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He waited for Koenig to tell him all the reasons that wouldn’t work. Not enough time was always a good one, and often even true. After perhaps half a minute’s silence, the Attorney General said, “Can you have a perimeter up and a place for shipments to go out of ready in ten days’ time? They can sleep in tents or on the ground till you get the barracks built.”

“Ten days? Oh, hell, yes, sir,” Jeff said, trying not to show how pleased he was. He would have agreed to five if he had to. He hadn’t expected Koenig to say yes at all.

But Koenig went on, “That’s what I like to see-a man who’ll show initiative. I told you one thing, but you had a different idea, and it looks to me like a better idea. Make sure you fix up this new camp so it’s the same size as the one you’ve got now. It’ll need to be.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Pinkard promised, slightly dazed. “Uh-if you aim to do shipments out of two big camps like that, I’m gonna need more trucks. The ones I’ve got now won’t begin to do the job.”

“More trucks,” Koenig echoed. Across all those miles, Jeff heard his pen scratching across paper. “You’ll have ’em.” Another pause. “Instead of building the new camp right alongside, why not put it across the railroad spur from the old one? That way, you can separate the niggers out soon as they get off the trains.”

“I’d have to run another side of barbed wire that way, ’stead of using what we’ve got.” Pinkard thought for a moment. “I’d need to get some dozers back again, too, to level out the ground over there.”

“Can’t you use the niggers you’ve got in the men’s camp?” Koenig demanded.

“Well, I could, yeah, but dozers’d be a hell of a lot faster,” Jeff replied. “I figured that mattered to you. If I’m wrong, you’ll tell me.”

Ferdinand Koenig paused once more. “No, you’re not wrong. All right-fair enough. You’ll have your bulldozers. And I’m going to bump you up a rank to brigade leader. That translates to brigadier general in regular Army ranks. You’ll get a wreath around your stars, in other words. Congratulations. When you were in the Army the last time around, did you ever reckon you’d make general?”

“Hell, no. I never even worried about making corporal,” Jeff answered, which was the God’s truth. “Thank you very much, sir.”

“You’re welcome. A raise comes with the promotion. I expect you’ll earn the money,” Koenig said. “More responsibility comes with the promotion, too. You’re going to be in charge of a really big operation out there, and a really important one, too. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think you could swing it.”

“I’ll do my damnedest, sir,” Pinkard said. “It’s for the Party and it’s for the country. You can count on me.”

“I do. So does the President. You’ve shown you’ve got what it takes,” Koenig said, which made Jeff button-popping proud. The Attorney General went on, “Those bulldozers and their crews’ll show up in the next few days. You tell ’em what needs doing, and they’ll do it. Anything else you need-barbed wire, lumber, whatever it is-you holler, and you’ll have it. If you don’t, somebody’s head’ll roll, and it won’t be yours. Freedom!”

“Freedom!” Jeff echoed the Party slogan, but he was talking to a dead line.

He got up from his desk, stretched, and went to the window. Out beyond the barbed wire, and out beyond the railroad spur and the road that ran alongside it, what was there to see? Nothing but more prairie-sagebrush and tumbleweed and jackrabbits and little gullies that turned into torrents when it rained. Leveling them out would be the dozers’ main job. They could do it, and it wouldn’t take long.

“Son of a bitch,” he said softly. “A women’s camp.” They were serious back there in Richmond. He’d known they were serious-he wouldn’t have been a Freedom Party man if they weren’t-but he hadn’t known they were that serious. If they kept on the way they were going, there wouldn’t be a Negro left in the CSA before too long.

Pinkard shrugged as he headed out the door. He wouldn’t shed a whole lot of tears if that happened. If there weren’t any Negroes, white men wouldn’t have to worry about them taking away their jobs. They wouldn’t have to worry about Negroes eyeing white women. And they wouldn’t have to worry about Red uprisings. He’d got his baptism of fire in 1916 against Red Negro rebels in Georgia. They’d fought harder than the damnyankees had. Of course, the USA and CSA took prisoners. Neither side in the black uprisings had bothered with that very often. So… good riddance to bad rubbish.

Out into the sunshine he went. Spring was in the air, but the sun wasn’t biting down with full force yet. He’d grown up in Alabama and spent time in Louisiana. Texas summer was no fun for anybody, but it wouldn’t be any worse than what he was used to.

With several submachine-gun-toting guards at his back, he did his usual prowl through Camp Determination. That he did it was normal. How he did it wasn’t. He tried not to make his rounds the same two days running. He’d stick his head into barracks halls, or he’d go through the kitchens, or he’d go around just inside the perimeter checking for signs of tunneling, or he’d talk with prisoners, or… He never knew ahead of time. He just followed whatever gut feeling he had.

The Negroes had found they could complain to him if they stayed respectful. “Suh, we needs mo’ food,” a skinny black man said. He didn’t ask for better food; that was obviously a lost cause.

“You’re getting what I can give you,” Jeff said, which was more or less true. “If I get more in, you’ll get more, too.” That was also true, although he didn’t expect to see the camp’s supply increased. To drive the point home, he added, “I can’t make you any promises, mind.”

“Do what you can, suh, please,” the black man said. Pinkard nodded and went on to the next barracks hall. The Negroes there grumbled about the food, too. Jeff listened and nodded and again said he’d do something if he got the chance. As long as they were grumbling about the food and not about the trucks that transported them to other camps, everything was fine. The trucks were what really mattered-and the Negroes didn’t seem to know it.

For once, Cincinnatus Driver felt as if he were leading a charmed life. The Confederates had arrested him-and they’d let him go. To him, that went a long way toward proving white men weren’t as smart as they thought they were. He might even find himself on the U.S. border one of these days before too long. He dared hope, anyhow.

Meanwhile… Meanwhile, life went on in Covington’s colored quarter. It wasn’t much of a life. Even compared to what he remembered of times before the Great War, it wasn’t much of a life. He shrugged. He couldn’t do much about that. He couldn’t do anything about it, in fact. All he could do was try to get through from day to day.

He thought about staying away from Lucullus Wood’s barbecue place. He thought about it, but found he couldn’t do it. His showing up there wouldn’t make alarm bells go off at the police station. The only Negroes who didn’t show up there were the unlucky ones too poor to afford any of Lucullus’ barbecue.

He hoped-he prayed-he wouldn’t see Luther Bliss at the barbecue place anymore. He hated, despised, and feared the former head of the Kentucky State Police. Of course, he also hated, despised, and feared the Confederate States of America. Bliss was one of the CSA’s sincerest and ablest enemies-and gave Cincinnatus the cold horrors just the same.

If the Confederate police didn’t have informers posted in the barbecue joint, they were missing an obvious trick. Despite the risk, talk there was freer than anywhere else in Covington that Cincinnatus knew about.

By now, everybody who worked in the place recognized him when he came in. More than a few people also recognized that he had a special connection with Lucullus. They would always find a seat for him, even when the ramshackle restaurant was packed. He got extra barbecue when he ordered, and some of the time they didn’t bother charging him. He’d always been a man who paid his own way, but he appreciated that now, because he didn’t have a whole lot of money.