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Solarian engineering crews literally ran from console to console, checking over vital systems.

The outer hull began to heat up as friction from the violent upper atmosphere of the planet continued to increase, the shuddering and swaying of the ship rose in its violence, flames scorched its outer hull as the atmospheric forces increased in their intensity.

Some of the plating used to seal the breach of the Liberties destroyed torpedo launcher began to buckle and tear under the pressures exerted upon it. The violent shuddering continued relentlessly as the small ship climbed higher and higher into the upper atmosphere of Gamma IV, sparks erupted from damaged circuits and consoles exploded, sending glass showering across the bridge. Michael secretly prayed that his damaged ship would hold together.

“ Engines at eighty percent!” Eldathar struggled over the noise.

The ship continued to race through the atmosphere, finally the forces threatening to tear the damaged ship apart became too much, and the plating around the breach of the torpedo launcher sheared off completely, flames poured into the damaged section which had already been sealed off as a precaution, however now heat was building rapidly inside as super heated plasma from the intense heat whirled around the sealed off section. If something wasn’t done quickly, the bulkheads would collapse and the whole ship could be lost.

“ Forcefield! Seal that breach now!” Michael shouted over the cacophony of consoles exploding, violent shaking and sparks flying across the bridge.

A forcefield shimmered into life protecting the damaged section from the ravages of the atmospheric pressure, for now at least.

“ Forcefield is in place cap’n, but I don’t think it’ll hold for long!” Kinraid shouted back.

Sweat trickled down the sides of Michael’s face from the rising heat and desperation, “just a few more seconds,” he whispered over pressed lips. The shuddering reached a fever pitch, and just for an instant, Michael, along with most of the bridge crew closed their eyes.

The shuddering had ceased, it had become calm once again. Slowly Michael opened one eye, then the other, confirming they were still in one piece. All that was visible on the viewer was starlight, they had done it, they had broken free of Gamma IV. He let out a loud sigh of relief. “I would consider that a successful test,” he said.

Kinraid nodded his approval and a broad smile opened across his features, more at his thankfulness at still being alive than anything else.

“ Set course for Earth, bearing zero-three-five degrees, elevation zero; best possible speed.”

The Liberty leapt into plasma drive; destination Earth.

Ian. J. Smethurst

E.D. F Chronicles — E.D. F resurgent

10. Earth race.

Location: Delta base.

Date: 18th October 2071.

Time: 21:44 hours.

The Krenaran assassin known as Lathiel casually walked towards the vast docking area of Delta base, replete with buggies and carts whizzing to and fro, loading and unloading supplies from ships that had come from all over E.O.C. A territory.

Although the majority of military vessels were taking part in the fighting around Gamma IV, some were still present providing a defence for the station and the colony world of Orion IV far below, others were undergoing emergency repair work, obviously damaged in combat in some other area of E.O.C. A space.

The majority of ships docked were transports, carrying vital medical and other supplies to civilians caught up in the huge conflict.

There was a small warship that the Terrans called a Ghandhi class destroyer, however he ruled out hitching a ride aboard it, it was doubtful he could overcome its crew, and even if he could, he wouldn’t be able to control all the ship’s systems himself.

A nice, small, inconspicuous transport would suffice for this mission. The trick was getting on-board without being detected however.

Three E.D. F naval officers walked straight past him, not paying him any heed whatsoever, just a few minutes before he had killed Ensign Butler with a knife straight through the back, nice and quiet, it had allowed him close contact with his body which he touched and then activated his crodes gland buried deep beneath his thick ribcage. It secreted the top secret combat drug known as morphos x, the drug caused him extreme pain as his body altered to take on the form of any humanoid he touched, but he had learned to cope with it.

He was his races ultimate weapon to bring down the puny Terrans once and for all. His mission was the elimination of the E.O.C. A president, a Terran by the name of James Rushfeldt.

The hated Solarians had managed to expose his mission on Perseus; he had barely escaped alive. Worst of all, the Solarian agents had managed to send a communique to Solarian command before he had disposed of them.

The Terrans would be waiting for him on Terra, he would have to be careful.

He made his way over to one of the docked transports, being careful not to attract any attention, a lone officer was standing guard at the docking port.

Transports didn’t have as tight security as the warships of the E.D. F navy, this transport with a crew of only twelve, allowed him to take control of the ship with minimal difficulty. This small oversight was going to cost the Terrans very dearly indeed.

The young officer addressed him, “eello ensign, what are you doing here?”

“ Ensign Butler transferring from the E.D.F. S Avenger,” Lathiel replied.

The officer looked perplexed, “for what reason?”

Lathiel had to think quickly, “as an engineering assistant.”

“ Do you have your I.D. card?”

“ Yes, here you are.” Lathiel produced the I.D. card he had taken from the real ensign Butlers body.

The officer studied the card, before placing it into a reader to his right.

He used his Krenaran training to calm his nerves, but still readied himself in case anything should go wrong. After what seemed like an eternity, the officer finally said. “O.K. your all clear, welcome aboard the transport blue-177 ensign.” He handed him back the card, as Lathiel went to embark on the transport, the officer asked. “Where are your transfer documents?”

Panic gripped Lathiel, “Still being processed, you know how it is,” he replied meekly.

“ Yeah don’t I, you’re probably right, thanks ensign,” the officer said as he nodded knowingly at him.

Lathiel inwardly sighed with relief as he quietly stepped onboard the transport, once inside he found the confines tight and uncomfortable for his frail Terran body. The corridors were narrow and for the most part, badly lit. The transport seemed quiet, he surmised that no one else was yet onboard.

He walked up to a small computer display, the screen was cracked in one corner and the system looked ancient, however he did manage to access the crew manifest.

The transport was commanded by a Lieutenant Pryce, obviously the E.D. F didn’t place as high a value on its transports as it did its warships, which would be why only a junior officer commanded the vessel, another costly oversight.

He exited the crew manifest and consulted the deck-plan, the ship had eight decks, four of them were given over to the enormous cargo hold. The remainder of the decks were taken up with the bridge, crew quarters, a small mess area, engineering, and a tiny medical bay as well as the main engines and thruster systems.

By consulting the deck-plan further, Lathiel noticed that there was a very small armoury located on the third deck, directly adjacent to the entrance to the cargo hold.

Exiting out of the manifest, he immediately began making his way there, quickly locating the cramped elevator to deck three. Once there he walked the length of the corridor, finally coming upon the door to the armoury on his left. There was a tiny swipe card reader to the side of the steel door.