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His strokes quickened. His fuck-pole swelled.

Then he was cumming off, far up her asshole. "I'm cumming!" he cried, lunging at her one last time to bury his cock deep into her shitter. His body shook as his cock spurted thick wads, bathing the inside of her shitter with thick, male cum.

Debby braced herself even tighter against the wooden device that held her, and hoped that the torture-fuck would soon be over. And, as Tony's cock spewed it's cum and started softening in her asshole, she thought her freedom couldn't come a second too soon.


"You don't want to release her just when her punishment has begun."

Debby's heart almost stopped. The deep, husky voice seemed to echo and boom around the room. It was as if the words had been spoken from inside some deep, dark well.

Tony was on the stool in front of the stocks where he and Debby had been talking. Debby was pleading with her husband that he should release her, now that his fun was finished. His face turned up, his eyes searching for the person who had spoken, and Debby saw his eyes narrow as he glanced over to the door.

"Who are you?" her husband asked, his face filled with almost awe.

"Joachim Marlowe, of course," the voice answered, moving closer into the room.

Debby still couldn't see the man who seemed to be having such an affect on her husband.

"But you're dead!" Tony exclaimed. "Rumors that are greatly exaggerated," Marlowe told them. "Something I must own up to myself. You see, my young friend, a few years ago there was some trouble about a missing girl in town, and I thought it might be a convenient time to be out of town. An announcement that I had died assured me of the privacy I wanted when I came home several months later. One can only suffer the fools for so long before they become tiresome."

Marlowe laughed heartily.

"But, now, I can see one of your problems," Joachim continued. "How do you let this woman out of the stocks without losing control? I can assure you that it is easily done. Here, let me show you how."

Debby twisted frantically, but futilely, in the torture device. Just when she had almost talked Tony into letting her free, some dead man from the past had turned up and treated the whole thing like it was some normal occurrence.

Marlowe was behind her, and her naked ass was still thrust out. She knew that her pussy and asshole still gaped from the fucking they had received. She had never wanted even Tony to be able to see her in such a situation, and here was another man able to feast his eyes.

"Tony, please!" she begged.

What seemed like a dark cloud hovered at the cabinet where her husband had found the dildo. Then, black robes rustled, and Joachim Marlowe was coming across the room toward her with a handful of metal and chains.

Her feet were lifted one by one, and heavy clasps were locked to each of Debby's ankles. She tried to kick out of the heavy devices, and found that a connecting chain limited the movement of her legs.

The bolt lock on the stocks was lifted, and the cross-beam moved, so that one of her hands could be pulled out. Her arm was pulled behind her and a heavy, iron bracelet locked into place. Then her other arm was twisted back to join the other, handcuffed tightly to her back. She felt one more chain being fed through the links of the handcuffs, then wrapped around the chains of her ankles.

Frightening pressure grew in her legs and lower back as the chain was pulled tight and locked into place. The cross-beam was lifted to free her neck, aid Debby tumbled heavily to the floor.

"There!" Marlowe's deep, satisfied voice boomed over her twisted young body. "She's bound like a branded cow."

The skin of her abdomen pulled tightly across Debby's muscles, and even her tits seemed to be tugged out of place. The chain linking the handcuffs with the chain on her ankles was pulled so severely that it arched her back. Her fingers almost touched her heels.

Finally, she could see the man who had joined her and Tony. His face seemed ravaged by sin, his hair and brows coal black and seemingly only partially controlled. His face was like ruddy granite, crudely hewn and containing the blackest eyes she had ever seen. Those eyes burned like a kind of obsidian fire as they looked down at the young girl.

Joachim was dressed in a long, black robe that left only his face, neck and hands exposed – a storm cloud that had blown into the terrified Debby's life. And her husband was standing there, like stone, staring in awe at the evil, old man.

"Tony, let me go!" she cried, her eyes never leaving Marlowe's craggy face. "We have to tell the town that this man is still alive."

A ragged smile, as if carved by a knife, turned up the ends of Marlowe's mouth. "Already trying to cause trouble, isn't she, son? Do you put up with this all the time?"

"Yes," Tony managed, his voice a croak, almost like that of a frog.

"I thought you might," Joachim Marlowe sighed, his voice filled with contrived concern. "I was watching you through one of the small windows from a room above, and couldn't help but notice that she wouldn't even suck your cock. What kind of unappreciative woman would actually bite when her husband was making her the magnificent gift of his prick?"

"You're crazy!" Debby exclaimed, staring in fright at the old man.

"No," he whispered, leaning closer. "You are. Men like me have known for centuries that young damsels grow bewildered and confused without the stern hand of a man. Your young man has suffered immensely, and I'm going to instruct him in putting you onto the narrow, obedient path."

"I'll tell!" Debby threatened, knowing that her frightened voice made the vow sound hollow. "I'll tell the police – the whole town – that you're still alive!"

"You seem to be at a disadvantage to do anything!" The evil man grinned, his obsidian eyes burning with new fire. "And perhaps by the time we're finished, you just may have changed your mind."

The thing that terrorized Debby the most was the reaction of her husband. Tony just stood there as if enraptured, while the old demon Marlowe threatened her with torture and pain. It was as if Tony were struggling within himself for the strength to keep Debby tightly bound, and the old man had come and taken that problem away.

The last strap was finally in place. At one end of a short table was a set of rollers. They worked much like the wringers of old washing machines that Debby had occasionally seen in the movies.

Her head hung over the end of the short platform, and the tips of her hair were cranked into the rollers. Because her hair was so short, only an inch of it was threaded through the rollers by the time her head was pulled down and back.

A button was pushed. The small table hummed and lowered several inches before bumping to a stop. The naked Tony, urged by Joachim, stepped up to her face.

"Her mouth and her throat are lined perfectly straight," the old man said, his voice seeming to rise a pitch as his excitement grew. Still, he was the teacher, and Tony the eager student. "But so headstrong a young woman might still think she can bite. Let me show you a trick or two that I learned long ago."

Joachim moved up close to Debby's head. Her frightened blue eyes watched as his fingertips curled to touch his thumb. The circle that they formed descended just past her chin. His curled fingers flipped sharply from the confining thumb and rapped against the hardness of her stretched throat.

She tried to scream, but it was as if he had completely paralyzed her throat and cut off her ability to breathe. Debby gagged, trying at least to swallow, as if to will the muscles of her neck to move. She was strangling to death and there wasn't even anything in her throat.

Joachim's rough fingers skimmed up and down the front of her neck. Suddenly, she gulped painfully, then sucked a ragged breath into her chest. It came out in an agonizing whimper, and her eyes bulged up at the evil, old man.