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Still, someway during the night, she managed to catch several short naps. Each time she drifted off, her body slumped down onto her toes, which cramped within minutes. The pain brought her back and she put more weight on the chains, which shortly felt as if they were cutting into her wrists. Her crotch felt stretched out of shape by the massive rubber devices in shithole and pussy, but after the pounding she had taken in both places, the stationary objects were almost a relief.

Dawn crept in through the small window high in one of the outer stone walls, and she prayed that the men would soon come and release her from her chains. It wasn't until the sun had climbed part of the way up the eastern sky that the heavy wooden door into the dungeon finally opened with a loud creak.

Luke was the first one through. He wore ouly cut-off jeans, really little more than a loin cloth that did little to hide his big cock. Through the material, Mary Celeste could see the outline of his prick and heavy balls from more than halfway across the dimly lit room.

"We have a present for you." The fair-skinned man laughed at her when he stood in front of her chained naked body. "One I think you're really going to like. Already I've thought of some real fun games that are now possible."

Mary Celeste turned slightly in the clamps and watched the dark doorway where she could see figures moving about. Suddenly one of them detached and was hurled into the room. It flew out of the dimness as if part of the hadows themselves had come loose, and it took a second for the tortured young nun to realize that the blackness was that of a traditional habit.

Sister Grace finally caught her balance by going to one knee and hand on the floor, then gianced back over her black-clad shoulder toward the near-naked Joe who had pushed her into the room. Slowly she righted herself, staring from one man to the other, then suddenly noticed the naked, tortured female body hanging bound in the chains.

"What is this?" the young girl cried in an uncertain voice. She was a full year younger than Mary Celeste and had given up her gray robes of the novice only the preceding month. In the library at the convent, she had been Mary Celeste's assistant, but she didn't recognize the welt-covered naked girl who was bound and could not speak.

Grace was a lanky girl, not yet attaining the smooth body and motions of a fully matured woman. Because of their awkward movements, her arms and legs appeared to be a bit too long, and the one time Mary Celeste had seen her unclothed, her body had a lithe, lean look. But all of the potential was there to create a strikingly beautiful female once nature had taken its course.

Joe moved up behind her and forced her arms to her back. To her wrists he clasped a set of shiny steel handcuffs, then he pushed the girl to her knees. A chain was threaded through the cuffs and the clamps on the ends were snapped to her ankles. When he was through, the new arrival was locked into an awkward position, her legs bent and her arms pulled backwards and down to force a slight arch in her back.

"Don't you recognize your sister of the cloth?" Luke chided the trembling Grace. "Maybe if we put back on her veil and that white stuff you wear around your face, you'd be able to tell who she is."

"Sister Mary Celeste?" Grace gasped.

Both men laughed as the table was kicked out from under Mary Celeste and she was lowered to the floor. Her feet wouldn't hold her and she collapsed back onto the stone. Luke removed the ball from her mouth as Joe unbelted the dildo and pulled it from her cunt, then both men turned her over and Luke jerked the butt plug from her ass.

"Aeeii!" the nun screamed as the hard-rubber cone was ripped from her shithole with a loud, messy pop. The assring fluttered open for a few seconds before beginning to contract back to a neat brown little pucker.

"What have they done to you?" Sister Grace said, still kneeling on the floor as if saying her morning prayers.

Luke laughed evilly. "We've just been teaching her some of the things no one would teach her at the convent. She's such a good student that she'll probably be able to help us pass them on to you."

Fear spread in the new arrival's eyes. Again her eyes scoured the naked beaten body and was appalled at the thought of what the men might have done.

Luke lifted the newcomer and carried her over to a low table with metal stirrups high on steel rods at one end. As Joe grabbed Mary Celeste by the back of her neck and forced her along, she recognized the awful device Luke was positioning Sister Grace on from her days as a teenager. Twice she had had to visit the doctor for examinations and had been put into one of the awful things with her legs jacked up high and her cunt spread wide open. It was a gynecologists's table, and Mary Celeste dreaded the things like the plague.

But it was Sister Grace who was being forced into position on her back. Her legs were thrown up and belted to the stirrups as she lay back painfully on the hands that were still cuffed under her. Luke grabbed her by both sides of the robe of her habit and pulled the young girl down on the table until her ass was lifted by the pressure on her legs. Then he stripped the robe back up onto the nun's waist, exposing her black cotton panties for everyone to see. With a small knife he cut the waistband at the sides then sliced across the panties in the crotch. He lifted both pieces and threw them to the side, discarded on the floor.

Even Mary Celeste was fascinated by what everyone saw. The cunt hair was a brown pelt, smooth instead of kinky like that of every other pussy and cock she had seen. Nestled inside the beautiful mat was a delicate little gash that seemed too small to contain everything Mary Celeste knew would be inside. It was like someone had drawn a narrow line with a soft pencil between the young sister's legs, a picture rather than a pussy – something to be seen rather than touched.

"Get on your fucking knees and lick this cunt until it's juicy enough for my dick," Luke growled at Mary Celeste and forced her down at the end of the table. Her face was at the level of the upthrust young pussy, and the stirrups held apart the trembling girl's thighs enough for Mary Celeste's head.

Fascinated by the delicious sight in front of her eyes, Mary Celeste reached up and worked into the soft cunthair to finally place athumb and forefinger on opposite sides of the outer pussylips. Gently she pressed outward, and a delicate pink gash opened. Inside the narrow channel were small inner cunt lips that were like the petals of a flower. The clit was so small that it was hard to see in the pink folds of skin.

Mary Celeste's lips were drawn to the pussy slash, touching ever so gently and feeling the warmth of the sexual skin. Not a single drop of cunt nectar yet blemished its surface.

"What are you doing?" Sister Grace gasped as Mary Celeste ran her tongue into the smallest cunthole opening she could imagine.

Grace's head lifted from the table and stared down between her legs. The veil swirled around her shoulders and the wimple made her appear that she was staring open-mouthed out of a small window. And what she saw was more startling tian what she was feeling – one of her own sisters of the cloth was licking and tongue-fucking her young cunt.

"Nooo!" Grace moaned and rocked her head back onto the table. It was too much to comprehend for the young nun barely out of novice gray. The tongue in her cunt was sending wild sparks through her pussy and ass, something she had never expenenced before.

Mary Celeste's tongue snaked into the delicate young pussy, not knowing whether she was doing it on her own or only because the evil man had demded it. Wisps of the faint odor of stale piss tickled'at her nose and her tongue rose from the tight hole to bathe up the crack to the clit, washing across the fl – ny pisshole as it went. The small nub was hard to firid even with the tip of the tongue, but finally the folds of pink skin were pushed apart and the sex spindle was there, no bigger than a tiny pea. When she tickled it with her tongue, the young nun who was being eaten stiffened involuntarily as newfound pleasure began to pulse along with her fear. By the time Mary Celeste's tongue was back to the tight virgin pussy hole, cunt juices had begun to slicken the slight inner pussy lips.