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he stood in the dock glaring across the Court Room at them.  The

deep-set muddy eyes, and the mouth working as though he were about to

spit.  As the warders had led him to the stairs down to the cells he had

pulled free and shouted back.

I'm going to get you, Scarface, he giggled.  If I have to wait

twenty-nine years, I'm going to get you, and they took him away.

After Witbank the road narrowed.  There was heavy traffic and the bends

had dangerous camber and deceptive gradients.

David was able to concentrate on keeping the big car on the road, and to

drive the phantoms from his mind.

He took the Lyndenburg turn off, cutting the corner of the triangle, and

the traffic thinned out to an occasional truck.  He was able to go flat

out again, and race along the edge of the high escarpment.  Then

suddenly the road turned and began its plunge down into the low veld.

When he emerged from the Erasmus tunnel David ran into the rain.  it was

a solid grey bank of water that filled the air and buffeted the body of

the Pontiac.  It flooded the road, so David had difficulty following its

verge beneath the standing sheets of water, and it swamped the

windshield, so that the efforts of the wipers to clear it were defeated.

David switched on his headlights and drove as fast as he dared, craning

forward in his seat to peer into the impenetrable blue-grey curtains of


Darkness came early in the rain, beneath the lowering black clouds, and

the wet road dazzled him with the reflections of his own headlights,

while the fat falling drops seemed as big as hailstones.  He was forced

to moderate his speed a little more, creeping down the highway towards

Bandolier Hill.

In the darkness he almost missed the turning, and he reversed back to

it, swinging on to the unmade surface.

It was slushy with mud, puddled and swampy, slippery as grease.

Again he was forced to lower his speed.

Once he lost it, and slid broadside into the drainage ditch.  By packing

loose stones under the wheels and racing the engine he pulled the

Pontiac out and drove on.

By the time he reached the bridge over the Luzane stream, he had been

six hours at the wheel of the Pontiac, and it was a few minutes after

eight o'clock in the evening.

As he reached the bridge the rain stopped abruptly, a freak hole in the

weather.  Directly overhead the stars showed mistily, while around them

the cloud banks swirled, turning slowly, as though upon the axis of a

great wheel.

David's headlights cut through the darkness, out across the mad brown

waters to the far bank a hundred yards away.  The bridge was submerged

under fifteen feet of flood water, and the water was moving so swiftly

that its waves and whirlpools seemed sculptured in polished brown

marble, and the trunks of uprooted trees dashed downstream upon the


It seemed impossible that the bed of this raging torrent had been the

narrow sandy bed in which Johan Akkers had run down Conrad with the

green Ford truck.

David climbed out of the Pontiac and walked down to the edge of the

water.  As he stood there he saw the level creeping up perceptively

towards his feet.  It was still rising.

He looked up at the sky, and judged that the respite in the weather

would not last much longer.

He reached his decision and ran back to the Pontiac.

He reversed well back onto the highest ground and parked it off the

verge with the headlights still directed at the river edge.  Then,

standing beside the door, he stripped down to his shirt and underpants.

He pulled his belt from the loops of his trousers and buckled it about

his waist, then he tied his shoes to the belt by their laces.

Barefooted he ran to the edge of the water, and began to feel his way

slowly down the bank.  It shelved quickly and within a few paces he was

knee-deep and the current plucked at him, viciously trying to drag him


He posed like that, braced against the current, and waited, staring

upstream.  He saw the tree trunk coming down fast on the flood, with its

roots sticking up like beseeching arms.  It was swinging across the

current and would pass him closely.

He judged his moment and lunged for it.  Half a dozen strong strokes

carried him to it and he grasped one of the roots.  Instantly he was

whisked out of the beams of the headlight into the roaring fury of the

river.  The tree rolled and bucked, carrying him under and bringing him

up coughing and gasping.

Something struck him a glancing blow and he felt his shirt tear and the

skin beneath it rip.  Then he was under water again, swirling end over

end and clinging desperately to his log.

All about him the darkness was filled with the rush and threat of crazy

water, and he was buffeted and flogged by its raw strength, grazed and

bruised by rocks and driftwood.

Suddenly he felt the log check and bump against an obstruction, turning

and swinging out into the current again.

David was blinded with muddy water and he knew there was a limit to how

much more of this treatment he could survive.  Already he was weakening


He could feel his mind and his movements slowing, like a battered prize

fighter in the tenth round.

He gambled it all on the obstruction which the log had encountered being

the far bank, and he released his death-grip on the root and stuck out

sideways across the current with desperate strength.

His overarm stroke ended in the trailing branches of a thorn tree

hanging over the storm waters.  Thorns tore the flesh of his palm as his

grip closed over them, and he cried out at the pain but held on.

Slowly he dragged himself out of the flood and crawled up the bank,

hacking and coughing at the water in his lungs.  Clear of the river, he

fell on his face in the mud and vomited a gush of swallowed water that

shot out of his nose and mouth.

He lay exhausted for a long while, until his coughing slowed and he

could breathe again.  His shoes had been torn from his belt by the

current.  He dragged himself to his feet and staggered forward into the

darkness.  As he ran, he held his hand to his face, pulling the broken

thorns from the flesh of his palm with his teeth.

Stars were still showing overhead and by their feeble light he made out

the road, and he began to run along it, gathering strength with each

pace.  It was very still now, with only the dripping of the trees and

the occasional far-off murmur of thunder to break the silence.

Two miles from the homestead, David made out the dark bulk of something

on the side of the road, and it was only when he was a few paces from it

that he realized it was an automobile, a late model Chevy.  It had been

abandoned, bogged down in one of the greasy mudholes, that the rains had


The doors were unlocked and David switched on the interior and parking

lights.  There was dried blood on the seat, a dark smear of it, and on

the back seat was a bundle of clothing.  David untied it quickly and

recognized immediately the coarse canvas suiting as regulation prison

garb.  He stared at it stupidly for a moment, until the impact of it

struck him.

The car was stolen, the blood probably belonging to the unfortunate

owner.  The prison garb had been exchanged for other clothing, probably

taken from the body of the owner of the Chevy.

David knew then beyond all possible doubt that Johan Akkers was at