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"Would you like to take a rest?" Tony teased her.

The chain was now slack, and she glanced up at the grin that was dominating his face. He didn't even look like the same man who had led her playfully to the dungeon.

"There's a place up here for you to lie down," he continued. "And you don't even have to ask. Just stand there on all fours like a dumb dog, and that's enough to tell me that you want up on this thing. If you don't, you're going to have to bark like a good, little bitch to tell me that you want to keep on being led around."

He had given her a way to keep off the threatening rack, but the thought of how she would have to do it brought color back to her skin. The collar and the chain were degrading enough, but she had no control over wearing them. Walking on her hands and knees beside Tony, and even heeling to his leg, was her way to avoid a beating.

Debby didn't want to do it. Warily, she again cast her glance up at the wooden device that hovered over her like a dark storm cloud. Images of tortured bodies, with broken and detached limbs ricocheted through her mind. Whatever happened, she couldn't allow herself to be placed in the grips of the evil rack.

"Arf," she tried weakly, barely getting the unnatural sound out of her throat. Still, it revolted her so much that she tasted bile at the back of her mouth.

"I couldn't hear you," Tony chided, and snapped the chain. The collar bit into Debby's throat, then relaxed again.

"Arf," she called again, this time a bit louder. The word was so harsh that it hurt the inside of her constricted throat.

Whack! The riding crop landed sharply across her ass-cheeks.

"You sound like a pissy-assed puppy rather than a big, healthy bitch!" Tony screamed at her and slashed down with the whip again.

Mother red line seared across her ass. Debby lifted her hands from the floor to sit her exposed ass-cheeks down onto the backs of her calves so they couldn't be struck again. It was a mistake; as soon as her chest rose, unprotected by her arms, Tony lashed the whip across the front of her tits. Both nipples were caught by the slender shaft of the crop, and felt as if they had been ripped from her chest.

"Arf!" she cried, as the whip tortured her tits again.

"More!" Tony shouted at her, moving the lash of the riding crop around her exposed skin. Everywhere the whip touched, it left a seared streak of red.

"Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!" Debby screamed as the tears down both sides of her face.

Behind her, Joachim's laughter was booming out so loud that it almost drowned out her frantic calls.

"Heel!" Tony bellowed and yanked harshly at the chain.

Debby was almost tumbled to bet side, but she managed to catch the floor with her right hand. She scrambled over by his left leg and turned along beside it, scraping her knees roughly against the rock floor. Already, the skin there was tender and sore, and the top layer was scraped away by the stone. But so frightened was she, her mind simply accepted that as one more inevitable pain.

Tony stepped out, dragging Debby along at his side. She hurried to keep up with him, to relive the choking, and it set off new agony in her hands and her knees. But each time she slowed, the collar would press into her windpipe and cut off her air. To get it back, she had to scamper along even faster to catch up. All the time, tears rolled down her cheeks and dripped to the floor.

He led her near two large contraptions that she didn't even recognize, then past the piss machine that had shocked her so bad when her own piss had provided the pathway for electricity into her cunt. Debby gulped when she crawled past that one, hoping that she would never again be locked into that slotted seat with a full bladder pressing her insides.

Then they approached another device that looked to Debby like a gynecologist's table. It wasn't that threatening, but she despised it even before knowing for what purpose it might be used. She remembered all too well trips to her doctor's office when she had to lie on one of those tables with her pussy stretched wide. It didn't even matter that she had been draped almost completely by sheets, because her cunt had been opened before his eyes.

"Here's your second and only other chance," Tony derided her. "It's either this or the rack. You can either crawl up on this table and enjoy a little rest, or we're going back to the rack. Keep quiet if you want the rack; bark if you'd rather lie down here."

Debby didn't want either. If she climbed up on this table, she knew that Tony and the other man would force her heels up into the stirrups. Then her pussy would be spread wide for them, and there was little telling what they might do. She could imagine them laughing and prodding at her poor, gaping cunt, then one of them fucking his cock into her cunt-hole. If it were Joachim's massive slab of fuck-meat, it was going to hurt her once more.

But as terrible as that might be, it would be nothing compared to what she knew would happen to her on the rack. Once again, she could actually feel her bones hurting from just the thought of being caught in that evil device. It would tear the joints of her body and leave her completely broken.

So there was really no choice, no matter how much she despised the leather-covered table with the metal stirrups. A hard fuck, even by Joachim, was definitely better than feeling her body pulled apart. And Tony knew what she would have to decide. Once again, he had made silence her pathway onto the rack. To stay off it, she would have to bark like a dog.

"Arf!" Debby shouted the unnatural sound as loud as she could. She wanted no repeat of the riding crop to prompt her on. It was embarrassing, but it was better than both the humiliation and the pain.

"You do learn quickly," Tony laughed. His lips were curled up in a grin that was almost a grimace, and his teeth glittered wetly.

Tony used the chain to pull his naked wife up onto the gynecologist's table, and, as she expected, forced her feet high up into the metal stirrups. Joachim helped him. The older man walked around to her head and placed his hands on the top of Debby's shoulders. He pushed, sliding her body toward the end of the table with the stirrups. As she scooted to them, the metal stirrups lifted her hips until her ass was off the bench. Her legs were parted, and the uncomfortable position lifted her pussy into the air and gaped it open.

Clamps on the stirrups fastened her feet into place, and Joachim began tightening the two wide, leather belts that strapped her down across her chest and stomach. When he was through, Debby couldn't budge an inch in any direction. Until they let her loose, she was exactly where she would be.

Joachim disappeared from sight. Tony stood at the end of the table, checking once again to make sure the leg clamps wouldn't slip, then reaching down and tickling a fingertip down her cunt. His fingernail flicked at her small clit hiding in the folds of skin, then his finger poked up her dry cunt-hole as far as his first knuckle.

"Joachim said that you would pick this over the rack," he said, bemused, and continued to fuck his finger into her pussy. "He said if you did, he had a real nice surprise for you."

Debby's throat clenched. Her heart thudded in her chest. One thing she didn't need was another surprise from the evil, old Joachim. She was certain that any present would come wrapped with a lot of pain. She should have known better than to believe that she could get by with a little fucking after being strapped to the table.

"Here." The naked old man handed Tony a bottle of lotion. "Grease her cunt up real good. Even stick the head of the bottle into her pussy-hole and pour some of that all the way inside. I want her cunt as sloppy and juicy as can possibly be."

Tony's finger jerked from her cunt-hole, and he twisted the cap off the container. He tilted the bottle a foot above Debby's shaved pussy and poured thick, white liquid down into her cunt.