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When the gap had shortened considerably, Wulfstan watched as the enemy horsemen swiftly turned their mounts and galloped back in the direction from which they had come. In an outright race on open plains, there was absolutely no danger to the horsemen of being caught by the Saxan warriors upon their slower steeds.

The enemy horsemen soon disappeared over the edge of the far horizon; a horizon that obscured a vast, oncoming storm.




The majority of the Jaghuns had been recalled into Gunther’s humble timber dwelling. To his best judgement, leaving them out in the open, wandering about the forest around his demesne, would do little other than to advertise their exact location.

With a little luck, he hoped that the enemy would pass by in their haste to press against the Saxans. They should have little interest in a solitary forest dweller, one that could provide nothing of advantage to their army.

The best-trained pair of his Jaghuns remained outside, Fang and Nightshadow. Both had been given firm commands to come back to Gunther if outsiders neared. They were the only two that he trusted enough to override their instincts at the sight of threatening Licanthers, and obey the order rather than attack a natural nemesis of theirs.

The others had been gathered into the main building on the entry-level floor, a few growling and whining incessantly in their agitation. Increasingly fidgety, the Jaghuns inside of Gunther’s home announced in their own way that the forces of the Unifier were close. The creatures clearly seemed to sense an intruding presence within their forest.

Gunther had to frequently move among the group of Jaghuns to settle them down, from the largest male to the youngest two, Skyheart and Darkmane.

Lee and the other foreigners appeared to be astonished at the level of discomfort and nervousness being expressed among the animals. The creatures had, until most recently, exhibited calm demeanors.

“What is making them so upset?” Lee asked Gunther, standing near to the wooden staircase leading up to the second level.

Gunther looked up from where he was rubbing the head of a particularly irritated female Jaghun, Merein. He knew that her agitation was compounded by the fact that she was a mother to both Skyheart and Darkmane, and was undoubtedly feeling protective about her offspring.

Gunther had a far off look in his eye as he responded to Lee. “It is not taught so in my own faith, but I believe that the creatures of this world also choose either good or evil to serve.

“The choice of the animals was once told to me, long ago, by a man who said he was from the far northern lands, in territory now held by the followers of the Prophet. He was a man who had still not adopted the religion of the Prophet, and worshipped in an ancient way and custom. In many ways, his faith was not altogether different from my own.

“Anyway, he spoke of how the animals of the world divided themselves in loyalty. Some siding with the good God, and the rest with the evil One. It is a strange belief, but if he was somehow right, that animals also choose sides in the struggle of good and evil, then I believe that the Jaghuns choose to serve the All-Father… and also that the Licanthers of the enemy serve the great Adversary. It would surely explain why my Jaghuns grow so upset at their approach.”

“So even the animals have free will?” murmured Erin, almost in a mocking tone.

Gunther nodded, with a slight expression of puzzlement at Erin’s comment, while feeling a sharp irritation at the flippancy of her tone.

“Perhaps some do,” he remarked. “Who am I to say absolutely that they do not?”

“There’s only one entrance into this place, right?” ventured Ryan. He eyed the restless Jaghuns with an edgy demeanor. “There is no secret side door or anything, is there?”

“No, there is only the cave passage into the depths of the lower world. Those of the Island of Gael would say a passage to Otherworld,” Gunther stated, with a trace of a grin, thinking of the hardy, devout people. “Even a large force could not pursue us there. They would soon enough learn the truth of the Stone Hides, if they had heard the old tales of the tribal lands.”

His words caused all of the others to peer inquisitively towards the thick, wooden door in the back of the chamber. Anxiety flickered on their faces, as to them the doorway was one that opened upon the sheer unknown.

“Do not worry yourselves unduly. There will be no danger to you from the Unguhur. I will make certain of it. As for now, I am going to go outside, and take a look around,” Gunther announced. His voice then took on a sharp edge, which brooked no question or dispute. “Do not leave here. Your lives may depend on that. If you are threatened, and I have not returned, go through that door, and do not fear the race that you will find in the depths. Tell them that you are friends of Gunther, and that he told you to seek refuge with Treas. Do not hesitate to announce that… not for a moment… no matter what fear may rise at the sight of the beings you will encounter beyond that door.”

Without another word, he grabbed up his longbow, scabbard, and belt, and quietly left through the front door. The Jaghuns rustled about and whimpered at his departure, but did not make any move to disobey their master.




Despite the stated escape rout being within just a few short strides from them, Gunther’s four guests exhibited a range of morose expressions in the aftermath of the woodsman’s departure. Lee felt as if he could now relate to a cornered rat, helplessly waiting to see whether or not a hunting snake would discover the entrance to its nest, to enter and devour its trapped quarry.

The notion of another race of creatures, located within the depths of the ground, was not very reassuring either. Each moment spent within Gunther’s dwelling increased the overall feeling of trepidation, though Lee was not about to question the woodsman’s admonishment to remain where they were.

Lee realized without question that to try and go out into the woods by themselves would be virtually suicidal. All too recently, he and his companions had personally experienced the sheer folly of such a situation. He knew that Gunther’s intervention had enabled them to survive, and, as a result, gain from the valuable lessons concerning their great vulnerabilities in Ave.

Even so, their trust was now placed with a man whom they knew very little about, in a world that they knew even less about. For four people who were not from a world that was very oriented towards trusting strangers, it was a very uneasy and burdensome predicament to be caught within. Lee could not deny that such a reality did not sit entirely well within his own heart.

Ryan paced back and forth anxiously, while Lynn and Erin sat quietly nearby on stools, with pensive expressions on their faces. All cast periodic glances at the Jaghuns, exhibiting a sustained wariness towards the woodman’s formidable creatures. Lee kept to his place near the bottom rung of the staircase, leaning up against the wall as he regarded his companions, and the Jaghuns.

It could not be denied that they were all effectively prisoners of the new world, especially relating to the situation immediately at hand. Lee felt ill prepared for what was rapidly descending upon them, and knew that his three companions were faring little better as they struggled with their own inner turmoil.

After several ponderous, uncomfortably silent moments, Lee finally straightened up and meandered slowly over towards the broad door on the back wall of the dwelling. He looked at it carefully, taking in its crafting and texture. There was very little that was special about the door. It was just a plain wooden door, constructed of rough-surfaced planks, with an additional wooden plank that was used to bar it shut from the inside.