Sebastian offered her a genuine smile. He'd only bought the car to use while he'd been trapped in this time period. Where he was going, there was no need for it.
"I'm serious," he said, nudging her toward it. "No strings attached. I took a vow of poverty about fifteen minutes ago, and it's all yours."
She laughed incredulously. "I have no idea who you are, but thank you."
Sebastian inclined his head and waited until the woman had driven off.
Cautiously, he stepped into the alley and looked around to make sure there were no witnesses. He called forth the powers of Night to shield him from anyone who might happen by, then he shifted into his alternate form. The power of the Drakos rushed through him like fire as the ions in the air around him were charged with electrical energy—electrical energy that allowed him to shed one form and shift into another.
In his case, his alternate form was that of a dragon. Spreading his bloodred wings out to their full forty-foot span, he launched himself from his hind legs and flew into the sky, careful to stay below radar level this time.
Sebastian had one last thing to do before he could return to his time. Yet even as he headed back to the museum, he couldn't shake the image of Channon from his mind.
He could still see her asleep in the bed, her hair spread out around her shoulders. He could still feel the texture of the honey-laced strands in his palm.
His dragon form burned with need, and he yearned to return to her.
Not that he could. One-night stands with humans were all he dared. The risk of exposure was too great.
Sebastian crossed town in a matter of minutes and landed on the roof of the museum. He summoned the electrical field that allowed the molecules of his body to transform from animal to human and flashed back into his man form.
With a flick of his hand, he dressed himself all in black, then shimmered from the roof into the room that held the tapestry.
"There you are," he said as he saw Antiphone's work again. Sadness, guilt, and grief tore through him as he recalled his baby sister's gentle face.
After he'd sold this tapestry, he had never wanted to see it again.
But now he had to have it. It was the only way to save his brother's life. Not that he should care. Damos had never given a damn about him.
After all the things Damos had done to break him, Sebastian still couldn't turn his back on his brother and let the man die. Not when he could help it.
"I'm a bloody fool," he said disgustedly.
He willed the tapestry from the museum case into his hand. Then he folded and tucked it carefully into a black leather bag to protect it.
As he began to shimmer from the room back to the roof, an odd burning started in the palm of his left hand.
"What the... ?"
Hissing from the pain, he dropped the case and pulled off his glove. Sebastian blew cool air across his hot skin and frowned as a round geometric design appeared in his palm.
"No," he breathed in disbelief as he stared at it.
This wasn't possible, yet there was no denying what he saw and felt. Worse, there was a presence inside him, a tickling in the depth of his heart that made him curse even louder.
Against his will, he was mated.
Chapter 2
This was a nightmare. The absolute worst kind of nightmare.
It was wrong. It had to be.
Sebastian left the museum immediately, all the while debating his next step. On the building's roof, he paused. He needed to take the tapestry back to Britain of a thousand years earlier. He was sworn to it. He'd destroyed Antiphone's future, and now the fate of his brother was in his hands.
But the mark ...
He couldn't leave his mate here while he went home. Nor could he stay in this time period where the danger of being inadvertently struck by an electrical charge was so strong—that was his one Achilles' heel.
Because he relied on electrical impulses to change forms, any kind of outside electrical jolt could involuntarily transform him. It was why his kind avoided any time period after Benjamin Franklin, the so-called Satan of his people.
But Arcadian law demanded he protect his mate.
At any cost.
Centuries of war had left the Drakos branch of the Arcadians virtually extinct. And since Sebastian hunted down and executed the evil animal Drakos, their kind would make it a point to track and kill his mate should they ever learn of Channon's existence.
She would be dead and it would be all his fault.
Should she die, he would never mate again.
"Mate, my bloody hell," he muttered. He looked up at the clear, full moon above. "Damn you, Fates. What were you thinking?"
To mate a human to an Arcadian was cruel. It happened only rarely, so rarely that he'd never even considered the possibility of it. So why did it have to happen now?
Leave her.
He should. Yet if he did, he would leave behind his only chance for a family. Unlike a human male, he was only given one shot at this. If he failed to claim Channon, he would spend the rest of his exceptionally long life alone.
Completely alone.
No other woman would ever again appeal to him.
He would be doomed to celibacy.
Oh bloody, damned hell with that.
There was no choice. At the end of three weeks, the mark on her human hand would fade and she would forget he'd ever existed. The mark on his Arcadian hand was eternal, and he would mourn her for the rest of his life. Even if he went back for her later, it would be too late. After the mark faded, his chance was over.
It was now or never.
Not to mention the small fact that during the three weeks she was marked by his sign, Channon would be a magnet to the Katagaria Draki who wanted him dead.
For centuries, he and the animal Katagaria had played a deadly game of cat and mouse. The Katagaria routinely sent out mental feelers for him, just as he did for them. Their psychic sonar would easily pick up his mark on Channon's body, allowing them to hone in on her.
And if one of them were to find his mate alone without a protector ...
He flinched at the image in his mind.
No, he had to protect her. That was all there was to it.
Closing his eyes, Sebastian transformed himself into the dragon and went back to Channon's hotel, where he shifted forms again and entered her room as a man.
He was about to break nine kinds of laws.
He laughed bitterly. So what else was new? And why should he care? His people had banished him long ago. He was dead to them. Why should he abide by their laws?
He didn't care about them.
He cared for nothing. For no one.
Yet as he stared at Channon lying asleep in the moonlight, something peculiar happened to him. A feeling of possessive need tore through him. She was his mate. His only salvation.
For whatever twisted reason, the Fates had joined them. To leave Channon here unprotected would be wrong. She had no idea the kind of enemies who would do anything to have him, enemies who wouldn't hesitate to hurt her because she was his.
Sebastian lay down by her side and gathered her into his arms. She murmured in her sleep, then snuggled into him. His heart pounded at the sensation of her breath against his neck.
He looked down and saw her right palm, which bore the same mark as his left hand, laying upright by her cheek. He'd waited an eternity for her.
After all these centuries of empty loneliness, dare he even dream of having a home again? A family?
Then again, dare he not?
"Channon?" he whispered softly, trying to wake her. "I need to ask you something."
"Hmm?" she murmured in her sleep.
"I can't remove you from your time period unless you agree to it. I need you to come with me. Will you?"