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Bitterwood had heard enough. "You're a hypocrite, Hex. You didn't persuade Rorg with the force of your ideas. You didn't change Shandrazel's mind with an argument. Everything you've accomplished of note you've done through violence-you slaughtered Rorg and you allowed your own brother to die. You call yourself a warrior philosopher, but you're nothing but a long-winded bully."

Hex looked around at the throng of refugees who stared at them. "Bullies use their strength against those who are weaker. I've stood up to would-be kings and would-be gods. These humans have nothing to fear from me."

"Unless they join the rebellion under their own free will, and you try to crush it," said Burke.

Hex shook his head. "If they don't become oppressors, they have nothing to fear. Any hand that would reach for a whip, however,"- he turned his gaze toward Burke – "will find itself bitten off."

By now, they reached the gates of the Free City. A quartet of young women in white cloaks, their faces shadowed by large hoods, approached cautiously.

One held out her hand and said, "Greetings, brothers," then spotting Zeeky near the back of the long-wyrm she added, "and sister. Welcome to the Free City. Many among you appear injured. You shall all be healed."

"We need to see the healer now," said Bitterwood.

The woman pushed back her hood, looking sympathetic to Bitterwood's need. She patiently explained, "The increase of supplicants in recent days is placing great demands upon the healer's time. He only attends to those with the gravest needs. The rest of you will be cared for by his disciples, who will administer the dragonseed."

"'Disciples' is a word with religious overtones," said Hex. "Does this healer claim to be a god?"

The woman smiled gently. "He makes no claims to godhood. He says he is, instead, a servant to us all."

"He's the servant?" Hex asked, sounding skeptical.

Bitterwood sensed that Hex might be on the verge of a diatribe on the political implications of a servant/master relationship and decided to nip off the argument before it began.

"This boy has yellow-mouth," said Bitterwood. "He may not survive the day. Can your healer save him?"

The woman approached the long-wyrm. She reached up and stroked Jeremiah's sweat-beaded brow, frowning with concern. She said, "We shall take him to see the healer immediately. Give him to us."

"I'll carry him," said Bitterwood. "I want to stay with him."

"We'll all stay with him," Zeeky said.

The woman looked back toward her three companions. Some unspoken communication took place, ending with a nod by all four.

"Very well," said the woman. "We'll lead you to the healer. Dismount and we'll tend to your steed, seeing that it has water and food… though, I confess, I'm unfamiliar with this beast. What does it eat?"

"Pretty much anything," said Zeeky, hopping down from her saddle. "Oats would be great. Don't leave him alone around any small animals, though. He'll gulp down a chicken before you can blink."

Bitterwood was surprised that Zeeky was surrendering Skitter to the women. From her body language, Zeeky didn't appear worried about their intentions. Bitterwood wasn't as certain, though he couldn't say why. There was nothing overtly sinister about these women. That only added to his sense that they were walking into a snake pit. But, if he had to walk into hell itself to save Jeremiah, he would. He slid down from his saddle as the others dismounted.

Hex extended his fore-talon to help Burke balance himself. Burke looked skeptical, then placed his hand on the claw and lowered himself to the ground.

"Thanks," he said.

Skitter followed one of the women toward the stables as the first woman led the motley collection of men, sun-dragon, girl, and pig through the busy streets of the city. The scent of fresh-cut pine hung heavy in the air. Hammer blows echoed from all directions.

Burke limped more rapidly on his crutch until he was just behind the woman. "How are they feeding all these workers?"

"Our healer is also our provider," said the woman. "I've witnessed him take a bag of grain, and pour it into an empty bag. Once that bag is full, another is brought, then another, then another. From a single bag, he may fill forty of the same size. There is no hunger here."

"That's what was said about the Free City when Blasphet ran it," said Burke. "This city was sold as a sanctuary where all human needs would be met. But once everyone was inside the gates, the true plan was for it to become a mill of death."

"You speak of the time when Blasphet was known as the Murder God."

"Yes," said Burke.

"Blasphet, the Murder God, is dead," said the woman. "According to the healer, a new Murder God has taken his place."

"A new Murder God?"

"Yes. The beast who murdered the Murder God. His unholy name is…," the woman paused, frowning, as if the name were sour on her tongue. When she finally spoke, her voice dripped with contempt. "He is known as the Death of All Dragons. He is called the Ghost Who Kills. His unholy name is Bitterwood."

Shay walked with Biscuit on one side of him and Frost on the other. Biscuit looked disgusted as Frost stumbled on the steps of one of the nicer buildings Shay had seen in Dragon Forge, a stately two story house built of brick, with slate shingles and glass windows.

"This was Charkon's residence," said Biscuit.

"Ah," said Shay. Charkon had been the boss of Dragon Forge. It made sense that an earth-dragon of his reputation would have a better home than the dragons who worked beneath him. It made sense, as well, that Ragnar should claim possession of the house. Shay guessed that, inside, he would find many of the spoils of war being used for Ragnar's comfort.

Instead, when the door opened, pulled from within by the giant bodyguard Stonewall, Shay saw that the interior of the house was almost empty. The large central room had been stripped bare, with the only furnishing present being an iron cross forged from the blades of four swords leaning against a brick wall. Ragnar knelt before this cross, his head lowered so that his bushy mane touched the floor.

Stonewall stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

"This boy wants to see Ragnar," said Frost. A slight belch punctuated his sentence.

"Ragnar's praying," Stonewall said. "He's not to be disturbed. I saw your approach from the window." Stonewall looked at Shay with a thoughtful gaze. "You're the escaped slave who brought the books. I don't believe I ever learned your name."

"Shay. It's important I talk to Ragnar."

Stonewall shook his head. "I'm sorry. The prophet's present conversation is with someone more important. He's praying for divine assistance to deal with the rumors of yellow-mouth."

"Rumors?" said Shay. "I thought there were people actually sick from the disease."

"There was a single boy who vomited," said Stonewall. "Bitterwood took him. We quarantined two dozen men who had contact with him. So far, there have been no symptoms."

"Then why have the foundry fires died?" asked Shay. "You're surrounded by dragons on all sides. I would run the foundry until every man in Dragon Forge had a gun, or even a dozen guns. From my vantage point, I spotted catapults ringing the city. It looks as if the dragons may be preparing an attack."

"The foundry workers are damn cowards," muttered Frost.

Biscuit ground his teeth loudly enough for Shay to hear. He grumbled, "No man wants to be seen in public if the next time he coughs he's going to be thrown into the quarantine barracks-or the furnace."

"Are you trying to start something?" Frost asked, his hand falling back to the modified gun on his belt. "'Speak carefully. You still have one eye." He hiccupped.

"Have you been drinking?" Stonewall asked before Biscuit could answer.