DUANE SWIERCZYNSKI’S recent crime thriller The Wheelman features a mute Irish getaway driver named Lennon. As his last name indicates, he’s not exactly Irish, but his wife and kids are. And that’s good enough for him. His other books include Secret Dead Men and The Big Book O’ Beer. Visit him at www.duaneswierczynski.com.
CHARLIE STELLA is a former “knockaround guy” who spent eighteen years working the streets of New York while trying to break into the crime fiction business. He’s done everything from window cleaning (for ten years) on scaffolds high atop New York City skyscrapers to word processing to collecting for loansharks and running a bookmaking office. He’s not as cute as Rocky Balboa, but he has a beautiful wife and doggie.
SARAH WEINMAN is the crime fiction columnist for the Baltimore Sun and the editor of the literary blog “Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind.” Her work has appeared in many venues, including the Washington Post, the Globe and Mail, and the Philadelphia City Paper. “Hen Night” was inspired by a trip to Dublin during the 2003 Bank Holiday weekend, after which she vowed never to go back to Temple Bar.
KEVIN WIGNALL studied Politics & International Relations at Lancaster and is a member of Chatham House, the institute for international affairs in London. His novels include People Die and For the Dogs, and he’s a regular contributor of short stories to Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. His story for this collection is, he tells us, semi-autobiographical, though he refuses to elaborate further.