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“Thank you, my lord,” the sentry replied in gratitude, giving another bow as Aethelstan spurred his horse forward.

Aethelstan’s hopes rose even further as he heard the distinctive whines and grunts of the stout Himmerosen. A number of campfires were lit around the campsite, and many Saxans rose up to cheerfully greet the returning party.

Aethelstan could see the exuberance at his party’s return, and knew that the men in the camp had been harboring great worries over them since they had first set out.

He paused for a moment to give some instructions to Cenferth, to convey the word of what they had seen during their journey to the other thanes. His body was tired and sore from the foray, but his spirit was buoyed by the notion that Edmund had finally arrived into the camp.

As he neared his own bell-shaped tent, he saw the outlines of the large sky steeds. He had always thought they resembled a leaner version of a war dog in their physical look. Though not quite as broad in proportion, they did bear a close likeness in the shape of their their heads and proportions.

Each time that Aethelstan saw the Himmerosen, he remembered the thrill of flying through the air while astride the wondrous creatures. He was no sky warrior, but, in the past, Edmund had guided him up above on a small number of airborne sojourns.

The sensation of flight was incredible, and there were times that he could not help but envy the trained sky riders such as Edmund. The feeling of freedom and the perception of a much more magical, broader world was indelible in the act of soaring across the heavens.

For such truly formidable creatures, the trained Himmerosen tended to have rather gentle dispositions, and were not dangerous at all to work with, or be around. Simply riding them was not much different from riding a horse, though mastering the skills of a sky rider, and the use of weapons while in flight, required considerable training.

A couple of the creatures turned and whined playfully at Aethelstan as he walked towards them, not entirely unlike his large dogs that ran all about the grounds within Bergton.

“They are a bit too tired for a ride this evening,” commented a friendly, and quite familiar, voice.

Aethelstan glanced to the left. A man of about his own age was striding toward him. His head was uncovered, and his dark hair tossed about in the crisp wind. He was clad simply in a cloak, tunic, and trousers, bearing only a sword that was sheathed at his waist.

“Edmund, Edmund. You took your time, did you not?” Aethelstan quipped, a grin sprouting upon his face, as his former trepidations at his friend’s long absence fled.

A warm smile spread across Edmund’s face as he drew closer. He had a thick moustache underneath his sharp nose, and his eyes sparkled with a merry glitter.

“Still not used to the beard,” Edmund teased, as he stepped forward and gave a fervent embrace to Aethelstan.

“It does take some getting used to, that I confess,” Aethelstan replied, laughing, reaching up and rubbing the growth that had been there for only a small portion of his life span, covering cheeks, chin, and around his mouth. “And I am far too used to your bare chin, but admittedly it is still good to see you. I was growing very worried.”

“You sound like a parent. Though I know that you are a good one,” Edmund replied, chuckling. “Worried about me? I cannot wait until I make Wystan or Wyglaf a sky rider. Then we will see about worry.”

“You will make me grow old before my time, I fear,” Aethelstan said, laughing again. His face then grew more serious. “But I really was a bit worried.”

“We traveled here safely enough,” Edmund replied, his own expression turning more somber. “You probably already know of enemy sky warriors appearing far too often over our land.”

“Yes, I have heard of them,” Aethelstan said. “And we have found where the enemy force is likely to come through. If the enemy tries a more difficult route, we could defend against them with ease. I have just returned from scouting these areas myself.”

“You should leave it to your friends in the sky,” Edmund remarked, an edge underlying his words.

Edmund’s expression reflected some agitation, and Aethelstan knew that his friend was not thrilled about him having scouted the terrain in person. Aethelstan was the thane of greatest rank in the forces defending the borders of Wessachia, in addition to the deep, abiding frienship that he had with Edmund.

“If you were ever around,” Aethelstan retorted.

“We had a muster point to reach with Aldric. He takes over six hundred sky riders to the defense on the plains, maybe seven hundred,” Edmund informed him. “We were making certain of our forces, as well as our equipment and plans.”

“So how many have come with you?” Aethelstan asked.

“We have around fifty here, and that is much better than I expected. Sky warriors are badly wanted at the plains, and I did not expect Aldric to spare so many for the defenses here,” Edmund said.

“Then caution is to be advised, with smaller numbers,” Aethelstan replied evenly.

Edmund grinned. “Caution?”

“I fear you will never cease to be a little wayward and reckless in your methods, Edmund. But heed me closely in this,” Aethelstan said, his countenance becoming stern, and his voice growing firmer. “We have grown up together, and fought together. Yet we have never faced anything like the times that are upon us now. Nothing like it, ever. We have to be very, very careful.”

Edmund’s grin dimmed, and his face reflected his friend’s grave countenance. “I need no explanation. I knew what we are facing, the moment that I saw the look upon Aldric’s face. He is like the rock of a mountain… and has the presence of one too. But I know without a doubt that I saw a flicker of fear within his eyes, as he related the word that has come to us of the approaching enemy forces.”

“The best of warriors still knows fear. Fear focuses the mind, and tempers the resolve,” Aethelstan commented. His expression then brightened a little. “So, have you eaten yet?”

“They had some good woodland boar for the sky riders when we arrived. It seems that some men from the general levy met with some fortune in the woods nearby,” Edmund said. “To think that only nobles hunt in the forests of Avanor. My stomach gives thanks that our lands have no such laws! It is fortuitous that our levymen are hunters, not to mention valuable for our supply of archers.”

“You know how to tempt an appetite, for I am starving after my own journey,” Aethelstan stated. He clasped his friend’s arm, just below Edmund’s left shoulder. “Then join me for some food and drink, if only for company. I am famished.”

“Maybe there is some meade about?” Edmund said, with evident hope in his voice.

Aethelstan laughed. “Alas, you hope too far. There is not, and if there were, it would truly be secured from the likes of you.”

“My reputation precedes me always,” Edmund said, laughing as he shook his head.

The two men walked to a nearby fire, where they were swiftly attended to by a couple of men from the camp.

Wooden cups and platters were brought out to them, and they were soon provided with a simple meal. Some wheat bread was served, which was just starting to toughen, and needed to be softened in a vegetable and grain pottage. A clay pitcher of ale, already strained, filled their cups more than once.

Some fresh mutton had been procured from a small village a few leagues back, and it took a little time to roast the modest amounts upon a spit. Finally, there were a few special cakes sweetened with honey.

It was not the complex fare of a feast in a longhall, but it was a welcome respite from the usual foods partaken of on a longer campaign.

“Some good fortune is with us,” Aethelstan commented contentedly, as his hunger pangs were eradicated.

“Quite a good fare for a campaign,” Edmund complimented, taking a long draft of ale. He smacked his lips, grinned, and held his cup out, as one of the men attending to them filled it up once again.