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AND SO BEGAN a back and forth of pinned notes…

My grandmother had a ring like the one you left on the tree. My grandfather made it in his own blacksmith shop, and I remember playing with it as a child in front of the hearth fire in their little cottage while she told me stories about ghosts and fairies. My grandfather died young, but my grandmother lived until an elderly age and never tired of telling me how much I reminded her of him, just as strong and determined, just as hard-working…

You are so very fortunate to have those memories. I never knew my grandparents on either side. My mother passed away a few years ago, although my father tells me that I remind him of her. I have her hair and eyes, her temperament. Not a day passes in which I do not think of her. You will probably consider me foolish, but at night when I cannot sleep, I talk to her, sharing my problems and little triumphs of the day. I would like to think that she is proud of me…

I am certain she is…I am rereading Spenser’s Faerie Queene. Do you like to read the old books? There was a copy tucked onto a shelf in my bedroom, and I could not resist opening it.


-reading Spenser? My! You did not lie about being hard-working and determined. Yet surely you garnered enough sermons on virtue and goodness the first time through. A second heart-felt reading would undoubtedly elevate you to the level of saintliness fit for a vicar! I tease in good-natured fun, having enjoyed many hours reading Spenser…many,


hours. (Unless you are a vicar. In which case I give my sincerest apologies.)

P.S. – I dearly hope you are not a vicar.

I am the furthest thing from a man of the Church, as you would notice the moment you saw me. I am somewhat unnerved to hear how good of an education you must possess to have read Spenser—and understood it. You will catch me out now for a lack of a formal education and will see through my façade to label me what I am…a simple man to whom fate has either been amusingly capricious or incredibly cruel. It is too soon to tell either way.

Well…as long as you are not a vicar.

WITH EVERY NEW DAY, a new note…

Fall is my favorite time of year. The poets say that it is a dying time, but how wrong they are! Nature’s bounty in all its goodness, the labors of a hard-worked summer finally bearing fruit, the crackle of frost and change in the air…Can you feel it?

If I knew where you lived, I would bring you a basket filled with apples and pears, chestnuts and figs, even a small pumpkin—and I would place a new journal on top so that you could write your own poems and prove all those other poets wrong.

My poetry is lacking in…well,


. I lack the wit of Chaucer, the depth of Shakespeare, the allegory of Milton…

Not with your perceptions of the world. Did you not only a few days ago describe the blue morning haze over the fields at dawn so vividly that I felt the chill of the damp dew? You will have to try much harder to convince me that you lack a poet’s soul.

Ode to a Country Field (Mouse)

The morning sun is round, yellow and bright,

As it chases away the dark o’ night. Look there!

What’s that? I see a sight!

A field mouse that gives me such a fright!

Perhaps your talent lies in playwriting…

ALWAYS UNSIGNED, always sharing nothing about their identities. Only the magic created by the notes, the slow revelation of their deepest fears and desires…sharing those secrets that they would never dare to reveal to anyone else.

My heart longs to run away from this place. Not that this place is wrong necessarily—but to see the world, to feel the rush of adventure that pumps the blood through a person’s veins and makes her feel truly alive. I want to taste new foods, meet new people, see new places I have only read about in books…

And I long to be able to sit still. My body seems to be in perpetual motion, never content unless I am moving, building, doing…

If only we could switch places. I would take your motion, and you could stay here, connected to Little London, with its villagers and fields, with its lazy river that never wants to go anywhere faster than a slow ramble. Every day feels as if life is passing by, yet I cannot do anything to stop it.

It is the darkness of night that bothers me, when I am unable to sleep and the rest of the house is quiet and still around me. Thoughts come then that tell me that I am a fraud, that I am sleeping in a bed that belongs to another man, that my life is not this existence…

My father is dying, and there is little anyone can do to help him. He worries about what will become of me. I will be fine. I am strong and determined, capable of making my own way. I share this not to ask for help or pity, but because sharing it makes it real. If I tell you, putting voice to it within these letters, then I must believe it myself.

MORE LETTERS, more sharing of heart-felt desires and secrets, until…

Should we meet?

CORA STOOD in the lane and bit her bottom lip. Another pinned letter awaited her at the tree.

A nagging curiosity had made her return to the lane the day after she’d found the ring, to see if anyone had claimed it, only to find a reply.

Of course, she’d responded to that note. How could she not, when she read the depth of emotion it conveyed? The correspondence had simply gathered speed from there, with notes coming every day and bringing new secrets, dreams, and confessions.

She didn’t dare reveal her name nor ask for his, although she’d garnered bits of information about him through the personal details he’d shared. Such as that he was a him in the first place. New to the area. From honest, hard-working stock who appreciated a job well-done and cared about his family and friends, so not at all like that pompous Monmouth. Yet he was also a well-educated man of self-reflection. She’d taken more pleasure in those little notes than she’d dare admit and found herself looking forward to her walk so she could claim the latest missive in their surprising exchange. Each one was a treasure, making her laugh at something witty he’d shared, see the world in a new way, commiserate, or feel a pang of sympathy.

Until the note from two days ago. Which simply surprised the daylights out of her.

He wanted to meet her in person. No—not anything that certain. Not even a suggestion, really. Just simply pondering if they should…yet it stunned the breath from her.

She shouldn’t have been surprised. It was inevitable, wasn’t it? Eventually, they would have to share their identities and perhaps meet. But she simply hadn’t expected it so soon, and just when she’d come to count on those letters to distract her from the problems with the mill and caring for her ailing father.

The animosity between her and Monmouth had only grown during the past few weeks. The Little London lock was now the only obstacle in preventing the completion of the canal, and her father’s mill was the only obstacle preventing the construction of the lock. The entire canal project had come to a halt at the foundations of the mill. While the canal was stalled, however, the arguments she fought with Monmouth had only increased. Or, they would have increased, had she gone back to Bishopswood, had they come across each other in the village, had she not taken Samuel Newhouse’s advice and left the fight to be settled in Parliament. That option gave her little hope, except that she knew how slowly Parliament acted these days, slowly enough that perhaps the entire canal project would be forgotten by the time they moved to tear down the mill. Or perhaps her father would have passed away by then, rendering the fight meaningless.