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war.  They misunderstood the Brig's reference to sacrifice, and one of

them began to applaud.

Immediately it was taken up, a smattering here and there amongst the

tables, but quickly the sound rose became thunder.

People were staring at David and Debra as they clapped, other heads

turned towards them.

Chairs began to scrape as they were pushed back and men and women came

to their feet, their faces smiling and their applause pounding, until it

filled the hall with sound and they were all standing.

Debra was not sure what it was all about, until she felt David's

desperate hand in hers and heard his voice.

Let's get out of here, quickly.  They are all staring.

They are staring at us She could feel his hand shaking and the strength

of his distress at being the subject of their ghoulish curiosity.

Come, let's get away.  And she rose at his urging with her heart crying

out in pain for him, and followed him while the thunder of applause

burst upon his defenceless head like the blows of an enemy and their

eyes wantonly raked his ravaged flesh.

Even when they reached the sanctuary of their own suite, he was still

shaking like a man in fever.

The bastard, he whispered, as he poured whisky in a glass and the neck

of the bottle clattered against the crystal rim.  The cruel bastard, why

did he do that to us?  David.  She came to him groping for his hand.  He

didn't mean it to hurt.  I know he meant it well, I think he was trying

to say he was proud of you.  David felt the urge to flee, to find relief

from it all within the sanctuary of Jabulani.  The temptation to say to

her Come and lead her there, knowing that she would do so instantly, was

so strong that he had to wrestle with it, as though it were a physical


The whisky tasted rank and smoky.  It offered no avenue of escape and he

left the glass standing upon the counter of the private bar and turned

instead to Debra.

Yes, she whispered into his mouth.  Yes, my darling, and there was a

woman's pride, a woman's joy in being the vessel of his ease.  As always

she was able to fly with him above the storm, using the wild winds of

love to drive them both aloft, until they broke through together into

the brightness and peace and safety.

David woke in the night while she lay sleeping.  There was a silver moon

reflecting from the french windows and he could study her sleeping face,

but after a while it was not sufficient for his need and he reached

across gently and switched on the bedside lamp.

She stirred in her sleep, coming softly awake with small sighs and and

tumbling black hair brushed from her eyes with a sleep-clumsy hand, and

David felt the first chill of impending loss.  He knew he had not moved

the bed when he lit the lamp, what had disturbed her he knew beyond

doubt was the light itself, and this time not even their loving could

distract him.

Reuben Friedman's dwelling proclaimed his station in the world.  It was

built above the sea with lawns that ran down to the beach and big dark

green melkhout trees surrounding the swimming-pool, with an elaborate

Cabana and barbecue area.  Marion Friedman's horde of kids were

especially thinned out for the occasion, probably farmed out with

friends, but she retained her two youngest.  These came to peer in awe

at David for a few minutes, but at a sharp word from their mother they

went off to the pool and became immersed in water and their own games.

The Brig had another speaking engagement, so the four adults were left

alone, and after a while they relaxed.  Somehow the fact that Reuben was

a doctor seemed to set both David and Debra at their ease.  Debra

remarked on it, when the conversation turned to their injuries and

Reuben asked solicitously, You don't mind talking about it?

No, not with you.  Somehow it's all right to bare yourself in front of a


Don't do it, my dear, Marion cautioned her.  Not in front of Ruby

anyway, look at me, six kids, already!  And they laughed.

Ruby had been out early that morning and taken half a dozen big crayfish

out of the crystal water, from a kelp-filled pool in the rocks which he

boasted was his private fishing-ground.

He wrapped them in fresh kelp leaves and steamed them over the coals

until they turned bright scarlet and the flesh was milk white and

succulent as he broke open the carapaces.

Now, if that isn't the finest spring chicken you have ever seen he

crowed as he held up the dismembered shellfish, you all bear witness

that it's got two legs and feathers.

David admitted that he had never tasted poultry like it and as he washed

it down with a dry Cape Riesling;

he found it was no terrible hardship to reach for another.

Both he and Debra were enjoying themselves, so that it came as a jolt

when Reuben at last began on the real purpose of their meeting.

He was leaning across Debra to refill her wine glass, when he paused and

asked her.

How long is it since your eyes were last checked out, my dear?  and

gently he placed his hand under her chin and tilted her face to look

into her eyes.  David's nerves snapped taut, and he moved quickly in his

chair, watching intently.

Not since I left Israel, though they took some Xrays when I was in

hospital.  Any headaches?  Ruby asked, and she nodded.  Ruby grunted and

released her chin.

I suppose they could strike me off, drumming up business, but I do think

that you should have periodic checks.  Two years is a long time, and you

have foreign matter lodged inside your skull.  I hadn't even thought

about it.

Debra frowned slightly and reached up to touch the scar on her temple.

David felt his conscience twinge as he joined actively in the


It can't do any harm, darling.  Why not let Ruby give you a going over

while we are here?  Heaven knows when we will have another opportunity.

Oh, David, Debra disparaged the idea.  I know you are itching to head

for home, and so am V Another day or two won't matter, and now that we

have thought about it, it's going to worry us.  Debra turned her head in

Ruby's direction.  How long will it take?  A day.  I'll give you an

examination in the morning, and then we'll shoot some X-ray plates in

the afternoon.  'How soon could you see her?  David asked, his vice

unnatural for he knew that the appointment had been arranged five weeks


Oh, I'm sure we could fit her in right away, tomorrow, even if we have

to do a little juggling.  Yours is rather a special case.  David reached

across and took Debra's hand.

Okay, darling?  he asked.

Okay, David, she agreed readily.

Ruby's consulting-rooms were in the Medical Centre that towered above

the harbour and looked out across Table Bay to where the black

southeaster was hacking the tops from the waves in bursts of white, and

shrouding the far shores of the bay in banks of cloud as grey as wood


The rooms were decorated with care and taste: two original landscapes by

Pierneef and some good carpets, Samarkand and a gold-washed Abedah, even

Ruby's receptionist looked like a hostess from a Playboy Club, without

the bunny ears and tail.  It was clear that Dr. Friedman enjoyed the

good things of life.

The receptionist was expecting them, but still could not control the

widening of her eyes and the shocked flight of colour from her cheeks as

she looked at David's face.

Dr. Friedman is waiting for you, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan.