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Where rampant fires had swiftly merged in some of the other communal longhouses, the rock, dust, and other debris had nearly smothered the Sacred Fire. A few tribal warriors had acted very rapidly, seeing what was happening, reacting with a desperate urgency. They lighted torches and even some large scraps of wood from the dying fire, hurrying onward with the cluster of small flames to start a more stable fire far beyond the base of the village’s hill.

The other sachems had reacted with anguish and dismay at the dire news of how dangerously close the Sacred Fire had come to being extinguished, regarding it as a very dark omen. The air was thick with their brooding anxiety, and no amount of talk from Deganawida would easily allay their apprehensions.

It was almost indisputable that the Unifier had chosen that particular village of the Onan for a very precise reason: to be the first major target of the assault upon the tribal lands. The fact that the Sacred Fire was kept there, a symbol at the heart of all the tribes, was not lost on the other Great Sachems.

Taking place as the attack had during the night, the sachems also sensed that the Dark Brother had likely had a part in guiding the attack, or in identifying the village. That thought was very troubling, all the sachems knew that their longtime nemesis was both merciless and unpredictable. If the Dark Brother was openly aiding the Unifier, then it promised much more tragedy to come.

Those that had listened to tales of the brutal attacks from the night sky, from the mouths of those that had endured and barely survived them, were stricken to an even greater extent with a paralysis of worry. Deganawida could see the powerful grip of anxiety taking hold upon their faces.

As much as they could, the Great Sachems labored to hold onto the traditions of the Grand Council. The circumstances surrounding them were nearly overwhelming, as they started the meeting very early in the day to address the many matters at hand. They desired to gain every moment that they could when the powers of the Dark Brother were believed to be at their most reduced.

The Grand Council had passed through the early rituals, including the sharing of the symbolic tobacco pipe that was reverently passed among the tribes’ Great Sachems. The convocation offered open prayers of thanksgiving to the Creator for the formation of their confederacy. Much was rendered in the form of solemn songs and chants, the singing evoking the deep emotions resonating within the tribal sachems.

The great wampum belt of the Five Realms, made of highly treasured colored shells, was prominently displayed. The rectangular belt had five images fashioned upon it. A prominent image of a white tree resided in the center of the sacred belt, symbolic of the Tree of Peace. It heralded the spirit of the Great Law, which had brought such harmony amongst the five tribes.

Two pine trees, each made up of stacked white triangles, stood upon either side of the larger tree image. All four pine tree images and the Tree of Peace depiction were set against a purple background.

The group of trees represented the endurance of the five tribes and their fellowship with one another, with the central image specifically representing the Onan as the Keepers of the Sacred Fire.

Oral tradition held that the mysterious, seemingly divine founder of their confederacy, who had vanished from among them unexpectedly, had bequeathed that very belt to their ancestors when the first Grand Council was formed. That patron Wizard had long been gone from sight, but the belt still remained, even in the wake of the recent, devastating tragedy.

Nearby there were a couple of other items on prominent display.

One featured five long strings of white wampum shells that were bundled together at one end. The individual strings had been brought together by a designated sachem of each tribe, to be ceremonially bundled at the beginning of the Grand Council. As a group, they symbolized the coming together of the Five Realms’ confederacy.

Another cluster of wampum strings was also in evidence, with similar connotations. Arranged into the semblance of a complete circle, fifty separate wampum strings had been used. Each of the wampum strings signified one of the Great Sachems present, the circle complete only if all fifty were present.

Most of the Great Sachems were very familiar with each other. The golden age of harmony that had continued to exist among the five tribes of the confederacy had resulted in the continuance of many wise sachems being appointed to the Grand Council, all with a wealth of life experience.

Like those of Deganawida’s own tribe, the clan matrons of the other villages and tribes, in such a climate of peace and stability, had had to make few changes or appointments of new sachems. What few appointments had been made in the recent years leading up to the attack were largely because of a particular Great Sachem’s death.

With the terrible aftermath of the attack upon the village, involving the suffering of so many, and the deeply troubling omens such as the near extermination of the Sacred Fire, it was fortuitous that many of the Great Sachems held a common friendship and history together. Consensus, as at all Grand Councils, would be utterly vital before any collective action on the part of the Five Realms could be undertaken.

All who wished to speak, would be given time, and any single disagreement would be enough to bring an initiative to a complete halt.

Beyond the need for full agreement, there were some new challenges facing the Great Sachems at the makeshift Grand Council. Death, with no regard for either friendships or history, had abruptly caused the need for five new faces to be raised together to the Council for the very first time.

Subsequent attacks, taking place before the alarm had been fully spread across the woodlands, had visited several other villages. The Darroks had returned, and nothing had challenged their presence this time. Only the swift dispatch of messengers had likely spared a great number of other villages, whose matrons and sachems had wisely sought refuge in the forests before their own villages were visited with the death and devastation that had come down from the skies. The more recent attacks had caught some villages unawares, resulting in even greater burdens for the maintenance of a proper Grand Council.

The Grand Councils were normally convened once each year, with the exception of the times needed to raise a new member or to address a special, urgent situation. The deadly attacks upon the other villages had left no less than five Great Sachems dead in their wake, each of whom required a traditional ceremony and the immediate raising up of a new Council member to their place.

Beyond that immediate need for new Grand Council sachems, Deganawida’s gravity regarding what the attack represented and heralded, reinforced by the signs of looming invasion, was reason enough to formally call the Grand Council together.

The clan matrons had understood the severe nature of the crisis, moving with great haste to reach consensus in appointing new sachems to the Grand Council. Despite their own losses and pain amid the sudden chaos, the clan matrons focused upon the need to repair the Grand Council to wholeness. They saw the extreme importance of preserving one of the greater traditions that bonded all of their tribes and peoples together.

The new men chosen for the Grand Council were sent with haste, to be raised up to take the place of those who had fallen. As it had always been, there had to be ten Gayogohon, nine Onyota, fourteen Onan, nine Kanienke, and eight Onondowa sachems present to complete the Grand Council. With calm hearts, and drawing upon their richness of wisdom, love for their people, and reason, the matrons had succeeded in naming five exceptional men to heal the Grand Council, and regenerate its strength and authority.