"The robots and the suits – crazy – worth millions," he laughed.
"Don't I know it," she said ruefully. "You could never get me into a sex position if it hadn't been for that suit."
She rose on an elbow and stared at the Nancy robot, really seeing her for the first time.
"My God, your friend looks like a still photo of the world's greatest hooker."
Jimmy turned and stared at the nubile robot, legs open breasts high with nipples hard, a smile on her lips, and her eyes softly gleaming.
"How are you doing?" Jimmy asked the robot.
"I'm ready for love if you are," replied Nancy.
They both laughed, and Jimmy said: "Hey! Why don't we leave her exactly like this for when the gang gets here!"
It was only an hour to Washington and an hour back by first class jet. Morton Ellers arrived back in Chicago before midnight, highly pleased with his trip. The high level official he knew in the Justice Department told him that chances were better than good that his department would probably go into Federal Court in Illinois, and get an injunction to stop the manufacture of sex robots.
"Threatens the sanctity of the home and family, stuff like that," his friend said. "Of course Commerce will fight it because it will give the economy a big boost. A huge boost. We'd lose in the long run, but it would have to run through the Supreme Court, and that takes time."
"If we can't ban 'em, the delay is fine."
"Oh, you've got a string of delays. There's the Food and Drug – they'll have to decide on the health and safety aspects. You've got a year there. After that there's the jurisdictional fights. Should they be under control of the Interstate Commerce Commission as they're shipped from one state to the next, or do they belong to the Federal Communications Commission because sex is a form of communication and they use microwaves."
"How much is that?"
"Five years, for sure, I'd say. Social Security is already hassling the problem of whether owners of robots get Social Security for the robot's work wages. People will be marrying robots, of course, your lonely old folks and they might get into it. Health might get into it on the dangers of sexual exhaustion and related diseases. You might even make ten years."
"I was hoping for a permanent ban."
His friend smiled at him, sadly shaking his head.
"That you will not get. Alcohol, marijuana, good-tasting food additives – anything that brings the American public pleasure, the American will buy and you can't stop it. We learned our lesson in the 70's and 80's with drugs. Ban 'em and they go like wildfire. Today the government is too smart to do that. We don't ban, we delay. Nobody will believe our first injunction; for every expert that sees a threat to the American way of life another will see the new wrinkle upholding and reinvigorating worn-out institutions."
But on the way home Ellers saw that victory was his anyway. A ten year delay would be fatal, just as fatal as an outright ban. The defeat of Nelson Harper and his perverted assistants was assured.
Driving home that night Morton Ellers felt proud of himself. In an age that mixed too many wild lifestyles, he'd held to the narrow old time morality. Sex was for having children. Sex drained a man, took his mind off life's work, weakened his moral fiber. Ellers had stopped having sex with his wife years ago. Oh, he'd have an oral job with some loose woman at a convention or out-of-town meeting, but that didn't count.
He was really proud of the job he'd done on Jimmy and Babs. They'd had the most severe upbringing of any kids in Chicago, and they hadn't gotten into a bit of trouble, where other parents' kids were always in hot water. They'd sure be surprised to find him home early from Washington, when they got up tomorrow morning.
But when he parked the Skimmer and went into the mansion, he heard sounds that stopped him. It was almost as if – as if the kids were having some kind of party. He tiptoed down the corridor towards the library. Then he heard the music and smiled. The kids were having an innocent projection party where they played tapes and the rock singers appeared to be standing right in the room as they sang and played. Loud – but harmless.
He stuck his head inside of the door to tell the kids he was back – and got the shock of his life.
On one end of the sofa the big robot was rocking between the legs of a young, naked girl. Another sat on the sofa's arm and offered her sex to be orally mouthed by Big Sam. The same scene took place on the other end of the long sofa, only this time it was the female robot with a pimply young man sawing away into her and a second stood at her head working a big, wet cock in and out of her mouth. Jimmy wearing one of those devil suits, sat on the edge of a chair, another young female with her head between his legs, nodding and bobbing on his cock.
What made Morton Ellers shriek with rage was the sight of his daughter, whom he believed to be a virgin. She was right on the library rug with two young men attacking her just as the other young men rode the girl robot. One was in her saddle, the second a stiff young blade in her mouth.
"You rotten sinful jackals!" he shrieked, leaping into the room. "I'm calling the police. It's jail! No, I'll kill you all!"
He ranted and raved and shrieked while the party broke up into more shrieks and cries of the shattered youngsters as they ended the orgy and went diving for clothes. One young man tried to reason with him.
"She started it. Your daughter did. She's been fucking everybody all evening – must've had ten orgasms. She's on a sex high, blasted out, and she got the robots started and made us do it!"
"ARggghhh!" went Ellers and began to strike the vicious young liar.
The Ellers house seemed quiet when Nancy and Cord arrived, accompanied by a nervous Nelson Harper.
"I still don't think it's wise to break into the man's house and steal back our stuff," he said.
Nancy's face was set in rock-like firmness.
"I want Big Sam back. I mean to get him. If A-C doesn't want him – I've had feelers from other companies."
"If you think," said Cord, "I'm going to let an asshole like Ellers steal my suits, you're crazy. This man's a Cro-Magnon from ancient times."
"Well, I'm not going to break and enter," said Nelson and he remained glumly in the Skimmer.
Cord and Nancy, cooperating for the first time, sneaked up on the house dressed in black leotards and with masks, ready for any trouble in this daring raid. They did not have to break and enter. The front door stood wipe open. Inside there were things tipped over as if a big stampede had come this way.
"Some other company stole our stuff!" cried Nancy as they moved down a big hall.
"I just hope they killed Ellers," grunted Cord.
They heard a sound coming from one of the rooms. They peered in. A young man who looked vaguely familiar was locked in hot contact with the female robot. Nancy grinned at the hot sex.
"There's half my team. When he finishes he'll be too weak to stop me getting her back."
"Why she looks just like you!" said Cord. "That must make your spine tingle."
"Or something," she answered. "That has to be young Ellers. I met him once at a company party."
Noise from the library drew them. They entered a room that was a shambles. Furniture was overturned, books spilled out of shelves, liquor glasses rolled on a sodden rug – but that wasn't the sight that nailed them at the door.
There was a man and woman on the sofa. The man was naked except for his shirt which flopped obscenely on his thin, aged buttocks. He was grunting and big eyed as he rocked in the saddle of a young girl, fucking her like crazy. She was nude, wholly encased in a glittering Smart Suit.
"Fuck me, Dad. Fuck my cunt off. I want – twelve orgasms – go, goooo."
"Babs, you sweet bitch! I've been crazy to fuck your young ass off for years. I want daughter ass. I want all you've got – oh, oh, oh, here it comes!"