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it came out brutally.  Her hand in his was the only indication that she

had heard him, it spasmed convulsively like a wounded thing and then lay

still, a small tense hand in the circle of his big bony fist.

She asked no questions and when he had done they sat quietly together

for a long time.  He spoke first.

I will send David to you now, he said, and her response was swift and


No.  She gripped his hand hard.  No, I can't meet him now.  I have to

think about this first.

The Brig went back to the waiting-room and David stood up expectantly,

the pure lines of his face seemingly carved from pale polished marble,

and the dark blue of his eyes in deep contrast.

The Brig forestalled him harshly.  No visitors.  He took David's arm.

You will not be allowed to see her until tomorrow.

Is something wrong?  What is it?  David tried to pull away, but the Brig

held him and steered him towards the door.

Nothing is wrong.  She will be all right, but she must have no

excitement now.  You'll be able to see her tomorrow.

They buried Hannah that evening in the family plot on the Mountain of

Olives.  It was a small funeral party attended by the three men and a

mere handful of relatives, many of whom had others to mourn from the

previous day's slaughter.

There was an official car waiting to take the Brig to a meeting of the

high command, where retaliatory measures would certainly be discussed,

another revolution in the relentless wheel of violence that rolled

across the troubled land.

Joe and David climbed into the Mercedes and sat silently, David making

no effort to start the engine.  Joe lit cigarettes for them, and they

both felt drained of purpose and direction.

What are you going to do now?  David asked him.  We had two weeks, Joe

answered him.  We were going down to Ashkelon, his voice trailed off.  I

don't know.  There isn't anything to do now, is there?  Shall we go and

have a drink somewhere?  Joe shook his head.  I don't feel like

drinking, he said.  I think I'll go back to base.  They are flying night

interceptions tonight.

Yes, David agreed quickly, I'll come with you.  He could not see Debra

until tomorrow, and the house on Malik Street would be lonely and cold.

Suddenly he longed for the peace of the night heavens.

The moon was a brightly curved Saracen blade against the soft darkness

of the sky, and the stars were fat and silver and gemlike in their


They flew high above the earth, remote from its grief and sorrow,

wrapped in the isolation of flight and lost in the ritual and

concentration of night interception.

The target was a Mirage of their own squadron, and they picked it up on

the scanner far out over the Negev.

Joe locked on to it and called the track and range while David searched

for and at last spotted the moving star of the target's jet blast,

burning redly against the velvety blackness of the night.

He took them in on a clean interception creeping up under the target's

belly and then pulling steeply up past its wing-tip, the way a barracuda

goes for the lure from below and explodes out through the surface of the


They shot past so close that the target Mirage broke wildly away to

port, unaware of their presence until that moment.

Joe slept that night, exhausted with grief, but David lay in the bunk

beneath him and listened to him.  In the dawn he rose and showered and

left Joe still asleep.  He drove into Jerusalem and reached the hospital

just as the sun came up and lit the hills with its rays of soft gold and

pearly pink.

The night sister at the desk was brusque and preoccupied.  You shouldn't

be here until visiting hours this afternoon, but David smiled at her

with all the charm he could muster.

I just wanted to know if she is doing well.  I have to rejoin my

squadron this morning.  The sister was not immune either to his smile or

the airforce uniform, and she went to consult her lists.

You must be mistaken, she said at last.  'The only Mordecai we have is

Mrs. Ruth Mordecai.  That's her mother, David told her, and the sister

flipped the sheet on her clipboard.

No wonder I couldn't find it, she muttered irritably.  She was

discharged last night Discharged?  David stared at her


Yes, she went home last night.  I remember her now.

Her father came to fetch her just as I came on duty.

Pretty girl with eye bandages - Yes, David nodded.  Thank you.  Thank

you very much, and he ran down the steps to the Mercedes, his feet light

with relief, freed at last from the gnawing doubt and dread.

Debra had gone home.  Debra was safe and well.

The Brig opened the door to him, and let him into the silent house.  He

was still in his uniform, and it was wilted and rumpled.  The Brig's

face was fine-drawn, the lines crudely chiselled around his mouth, and

his eyes were swollen and bloodshot from worry and sorrow and lack of


Where is Debra?  David demanded eagerly, and the Brig sighed and stood

aside for him to enter.

Where is she?  David repeated, and the Brig led him to his study and

waved him to a chair.

Why don't you answer me?  David was becoming angry, and the Brig slumped

into a chair across the large bare room, with its severe monastic

furnishings of books and archaeological relics.

I couldn't tell you yesterday, David, she asked me not to.  I'm sorry.

What is it?  David was fully alarmed now.

She had to have time to think, to make up her mind.  The Brig stood up

again and began to pace, his footsteps echoing hollowly on the bare

wooden floor, pausing every now and then to touch one of the pieces of

ancient statuary, caressing it absently as he talked, as though to draw

comfort from it.

David listened quietly, occasionally shaking his head as though to deny

that what he was hearing was the truth.

So you see it is permanent, final, without hope.  She is blind, David,

totally blind.  She has gone into a dark world of her own where nobody

else can follow her Where is she?  I want to go to her, David whispered,

but the Brig ignored the request and went on steadily.

She wanted time to make her decision, and I gave it to her.  Last night,

after the funeral, I went back to her and she was ready.  She had faced

it, come to terms with it, and she had decided how it must be I want to

see her, David repeated.  I want to talk to her.  Now the Brig looked at

him and the bleakness in his eyes faded, his voice dropped, becoming

gruff with compassion.

No, David.  That was her decision.  You will not see her again.  For you

she is dead.  Those were her words.

Tell him I am dead, but he must only remember me when I was alive David

interrupted him, jumping to his feet.  Where is she, damn you?  His

voice was shaking.  I want to see her now.  He crossed swiftly to the

door and jerked it open, but the Brig went on.  She is not here.  'Where

is she?  David turned back.  I cannot tell you.  I swore a solemn oath

to her.  'I'll find her You might, if you search carefully, but you will

forfeit any respect or love she may have for you, the Brig went on

remorselessly.  Again I will give you her exact words.  "Tell him that I

charge him on our love, on all we have ever been to each other, that he

will let me be, that he will not come looking for me.  " Why, but why?

David demanded desperately.  Why does she reject me?  She knows that she

is altered beyond all hope or promise.  She knows that what was before