silver, similar to the wings Gabriel-the goddess's robotic angel-had flown on. While Gabriel had been designed as the pinnacle of human perfection, these winged men were a sorry looking bunch. They were wearing the once white uniforms of long-wyrm riders. All carried crossbows. Two of them still wore silver visors, but the third one's visor was missing and he'd recently suffered some horrible injury to the left side of his face. His eye was swollen shut and his lower lip dangled, streaming drool.