I would have found it impossible to write without the support of my peoples: Michiyuki Ohno, John Stewart, Brian O’Halloran, Roberto García, Victor La Valle, Nina Cooke, Andres Hernandez, Homero del Pino, Joe Marshall, Helena María Viramontes, Silvio Torres Saillant, Juan Garcia, Raymond Ramirez, Wendy Cortes, Jennifer Townley and my man Anthony Ramos. Pete Rock believed. So did C.A. The Welfare Poets gave me music. Paula Moya has been a sister, a mentor and a miracle. Bertrand Wang is my brother, coño. I owe him a life. Hector Luis Rivera is another miracle. A griot and an hermano. Give thanks, kid. Andrea Greene, the Fierce One. Mi alma y mi corazón.
Lois Rosenthal put herself behind me and changed my life. I will never forget you, Lois. A debt to Nicky Weinstock, Jamie Linville and Malcolm Jones. Cressida Leyshon was a marvel. Bill Buford, that thug, looked out for me big time. Thank you.
Super Lily Oei was a behind-the-scenes kicker of ass. Nicole Wan and the whole Riverhead crew busted their humps to make this book happen. They have my deepest gratitude. Julie Grau worked hard to make these stories beautiful. This book would have been less without your insight and love, Julie. Thank you.
And finally to my agent, Nicole. A sister, a friend, a Sun and a Moon. You believed and people listened.