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Beacham, Richard C, Spectacle Entertainments of Early Imperial Rome (New Haven; London, 1999)


For Tacitus's works for this period see the following translations:

Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome (London, 1989)

Tacitus, The Histories (London, 1972)

For Suetonius's life of Nero see: Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars (Oxford, 2000)

Lane Fox, Robin, The Classical World: An Epic History from Homer to Hadrian (London, 2005)

Scarre, Christopher, The Penguin Historical Adas of Ancient Rome (London, 1995)

Jones, Peter and Sidwell, Keith (eds), The World of Rome: An Introduction to Roman Culture, (Cambridge, 1997)

The Vindolanda tablets are also available online at:

http ://vindolanda.csad.ox.ac.uk


For Pliny's letters see:

The Letters of the Younger Pliny (London, 1963)

For Pliny's Panegyric of Trajan, see Loeb Classical Library edition:

Pliny, Letters and Panegyricus (Cambridge, Mass., 1969)

For Cassius Dio's account of the reign of Hadrian see Loeb Classical Library edition:

Cassius Dio, Roman History, Volume 8 (Cambridge Mass., 1925)

For the Imperial History, Life of Hadrian, see:

Lives of the Later Caesars (London, 1976)

For Tacitus's account of Roman Britain, see: Tacitus, The Agricola and The Germania (London, 2003)


A good, authoritative introduction to this period of Roman history can be found in:

Cameron, Averil, The Later Roman Empire, AD 284-430 (London, 1993)

Other key works are:

Brown, Peter, The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity AD 200-1000 (Oxford, 2002.)

Brown, Peter, Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity: Towards a Christian Empire (Madison, Wis.; London, 1992)

Odahl, Charles, Constantine and the Christian Empire (London, 2004)

Barnes, Timothy, Constantine and Eusehius (Cambridge, Mass.; London, 1981)

Drake, H. A., Constantine and the Bishops: The Politics of Intolerance (Baltimore, Md.; London, 2000)

Digeser, Elizabeth DePalma, The Making of a Christian Empire: Lactantius and Rome (Ithaca, N.Y.; London, 1999)

Southern, Pat, The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine (London, 2001)

Beard, Mary; North, John; Price, Simon, Religions of Rome. Volume 1: A History (Cambridge, 1998)

Lenski, Noel (ed), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine (Cambridge, 2006)

Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 12, "The Crisis of Empire, AD 193-337', (ed) Alan Bowman, Averil Cameron, Peter Garnsey (Cambridge, 2005)


For Eusebius's works see:

Eusebius, Life of Constantine, (ed) Averil Cameron and Stuart G. Hall (Oxford, 1999) which has introduction, translation and commentary.

Eusebius, The History of the Chunk from Christ to Constantine (London, 1989)

For Lactantius's works see:

On the Deaths of the Persecutors, Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum (On the Deaths of the Persecutors), (ed) J. L. Creed (Oxford, 1984) which has parallel Latin and English text.

Lactantius, Divine institutes, (ed) Anthony Bowen and Peter Garnsey (Liverpool, 2003) which has original text, translation and commentary.

For Zosimus's New History see:

Zosimus, Historia Nova, The Decline of Rome (San Antonio, 1967)


The most up-to-date, accessible and authoritative history of Rome's decline is:

Heather, Peter, The Fall of the Roman Empire (London, 2005)

Other key works are:

Heather, Peter: Goths and Romans 332-489 (Oxford, 1991)

Heather, Peter, The Goths (Oxford, 1996)

Matthews, John, Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court, AD 364-425 (Oxford, 1975)

Ward-Perkins, Bryan, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (Oxford, 2005)

Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 13: The Late Empire, AD 337-425', (ed) Averil Cameron and Peter Garnsey (Cambridge, 1997)


For Ammianus Marcellinus's history see:

Ammianus Marcellinus, The Later Roman Empire: AD 354-378 (London, 1986)

For Zosimus's New History see:

Zosimus, Historia Nova, The Decline of Rome (San Antonio, 1967)

For the fragments of Olympiodorus' Histories see:

Blockley, R C. (ed) The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Makhus, Volume 2 (Liverpool, 1983) which 1 Greek text, translation and notes.


Книга шестая. Стихи 851-853. Пер. С. А. Ошерова. — Здесь и далее примеч. пер.



Строка 5.2. Пер. В. О. Горенштейна.



Цитата из пьесы «Юлий Цезарь» (акт III, сцена II). Пер. П. А. Козлова.



Орсон Уэллс (1915-1985) — знаменитый американский кино- и театральный режиссер.



Это выражение на английском языке стало фразеологическим оборотом, означающим «заниматься ерундой в критической ситуации, оставив в стороне по-настоящему важные дела».



Королева Елизавета I правила в Англии в 1558-1603 гг.



Полибий. Всеобщая история, VI, 52. Пер. Ф. Г. Мищенко.



Полибий. Всеобщая история, VI, 54. Пер. Ф. Г. Мищенко.



Полибий. Всеобщая история, VI, 53. Пер. Ф. Г. Мищенко.



Тит Ливии. История Рима от основания города. Книга XXI, 35 (9). Пер. Ф. Ф. Зелинского.



В Древней Греции спортивные и музыкальные состязания в честь бога моря Посейдона проводились каждые два года в его храме на Коринфском перешейке (Истме).



Полибий. Всеобщая история, XXXVI, 9. Пер. Ф. Г. Мищенко.



Саллюстий. О заговоре Катилины, 10, 4. Пер. В. О. Горенштейна.



Аппиан. История Рима. Пунические войны. Пер. С. А. Жебелева



Полибий. «Всеобщая история», XXXVI, 2. Пер. Ф. Г. Мищенко.



Полибий. Всеобщая история, XXXI, 23.
