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Three glasses, then four, and Debby was sorry that she had mentioned her thirst. Her bout with the electricity had left her throat dry, and it had seemed like such an innocent request. But Debby was quickly learning that nothing was simple. Torture lurked in every single motion or word, and nothing was too sacred for torture's blackening touch.

"Another," Tony urged, tipping the glass so the water ran across her lips.

Her stomach was already stretched and bulging, and it simply couldn't take any more. She whimpered and turned, her head to the side. A line of fire burned across her naked ass-cheeks. Her mouth flew open in a cry and the water poured in. She had to swallow to keep herself from drowning. She had no idea of the purpose of such torture, except to cause her more discomfort.

Her hair was one bushy tangle of golden webs, stringy from her sweat at the back of her head, and matted to her forehead by the pussyjuices Tony had poured into her face. Even her cars were crusted over from the draining of her cunt. At least, the water he was pouring down her had washed some of it from her lower face.

Her tits and clit were still sore, reminders of the brutal, metal teeth of the clamps, and the electricity that had been fed into her body. Her tits were aching, and her clit was too tender to touch. The slash marks from the riding crap had faded from her tits and groin, but Joachim Marlowe was tattooing new ones onto her back and ass.

Debby drank a sixth tall glass of water, perhaps it was the seventh – and Tony finally turned away from her. Her abdomen bulged, and her stomach cramped from having so much poured inside.

Iron cuffs, connecting her to chains, cut bitterly into her wrists. They supported all of her weight. While she was unconscious, Tony and Joachim had lifted her until her toes just brushed lightly against the floor.

"Is your thirst satisfied now?" Joachim whispered evilly in her ear.

Debby tensed, pulling with her wrists in an effort to swing away from the demented man. But there was no leverage against which to push, and she dangled there at his mercy. She glanced desperately around for Tony, only to see his back receding through the door. The heavy door slammed behind him, trapping her in the dungeon with the evil man in the black robes.

"One need begets another," he breathed, the stagnant breath from his mouth heavy upon the side of her face. "Just remember that when it comes."

Debby didn't know what to make of his words. They sounded so cryptic, but there was a threat in his voice.

Joachim rustled around inside his black cloth. "Such a pretty, pretty little thing," he said, almost to himself, as he surveyed her with evil, dark eyes. "Here in my chains, no one would ever think she had been married for five years. There's something about bondage that seems to bring back the little grl."

His rasping laughter echoed about the room, bouncing from wall to stone wall.

"But the tits are a bit too big," he said, his finger and thumb closing in on her nipple. He twisted it sharply.

"Ouch!" Debby whimpered, then was sorry she had called out when she saw the gleam grow in his eyes.

"Still a little sore?" he asked, feigning concern.

His finger found the spot where the drops of blood had dried into a small scab, and he flicked the blood away.

"Yes, the tits are too large," he said again smugly.

He let his fingers glide to the other nipple.

Again, he flicked away the dried blood, but this time let the nail of his finger dig into her nipple. Debby squirmed in the chains. She bit her lower lip to keep from crying out. She twisted her body, but he still held onto her nipple. Slowly he pressed it between forefinger and thumbnail until the pain made her become still.

"You see!" he exclaimed. "When she is properly trained, she doesn't even need to be told what I want. She just feels it and does exactly what I desire."

The tip of Debby's tit hurt when he released it, but that wasn't what frightened her the most. He was talking about her as if someone else were in the room. Since chiding her about her thirst, he had never once addressed her directly, as if she weren't worth the attention, except as a conversation piece with his imaginary friend.

Joachim made Debby feel like a hunk of raw meat, a side of beef suspended on a hook. He stripped her of her personality and made her even more vulnerable to what he might do. Panicking, she wished desperately that Tony would return, even though he had dealt out almost all of her pain.

"Her husband needed a rest," Marlowe said. "A fine boy, that one is. He's learning real fast. But he's left her in my command to do with what I want. She thinks I'm going to fuck her little pussy. I wouldn't touch a hairy slit like this!"

His fingers wound into her short, golden cunthair, and twisted. Debby jerked so hard that she rose three inches on the chains. The whole mound around her pussy had erupted into intense pain. He was twisting and pulling her cunt-hair until she couldn't help but scream.

"Maybe she thinks her, pussy's pretty!" he shouted over her shrieks.

He released her pussy-muff and she slumped down heavily on the chains. The metal bit into her wrists, chafing her skin and threatening to tear it.

"But there's nothing better than a hairless little cunt with pouting pussy-lips waiting to be kissed. All this hair just gets in the way and reminds me that the little girl has grown up. So much better to be a bald, puckered little slit!"

"Nooo!" Debby wailed as his fingers curled tightly into her cunt-hair again. This time he pulled outward, swinging her weight to the front. Every pore felt like it would tear open until he finally released his grip.

She swung, her weight bearing her back like a pendulum. He had pulled her two feet to the front and she swooped that far to the rear. Her toes brushed the stone floor in the middle of the arc, but it didn't even slow her down. Then she was moving to the front again, heading helplessly for the demented old man. A cry stifled in her throat in anticipation of what might happen, but he just caught her lightly in the stomach with his fist.

He shoved. The added force rocketed her back, a pendulum on the chains. Higher and higher she arced. Each time she swung to him, he pushed her hard with his fist. Her cunt flew almost to his face as he backed up to give her room. The hon cuffs tore at her wrists.

Objects whizzed past her as she strained to twist. Her mind started going dizzy. She spread her legs wide to give her stability, and her parted legs flew almost to his ears. Then, high away from him, her frightened eyes watched as his fist opened – ready to claw. She screamed as she swung back relentlessly.

Fingers tangled into her pussy-hair, but did nothing to break her weight. At the peak of her swing, he grabbed most of her cunt-hair, then braced himself.

Debby felt his fingers grapple into her cunt hair and grasp down hard. Even before the first pain exploded, she knew what would happen. More than a hundred pounds of naked, female flesh was going to rocket away from him as he braced his two-hundred-pound weight. The only connection between them would be the fistful of her cunt-hair that he held. Her mouth flew open and her lungs erupted in screams even before the first pussy-hair pulled free.

"Aeeiii!" she shrieked.

Her pussy exploded in angry fire. The arc she was swinging was only barely disturbed when her cunt-hair pulled tight. Her skin gave up its hold on the fuzz that surrounded her slit. Almost half of her pussy-hair ripped loose.

"Aaaargh!" Debby gagged on her own screams. Her hips jerked back and forth, finding no relief. Her hair swished as she thrashed her head from side to side. Her eyes were dry from terror, but she wanted to cry.

Marlowe's hand opened. Her thick swatch of cunt-hair fluttered to the floor. His fingers shaped again into claws.