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"Only since you left Easterman's hangout Them guys want you to help them promote themselves, don't they?"

Was I giving myself away? Usually I do good hiding my thoughts. She laughed. "Yeah. I thought so. When they going to do it?"

"What're you babbling about? You been smoking weed?"

"Sure. My imagination's gone berserk. You ever seen that place that Chodo lives?"

"I've been there."

"Bet whoever cleans that out would be set for life."

"Be a short life if somebody tried."

"Them thunder-lizards? No problem. Your pals got some way to get past them. I ride in on their coattails, stay low while they're doing the dirty deed, grab a sackful of the best loot, hightail out in the confusion afterward. No big deal."

Incurable optimism. "When did you get out to look at the place?"

"I get around. You made a big deal about the guy being bad, I figured I had to check him out."

"You ever sleep?"

"I got a lot of energy You do when you got ambition. You, you're an old box turtle. Never move unless you're starving and then only far enough to get yourself fed. You're never going to amount to anything, Garrett."

Was she taking lessons from Dean? "I manage. I have my own house. Not many can say that."

"I heard about how you made the money, too. People kept sticking pins in your ass till you did something. Then you fell in the shit and came up with a sack of gold."

It really was something like that But I do think I gave value for money. I stomped up the steps to my front door. Winger invited herself along. I thought about tossing her hack when I recalled my little joke on Dean. What the hell? It would do his old heart good to get to pounding. I knocked.

Dean opened up. He took a look at Winger. His face scrunched up but he didn't say anything. Winger said, "How you doing, Pops? You got any more of that good beer? I'm dry as a mummy." She gave him a friendly thump on the chest. He almost went down. He regained his balance, took off down the hall shaking his head.

Only after I shut the door behind her did I recall how things had gone last time Winger visited. I had to see the Dead Man and couldn't let her run amuck while I did. No telling what would leap into her pockets. "Come on. It's time you met my partner. I shouldn't use that word so close to him. He'd make a point of bringing it up.

My partner was as thrilled to meet her as he'd be to be the star at a witch burning. Carla Lindo could charm him some, but even she was a woman, and I'd not be forgiven for having her around so long. Winger was something else. Say she lacked Carla Lindo's grace.

"What the hell is that thing?"

"The Dead Man. My sidekick. Not as frjsky as some, but he does his part. If you light a fire under him."

"That ain't no man, Garrett. That's some kind of thing. Gots it a snoot like a mammoth. Gods, it's ugly. Kind of ripe, too." Like I said, a real charmer. All the sensitivity of a dire wolf.


We must have caught him dozing. I expected him to get peckish sooner. "News from the Cantard, Old Bones. Your boy maybe weaseled out one more time. Got the big boys butting heads..." He wasn't going to buy.

This time you have gone too far! Why have you brought that creature into my home?

Oh-oh. He was piqued. He's very precise in his word choices. If he had used my house, he'd just have wanted to squabble to kill time. My home... Well, he was not pleased. He felt violated.

"So I can keep an eye on her. Wouldn't want some unscrupulous rake making a move on her before

Stuff that nonsense. Play that game with Dean if you like, but I know you better.

"Had you going there, didn't I?"

Do what needs doing, then get her out.

Hey! He was willing to work to get shut of her. All right. I'd finally found a way to twist his arm.



Winger looked at me like I was foaming at the mouth.

The Dead Man wasn't giving her his half of the conversation. She asked, "You talking to that thing?"

"Sure. He's just dead, he isn't gone."

Report, Garrett! Get on with it.

I did. Every little detail.

I suggest you play along for the time being. He let Winger catch that. She jumped about a foot, grabbed the sides of her head. Her eyes got big as she wondered if he could look inside there as easily as he put thoughts in. I think she would've attacked him if she hadn't been so shocked.

"Play along Right. My sharpest skill. And when the crunch comes, how do I get out of committing murder? Or at least becoming a heavyweight accessory to same?"

The Dead Man sent the mental equivalent of a shrug. You will manage. You always do. Tell me more about what has happened in the Cantard.

Back to normal. He had his bluff in again. He thought. How about you suggest a way I can keep them from killing me once I've helped with the dirty work."

Really, Garrett. Your stubborn refusal to think for yourself is becoming a burden. He paused. Since you have developed a fondness for this Winger person, and she has the intent anyway, why not take her along? She has shown herself capable of handling one of them already. I foresee an unbeatable team here.

Did I walk into that one? I sprinted. And did all the setup work, too. I couldn't raise a fuss without Winger maybe getting upset and busting me upside the head.

A hint of mental snicker, private, for me alone. The devil.

It wasn't my day. It wasn't my week. If I went along to help ice Chodo, it might not be my lifetime.

"Sounds good to me," Winger said. It would. She'd already invited herself along once. Now she had the Dead Man's blessing.

I noted that she had caught her balance fast. The Dead Man had become old news She watched me expectantly, like she wondered how much originality I'd show trying to weasel out.

"I should've been a clown," I grumbled. "I'm everybody's entertainment anyhow."

The Dead Man's laughter was silent but evil.

Winger's wasn't silent.

I heard a sound, glanced back. Dean was in the doorway. Grinning.

My get-even list was getting too long to keep in my head. I was going to have to get me a diary to keep track.


I don't know why I left the house after I got rid of Winger. I guess because the Dead Man was riding me with spurs on, digging them in deep. My joke about Winger had turned on me. I didn't dare go to the kitchen without Dean ragging me, too.

Out seemed like a good idea at the time. Especially when the Dead Man said he'd like to know what Gnorst was up to now. I grabbed the out.

So I went to see the sneeze man. Actually, I just left a message at the door. Gnorst wasn't receiving. I suspect he especially wasn't receiving people with connections to old pals.

I headed for home. I got the notion I could root Carla Lindo out of her room and weep on her shoulder. She hadn't ridden me. She'd been especially understanding, in fact. The more I thought about it, the more I was sure we were going to become great friends real soon now. I started getting high on anticipation.

You may have noticed that things have a way of catching up with me whenever I feel too positive. The god who hands out the towels in the heavenly loo has a sideline. Messing with Garrett. He's such a puny, useless god they couldn't find anything better for him to do. But he's really good at messing with me. He works at it so hard I think he's bucking for a promotion.

I was a block from my place, trotting toward Macunado on Wizard's Reach. I stopped suddenly.

They came out of nowhere They closed in carefully.

There were six of them. I didn't know them but they had to be Chodo's boys.

The street cleared magically. I struck some martial-arts poses, made me some nifty yells. That just kept them from getting overconfident.

They were good. They would be, of course. Otherwise they wouldn't be on the first team. And they'd been briefed on what to expect, which was to expect the unexpected. I've been known to yank tricks out of my sleeves.