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hands were trembling and his guts were aching cold from the spill-over

of his hatred that not even the enemy's death could expunge.

Again he pressed the button to open the flight net.  Joe, that's one

more for Hannah, he said, but for once there was no reply, and after he

had listened in vain to the throb of the carrier beam for a few seconds

he closed it, and activated his doppler gear for a homing signal, and

silently followed him back to base.

Debra had been a steadying and maturing influence, but now David reacted

so wildly to her going that Joe had to continue his role of wing man,

even when they were off base.

They spent much of their leisure time together, for although they seldom

mentioned their loss, yet the sharing of it drew them closer.

Often Joe slept over at Malik Street, for his own home was a sad and

depressing place now.  The Brig was seldom there in these troubled

times, Debra gone and his mother was so altered by her terrible

experience that she was grey and broken, aged beyond her years.  The

bullet wound in her body had closed, but there was other damage that

would never heal.

David's wildness was a craving for the forgetfulness of constant action.

He was only truly at peace when he was in the air, and on the ground he

was restless and mercurial.  Joe moved, big and calm beside him,

steering him tactfully out of trouble with a slow grin and an easy word.

As a consequence of the downed spy plane, the Syrians began a policy of

provocative patrols, calculated infringement of Israeli air space, which

was discontinued as soon as retaliation was drawn.  As the interceptors

raced to engage they would swing away, declining combat, and move back

within their own borders.

Twice David saw the greenish luminous blur of these hostile patrols on

the screen of his scanning radar, and each time he had surprised himself

with the icy feeling of anger and hatred that had lain heavy as a rock

upon his heart and lungs as he led Joe in on the interception.

Each time, however, the Syrians had been warned by their own radar and

they had turned away, increasing speed, and withdrawn discreetly and


Bright Lance, this is Desert Flower.  Target is no longer hostile.

Discontinue attack pattern.  The Syrian MIG 2i's bad crossed their own

frontier, and each time David had answered quietly, Two, this is leader.

Discontinuing attack pattern and resuming scan.

The tactics were designed to wear on the q& of the defenders, and in all

the interceptor squadrons the tension was becoming explosive.  The

provocation was pushing them to the edge of restraint.  Incidents were

only narrowly being averted, as the hot-bloods crowded their

interceptions to the very frontiers of war.  Finally, however, there had

to come intervention from above as Desert Flower tried to hold them on a

tighter leash.

They sent the Brig to talk to his crews and as he stood on the dais and

looked about the crowded briefing room, he realized that it was unfair

to train the hawk and then keep the hood over his eyes and the thong

upon his leg, to hold him upon the wrist, when the wild duck were

flighting overhead.

He started at a philosophical level, taking advantage of the regard that

he knew his young pilots had for him.

the object of war is peace, the ultimate strategy of any commander is

peace -'There was no response from his audience.  The Brig caught the

level scrutiny of his own son.  How could he talk of placation to a

trained warrior who had just buried the mutilated body of his !  bride?

The Brig ploughed on manfully.

Only a fool allows himself to be drawn on to a field of the enemy's

choosing, he was reaching them now, I won't have one of you young pups

pushing us into something we are not ready for.  I don't want to give

them an excuse.  That is what they want, They were thawing now, he saw a

head nod thoughtfully and heard a murmur of agreement.

Any of you looking for big trouble, you don't have to go to Damascus,

you know my address, he tried for his first laugh, and got it.  They

were chuckling now.  All right, then.  We don't want trouble.  We are

going to lean right over backwards to prevent it, but we are not going

to fall on our arses.  When the time comes, I'll give you the word and

it won't be the soft word, or the other cheek, they growled then, a

fierce little sound, and he ended it, - but you wait for that word.  Le

Dauphin stood up and took over from the Brig.

All right, while I've got you all together, I've a little news for you

that may help to cool the hot-heads who want to follow the MIGs over the

border.  He motioned to the projection box at the end of the

briefing-room, the lights went down and there was a shuffling of feet,

and an outburst of coughing.  A voice protested resignedly.

Not another film show!  Yes, the colonel took it up.  Another film show

Then as the images began to flash upon the screen he went on, This is a

military intelligence film, and the subject is a new ground-to-air

missile system that has been delivered by the Soviet Army to the armies

of the Arab Union.  The code name for the system is "Serpent" and it

updates the existing "Sam IIP system.  As far as we know, the system has

been installed and is operative in the Syrian defensive perimeter, and

will shortly be installed by the Egyptians.  It is manned at present by

Russian instructors.  As the colonel went on talking, the Brig sat back

in his chair and watched their faces in the silver reflection from the

screen.  They were intent and serious, men looking for the first time on

the terrible machines that might be the instrument of their own deaths.

The missile is fired from a tracked vehicle.  Here you see aerial

reconnaissance shots of a mobile column.

Notice that each vehicle carries a pair of missiles, and you will

realize that they constitute an enormous threat - The Brig picked out

the marvellously pure profile of David Morgan as he leaned forward to

study the screen, and he felt a pang of sympathy and sorrow for him and

yet this was underlined by a new respect, a realignment of judgement.

The boy had proved himself to be constant, capable of embracing an ideal

and remaining loyal to it.

The improvements in design of the "Serpent" are not certain, but it is

believed that the missile is capable of greater speeds, probably in the

order of mach 2.  5, and that the guidance system is a combination of

both infrared heat seeker and computerized radar control.  Watching the

handsome young face, he wondered if Debra had not misjudged his

reserves.  It was possible that he would have been capable of, no, the

Brig shook his head and groped for a cigarette.  He was too young, too

greedy for life, spoiled by good looks and riches.  He would not be

capable of it.  Debra was right, as so often was the case.  She had

chosen the correct course.  She could never hold him, she must set him


It is expected that the "Serpent" is capable of engaging targets at

altitudes between 1500 it.  and 75, 000 it.  There was a stir amongst

the listeners, as they assessed the threat of this new weapon.

The warhead delivers a quarter of a ton of explosive and it is armed

with a proximity fuse which is set to fire if the target is passed at

range less than 150 feet.

Within these limits the "Serpent" is lethal.  The Brig was still

watching David.  Ruth and he had not seen the boy at their home for many

months.  He had come with Joe to spend the Sabbath evening with them