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‘Lady to see you, boss,’ says the duty sergeant.

‘Lady?’ says Sandy, heaving himself up from his chair. ‘I don’t know any ladies.’

‘This is definitely a lady,’ says the sergeant.

And the sergeant is right. Pippa Henry, sitting in the reception area wearing a black dress, white cardigan and pearls, looks every inch a lady. In fact, Sandy muses, ushering her through the swing doors with a low ironical bow, it’s almost too good a performance. Who wears a black dress and pearls on an August morning in Blackpool? She looks like that woman in that film, what was it called? Something about Tiffany’s. Bev would know.

Anyway, it’s distinctly interesting, her coming to call like this, all dressed up. It means she wants to impress him, maybe even influence him. Why?

‘Coffee?’ he asks, showing her into his office.

‘That would be lovely.’

That’s what you think, Sandy tells her silently. He dispatches a WPC for coffee and Kit Kats.

‘So,’ he says, sitting opposite and pushing some papers onto the floor. ‘You wanted to see me.’


Pippa Henry looks straight at him. She’s really a very good-looking woman, thinks Sandy. Mid-forties probably, there are fine lines around her mouth and eyes but the overall impression is shiny and expensive. Her dark gold hair is in a bun and she sits up very straight, without fidgeting, a rare thing in a woman. Poise, thinks Sandy, that’s what she has. Poise. He leans forward and sniffs. Chanel number 5. He might have guessed. Pippa recoils slightly.

Sandy smiles encouragingly. ‘What did you want to see me about, Mrs Henry?’

Pippa smooths her skirt over her knees. ‘I wanted to tell you about Dan Golding,’ she says.

‘What about him?’

Pippa smiles, revealing small white teeth. ‘I think you already know, Detective Chief Inspector. I was having an affair with Dan.’

‘Why would I know that?’

‘You’ve found his computer with all his emails and everything. Everyone knows that.’

‘Do they?’

Sandy wonders how everyone knows. Could Ruth Galloway have been talking? Nelson seems to trust her with all his secrets but Sandy wonders whether they were wise to give her free rein to look through Golding’s files. She could easily have blabbed to one of the Pendle academics. Apparently she met that Guy chap the other day. Anyway, nothing on a computer stays private for long. Tim is actually with the forensic-data recovery people now, probing the mysteries of the hard drive.

Sandy arranges his expression to one of polite interest and smiles encouragingly at Pippa. The coffee is brought in and Pippa sips hers with a grimace.

‘Great stuff,’ says Sandy, taking a slurp. ‘Kit Kat?’

‘No thank you. Anyway, I thought I should come and see you. My husband doesn’t know about … about Dan.’

I wouldn’t be too sure about that, thinks Sandy. In his experience, husbands always know, though they might not want to admit it, even to themselves. He thinks of the nervous figure bouncing around the deluxe windmill. Clayton Henry seems to have so many problems that maybe infidelity isn’t high on his list. Didn’t he say that his wife had money of her own? Maybe he can’t afford for her to walk out.

‘Don’t judge me too harshly,’ Pippa is saying, throatily. ‘My first husband was handsome and charming but he should never have married. He left me for another man.’ She looks at Sandy as if daring him to say something but Sandy keeps his face blank.

‘I was on my own with a young child. It was very difficult. I decided to go back to university – my father had left me some money – so I went to Pendle and studied history.’

‘And that’s where you met Clayton Henry.’

‘That’s right. He was my tutor. He was kind and he offered security, and although he’s been a very good stepfather to Chloe, it’s not a passionate relationship. But when I met Dan it was different. It was the real thing. He was so good-looking and charming. It was inevitable really.’

‘Was it?’

Pippa flushes. ‘Well, I suppose I could have resisted but …’

‘Bit of a ladies’ man, was he?’ says Sandy sympathetically. ‘Very persuasive?’

‘No,’ says Pippa. ‘It wasn’t like that. He wasn’t some loathsome charmer, oiling around women. He was quiet and rather aloof. It was just … well, we started talking at our Christmas party and there was this instant connection. It was more mental than physical.’

I’ll take your word for it, thinks Sandy. Beautiful people always claim not to be interested in looks. He has seen a photo of Dan Golding and the man looked like a bloody movie star. (He also saw his dead body when it was brought in for autopsy but then, to be fair, he wasn’t looking his best.)

‘I’d heard he was seeing his next-door neighbour,’ he says now.

‘Elaine?’ Pippa’s lip curls. ‘She was mad about him but he was embarrassed by her. She was always turning up drunk, offering him her body.’

Nice, thinks Sandy. The only people who turn up on his doorstep are Jehovah’s Witnesses. Perhaps he should move to Fleetwood.

‘So there was nothing between Dan and Elaine?’ he asks.

‘Oh they may have had a fling before I came on the scene, but when I … knew him, Dan despised Elaine. She was so out of control. I think he was almost afraid of her.’

‘Really?’ This was interesting.

‘Yes, when she was drunk she’d threaten to kill herself and him.’

In that order? wonders Sandy.

‘She threatened to kill him?’

‘Only when she was drunk.’

Could a drunk Elaine have set Dan’s house on fire in a fit of jealous rage? Sandy wonders. It’s possible. Her only alibi is Guy; just as Pippa’s only alibi is Clayton.

‘What about Guy,’ he asks. ‘Where does he fit in?’

‘He’s devoted to Elaine. He’s the only one who can handle her. But I don’t think they’re lovers. In fact I always wondered whether he was gay. He certainly seemed a bit in love with Dan.’

‘Popular chap.’

Pippa’s eyes fill with tears. Sandy thinks they’re genuine because they make her mascara run. ‘Dan was a lovely, lovely man. Everyone adored him.’

So it would seem, thinks Sandy.


‘It’s a real shame,’ says Gary, the estate agent. ‘I don’t expect we’ll get another tenant now.’

Cathbad is tempted to say that the real shame is that a man who was alive a few days ago is lying dead in the mortuary. But he decides not to bother. There is a grey materialistic aura over Gary and, indeed, over the whole office, so he contents himself with stroking Thing and asking why Dame Alice’s cottage is unlettable. It seems a highly desirable residence to him.

‘It’s got a reputation,’ says Gary darkly. ‘I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Pendle Witches? Well, this house used to belong to one of them. An old lady lived there for years and people round here used to say she was a witch too. Then she died and it came on our books. We couldn’t get a tenant to stay there. People said there were strange noises, things kept moving about, odd lights appeared in the garden at night. One man said he woke up in the night to see an old woman sitting at the foot of his bed, just staring at him. Someone else said they’d seen Dame Alice sitting in her rocking chair, knitting. The place was empty for years until your friend moved in.’

‘And he didn’t care about the ghosts?’

‘No.’ Gary looks dubiously at Cathbad, who smiles blandly back. ‘I understood he was into that sort of thing. He said that he’d make peace with Dame Alice’s spirit. And now this happens!’

‘You think his death had something to do with Dame Alice?’

Gary laughs uneasily. ‘No. I don’t think it. I don’t believe in any of that stuff. But folk round here will believe it. They’ll think the old lady got him in the end.’

Cathbad doesn’t quite buy the agent’s protestations. He thinks that Gary is the type that believes everything and nothing. But he’s not concerned with Gary right now. He’s seeing himself living in Dame Alice’s cottage with Thing, tending the herb garden and walking on the high hills at dawn. He likes the north; there’s something clear and honest about it that appeals to him. And, if Judy doesn’t want him in her life, he can’t keep hanging on in Norfolk hoping for a glimpse of her and the baby. Far better to make a clean break. He can always find work as a lab assistant and, if he’s careful, Pendragon’s legacy will last for some time.