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“NO!” the crowd shouted.

He walked back to the podium, grabbed the microphone and said, “We are able to function as a society because we are built upon a foundation of laws. These laws have enabled us to thrive and exist surrounded by savagery. We are the light in the dark, we are the shining city on the hill. It saddens me that these three couldn’t see that. They lost faith. They even look upon these walls as something bad now. They romanticize about the free world that exists beyond these walls. So what I will do is give it to them. I will let them go live among the free people as they call them.” He paused and walked up to the three. “I will be merciful to you, Simon. You will not go and live outside of these walls, I’ll spare you the horror.”

“Thank you, thank you. You’re merciful,” Simon sobbed.

“You’re welcome, Simon. The other two, I will have a driver take you east and drop you off just outside of The Wastes. There you will live, free to do what you will. However, I will offer you this. If you manage to survive a year, you can return. I want you to come back and be witness to others who may hold these limited beliefs.”

All the women could do was whimper.

Number One turned around and hollered. “I have enforced the laws with temperance and mercy.” He turned to stage left and called out, “Guards, take the women to the driver’s depot. You’re to not give them anything, no food, water, clothing, weapons, nothing. They wanted to be free, they can. And take Simon to the Trees of Justice.”

Simon screamed, “No!”

Portia had been watching in shock but when she heard Simon’s fate, she started to cry. The Tree of Justice was a place of execution. Not a quick one, but a slow and agonizing one. Those sent to it to die, were lashed to the tree’s massive trunk. Their arms and legs spread wide apart and strapped down. There they would be left for whatever creature, Generate or human to torture or kill. It was a brutal way to die and set aside for those who had betrayed The Collective. Other death sentences were simple hangings in front of Number One’s executive mansion.

“You said were giving me mercy, you said so!” Simon wailed.

“I said I was going to show you mercy. Believe me, dying on that tree is merciful to what your friends will experience. You are the lucky one,” Number One replied.

A group of ten guards marched onto the stage and escorted the prisoners away.

Taking the podium once more, Number One said, “People of The Collective. I have since day one and until now been humbled and honored to be your leader. Thank you for this and let us finish this gathering by reciting our motto, together. ““THE ONE FOR THE MANY…!

The crowd replied, “THE MANY FOR THE ONE!”

Number One placed the microphone down and walked off the stage.

The overhead lights turned on across the expansive building.

Portia sat, her stomach still in knots. She never expected or had one inking she’d be called on stage and still couldn’t understand why it happened. Around her everyone chatted, laughed and debated the events of the gathering. She overheard many saying how thrilling it was. Those words disgusted her. There was not one thing that was exciting about what she just witnessed, but it was successful in its goal and that was to strike fear into the heart of everyone there. That no matter where you were, Number One was watching.

A guard approached her, “Teacher Seven?”

“Yes,” she replied.

“Come with me.”


“I’m to take you to the executive mansion. Number One wishes to eat a late lunch with you.”

Knowing she didn’t have a choice, she nodded and stood.

“This way,” the guard said and headed towards the far exit.

Portia followed, her heart racing. This day had gone from peculiar to downright terrifying.


Kyle knew the world had turned uncivilized and downright savage and he knew child prostitution was real, but knowing about it and seeing it were different. He wanted to do something about it, but at what cost? He was one man and he had a responsibility not only to The Collective but to Portia. He couldn’t get lost in saving the world or going on a crusade that would jeopardize everything he’d worked so hard for.

Unable to stay any longer, he cleaned up, packed and headed out. Upon entering the main bar area, he looked for the young girl. She was gone as were two of the men. Revolting thoughts came back which again put him back into a state of anger.

Behind the bar, Frank called out, “How was the shower?”

Kyle nodded but kept walking towards the exit.

“Hey buddy, payment would be nice,” Frank said.

Kyle headed over and dug through his pack. He came out with a small pack of wipes. “Five hundred.”

Frank picked them up, gave them a look over and said, “Looks good. These will come in handy. Need these to clean up the girls.” Frank snickered knowing his comment would get under Kyle’s skin.

It worked, but Kyle kept his composure. “I’ll see you around.”

“Sounds good and if you change your mind, we get a fresh batch of younglings every few weeks,” Frank laughed.

“You know something, I just might come back to pay you a visit,” Kyle threatened.

“You do that,” Frank said his steely eyes locked with Kyle’s.

Kyle marched to the exit. There the young woman who had helped talk him down, stopped him and asked, “Where you off too?”


“What do you do?”

Annoyed, he told her the truth, “I’m a driver with The Collective, now if you’ll excuse me.”

“Ooh, a driver. Which one are you? I hear you go by numbers. What’s yours?”


“Well, wouldn’t you know, that’s my lucky number,” she laughed.

“Good for you, now if you’ll excuse me, I have someplace to be,” he said and attempted to step around her.

She stopped him and said, “You come in here all high and mighty, but I’ll have you know this isn’t a choice. This is about survival. If I fight back, they kill me and my son. I don’t have anywhere to go, so this is what I do.”

Kyle didn’t know what to say, so he simply replied, “I’m sorry.”

“If I could get into your rig and drive off, I would, in a heartbeat, but not before cutting that bastards throat,” she said motioning towards Frank.

“Maybe one day you’ll get that chance,” Kyle said.

“Tell me, what’s a driver from The Collective doing here?” she asked.

“Maybe you can help me. I’m looking for two men. One a driver, tall, lean and the other…”

“Was he a short guy with a belly?” she asked cutting him off. “You can’t miss a fat person nowadays, it’s a sign of wealth.”

Kyle cocked his head and said, “That’s him. When did you see them?”

“Came in a few days ago.”

“Where did they go?”

“Go? Honey, they’re still here,” she exclaimed pointing towards the green door.

Kyle snapped his head around and looked. “They’re back there?”

She rubbed his arm and said, “Sweetheart, they’ve been knee deep in pussy since they came. Especially the fat one.”

Kyle shook his head in disgust.

“Want me to take you back there?” she asked.

Kyle thought but declined. The idea of seeing grown men with young girls made him nauseous.

“Who are they? Important people I presume? Are they dangerous” she asked.

Ignoring her question, he said, “Go get the tall one, tell him someone is here to see him.”

“Will do,” she said and headed off, she stopped and turned. “If he asks, who do I say is here?”

“Tell him, Driver Eight is here.”