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'To die, and thus follow the path to eternal resurrection. Or live and face eternal desolation in the desert of mankind.'

Under the mask, Claudia felt herself sway. Did he not realise that no one could survive these knots? She watched him disappear into the thunderstorm and prayed a bolt of lightning would strike this sicko dead.

At her feet, Geb stirred. 'Has he…'his voice was faint. 'Has he gone?' He'd lost a lot of blood, and the very fact that the arrow had been pulled out had signed his death warrant.

'Yes.' Claudia swallowed. She wondered if he knew how badly he was hurt. 'Geb, I know this will be agony for you, but you've got to help me. Please!'

'How?' Even to speak was excruciating for him.

'Untie my hands.'

'Can't — move.'

'I can shuffle closer.' Each lurch drove the leather thongs deeper into her naked flesh. She felt blood dribble down her arms and thighs. There was blood in her mouth, too, from biting on her lip. One more jump and the chair would be within his reach.

'Can't — ' he rasped, 'can't move.'

Claudia felt panic rise in her breast. This was her only chance! Seth would be back any minute. Think, think — somehow you must get Geb to help you. 'You killed your wife,' she said.

Geb's head jerked in surprise. 'You know?'

Yes, but the next bit was a gamble. 'You joined this commune to atone for your sin, didn't you?'

'Her fault,' he whispered. 'Didn't stop me. She — made me hit her. One day — too hard. Dead. Blamed her until I found the Brothers. Know now that abstinence and — aargh! — penance will make my heart weigh light at the balance.'

Jupiter, forgive me, I have no other choice. 'You imagine that a few paltry months overseeing the domestic running of this commune constitutes penance?' Claudia forced grit into her voice. 'Dammit, Geb, you bullied and browbeat everyone to get your own way!'

'Not my way. The way. We — must all suffer and endure.' His voice was growing fainter. The pool of blood beneath him creeping ever larger.

'But you haven't suffered, Geb. You killed your wife and then you got this cushy job, and all you've done is try and convert others to the path.'

Kicking a man when he was down was bad. When he was on the point of death was unspeakable. Claudia screwed up her eyes and pressed on.

'If you really want your heart to weigh light — and Geb, I have to tell you, those scales will be here soon — then you must suffer pain to win atonement. You must set me free, or Seth will gobble up your soul.'

'Too late. Don't — care.'

'Then care that he'll bloody gobble mine, you selfish oaf!'

A look of utter astonishment crossed his waxy, anguished face. Then incredibly, and with superhuman effort, Geb crawled towards her, inch by inch.

'Thank you,' she wanted to whisper, but the words would not come past the lump in her throat. Every tiny movement wracked his body and every time he winced, Claudia winced with him. She shuffled the chair round towards him. Slowly he raised his body, and Claudia blanched at the raw wound in his chest, at the blood and lumps of tissue matted in his hairy chest.

She felt his bloody fingers fumbling on the knots. Please, she prayed. Please let him have the strength to undo them — It seemed to take for ever, and the pain was excruciating, because the leather bit even deeper into her skin every time she flinched, but suddenly her hands were free, and she was throwing off the golden mask and tackling the knots around her waist and ankles.

'You've saved my life,' she said. 'Geb, I-'

But he couldn't hear. Geb, the Keeper of the Central Store, lay dead, a radiant smile upon his face.

Trembling hands closed his half-open eyes and Claudia prayed his heart would indeed weigh light, wherever it was bound. She reached for her shift.

'Going somewhere, little lady?'

The silver figure in the entrance dropped the unconscious woman in his arms. Claudia recognised the white robes of a priestess.

'The killing's over, you sick bastard.'

'Sick? I am Seth,' the figure roared. 'Master of the Darkness, the Sorcerer, the Measurer of Time.'

'You can call yourself whatever names you damn well like, but I'm telling you, it's finished. Over. Done with.'

Flea was your last conquest. Geb, your final casualty.

'You?' The silver cloak trembled with rage, the silver plaits tinkled in his anger. 'You can't stop me. Nobody can!'

'Oh, that's where you're wrong.' Claudia picked up the little light which had guided Geb here. 'I'm going to stop your evil practice right here and now.' She threw the lantern at the mummy wearing the head of the cat. The bandages caught alight at once.

'No!' The eyes behind the silver mask grew wide. 'No!'

Sparks from Bast's fur danced in the air, and even while Seth screamed in disbelief and fury, one caught the feathers of the falcon, Horus. Two bodies began to burn. The stench was putrid.

'Bitch! I'll kill you for this,' he hissed. 'I'll kill you slowly, painfully, I'll have you die a traitor's death, roasted alive then boiled, but with you, I'll have the water heated slowly, no boiling oil for you, you bitch, you traitor, you!'

Move, dammit. He was still blocking the entrance. And the priestess still lay unconscious. Claudia had a feeling he'd kill her out of spite.

With a soft whoosh, a third mummy caught alight, and now the fumes and the smoke, trapped by the fig across the entrance, were unbearable. She began to splutter and retch. Seth, closer to the fresher air, stood confident. She had to make him move. Somehow, she had to get out of this cave before she passed out completely.

'All my work destroyed by one meddling bitch,' he snarled, kicking the unconscious priestess in the ribs. 'I'll flay you alive before I roast and boil you, I'll have you scream for mercy, but you wait — I'll show you none. No one,' he hissed, 'messes with the Dark Destroyer.'

'Except Mentu.'

'Mentu?' The silver figure leaned towards her. 'Mentu's nothing but a con man, think that weakling frightens me?'

Claudia swallowed the revolting fumes and smoke. 'Oh, yes,' she said quietly. 'He frightens you very much indeed. You've fought with him all your life, tried to prove that you're superior to him, but he's the one with all the money. He's the one who lives in luxury with his fine wines and his women, while you skulk in this cold, damp cave and move unrecognised among the people.'

'They'll know me soon enough. Or would have, before you interfered. I'll have to start all over, now, you bitch!'

Isis began to burn, pumping out more noxious fumes and foul smoke.

Claudia fought the nausea which churned in her stomach and her throat. Move, you bastard. Move away from the entrance! But the silver figure, gulping in the cleaner air, calmly stood its ground. 'You'll have to make a run for it soon,' he snarled. 'And then you're mine, you bitch. By all that's holy, you'll be mine, and I'll make you pay for this.'

'You know, don't you, that Mentu will never bend his knee to you? That no matter whether you make Osiris the first or last god at your table, he will never bow to you?'

'Oh, yes he will.' She'd touched a nerve. The silver figure clenched his fists. 'When his time comes to die, he'll know that Seth is his master and that he'll hold dominion over him for all eternity.'

The cow sprang into flames, her long horns arching outwards through the flames. Donata, Claudia thought. That's Donata burning

The smoke was choking now, she could hardly breathe. She'd have to fight him on his terms.

Picking up the high-backed chair he'd tied her to, she swished it over poor Donata's burning corpse. The dry rushes caught immediately, and with the chair on fire, she rushed at the figure in the entrance. He darted to one side, crashing into the branches of the fig. The outside air rushed in and fanned the flames.