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He heard a shout and saw Adjani rushing up beside him with a long rod in his hand-the thing flashed in the moonlight and Spence recognized it as the weapon Kyr had used to save them on the road earlier that afternoon. The air smelled of scorched metal and Spence's head throbbed with a booming ache. His ears roared with the sound of a distant ocean. But he was free.

Adjani took the end of the object in his hands and swung into the foremost of the creatures. They all lurched away out of range, and Adjani grabbed Spence by the sleeve of his jumpsuit and pulled him back toward the spacecraft.

"Wait! Kyr is hurt," said Spence. "We've got to get him on board. Gita! Lend a hand! Hurry!"

They bent over the alien's body and lifted it, slinging it between them as they made for the ship. Spence heard the air buzz above his head and saw one of the demons dart past him. N o more stood between them and the Martian spacecraft. "They've got us cut off!"

The airborne naga swooped at them from above. Adjani spun and raised the rod in his hand and once more the ruby beam split the night. The shot hit the monster in the chest as it swung down toward them, grotesque hands outstretched and grasping. There was a bright flash and Spence saw the being jerked back through the air as if it had been yanked by an attached wire. An agonizing scream gurgled from its inhuman throat and the thing fell to earth. But to everyone's surprise, the creature climbed back onto its legs and rejoined the others.

"We can't stay here. We've got to run for it." Spence looked at the still-unconscious body of the alien at his feet. "I'll carry him. You cover our retreat. Let's go! "

Gita, his whole frame shaking with fright, helped lift the stricken Kyr onto Spence's shoulders while Adjani kept the naga demons at bay, brandishing the rod. The jolt to the first demon seemed to have made them cautious, but they had regrouped and were closing in.

"Gita, you lead the way. We're right behind you. There!" shouted Spence, shoving Gita ahead toward the forest. "Get going!"

The demons saw what was happening and began shrieking in rage. They leapt into the air to pursue the chase.

Spence, with Kyr slung across his shoulders, stumbled on as fast as he could, slamming now and again into branches and trunks of trees as they gained the forest. Adjani stayed at his elbow, steadying him and guiding him through the thick tangle. Occasionally he turned to loose a shot at the beings darting after them.

They ran on a downward course that grew steeper as they went along. To Spence it seemed that they had traveled for hours, but it must have been only a few minutes before his lungs began to burn and his legs tired. But he kept moving.

The forest began to thin out and the undergrowth became sparse. He imagined he saw lights through the trees ahead. "I think I see something!" cried Gita. "Yes! It is the village! Rangpo is ahead."

"Can you make it?" asked Adjani. "Let me take him."

"No, I can make it. Let's keep going." Spence allowed him self a quick backward look. "Where are they?"

"They're right behind. But they seem to be keeping their distance."

"They're afraid of your weapon there-"

"Or they're waiting for us to run out into the open."

"I hadn't thought of that." The thought made Spence's heart sink once more.

The way became steeper and rocky. Spence fell several times over rocks and landed on his knees. Each time Adjani hauled him to his feet and they hurried on. Then they were standing at the edge of the forest looking down at the village on the hillside below They could hear the obscene buzzing of the demons' wings growing louder and more ominous as the creatures closed in.

Spence, his heart pounding wildly, his breath coming hard, leaned heavily on Gita's arm. "Well, it's now or never. Let's go!"

Gita muttered a prayer and dashed out from the shelter of the trees; Spence followed on his heels. Instantly there was a shriek above as one of the creatures streaked down upon them. "Down!" cried Adjani. Spence threw himself to the ground and heard a raking claw whisper by his head. He glanced up just in time to see Adjani running toward him.

"Look out!" he shouted. But it was too late.

Adjani, watching the sky behind, did not see the fallen tree trunk lying directly in his path and went down hard. The weapon in his hand was thrown out and sailed through the air to land midway between them. Adjani squirmed back onto his feet and dived for the alien weapon. There was a whir in the air and a dark shape swooped down and snatched the instrument away.

Spence, helpless under Kyr's weight, watched all this happen. "Oh, no!" he groaned.

"Look here!" exclaimed Gita. "The Lord be praised!"

Spence swiveled his head in the direction of Gita's voice and saw smooth high stone walls shining faintly in the moonlight. Adjani was instantly beside him lifting Kyr. They slung the Martian between them and made for the wall.

"This way! Hurry! The seminary! Run quickly!"

They reached the wall and ran alongside it, looking for an opening to duck inside. Gita disappeared around a corner and they heard his voice call back to them, "Here is a gate! Hurry, my friends! A gate!"

When they caught up with him he was hammering on the gate with his bare hands. A single lamp burned in a lantern over the entrance. They huddled in the pool of light, as if it might offer some protection against the terrors of the night.

Spence leaned Kyr against the archway. A moan came from the alien's throat. "I think he's coming out of it. Can you see them?"

Adjani, eyes to the sky, replied, "No, but I'm sure they're out there. Strange, I don't think they followed us. I don't know why."

"I don't care why, just as long as they leave us alone."

"I hear someone coming," said Gita, still pounding on the wooden gate with his hands.

In a moment they heard a voice from behind the door speaking rapid Hindi. Gita answered and then said, "Please, open up! We need help!"

There was a grating sound as of a bolt being drawn back and then the door creaked open and a face appeared in the crack.

"Who disturbs our rest at this late hour?" Black eyes glittering in the light glanced quickly at each of them in turn.

"Please, sir. We seek refuge behind your walls. Our friend is hurt. May we come in?"

There was a slight hesitation and then the door was thrown open wide, revealing a small man with a smooth bald head which gleamed in the moonlight. "You are welcome, friends. How can I help you?"

As soon as Kyr was moved inside Adjani whirled to the door and shut it, throwing the bolt. Their host narrowed his eyes and looked sharply at his guests.

Spence saw the look and said, "We mean you no harm, sir, We won't trouble you further."

"I am Devi, dean of the seminary. I was just on my way to my quarters when I heard you knocking on the gate. Are you in trouble?"

"We were traveling on the road earlier," said Adjani. "We camped in the forest."

"Wild animals found us and pursued us," said Gita, his eyes big with fright. "We came here, Your Eminence."

Devi laughed. "You have had a time of it, yes; I can see that. Now about your friend." He bent to examine the Martian.

Spence quickly turned to hide the alien's features. "He'll be all right. He fell. We had to carry him. I think he's coming out of it."

Devi nodded. "I won't pry. Your secrets are safe with me. Wild animals have been known to wander nearby in these forests, though it has been a long time since anyone saw a lion or tiger. But we'll let that keep for now." He smiled and Spence saw his bald head bob. "Now you'll want to lie down and rest, I think."