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Jabulani, and that he had arrived before the bridge over the Luzane

stream had become impassable, probably three or four hours previously.

David threw the prison suiting back into the car, and he began to run.

Johan Akkers drove the Chevy across the Luzane bridge with the rising

waters swirling over the guard rail, and with the rain teeming down in

blinding white sheets.

The muddy water shoved at the body of the car, making steering

difficult, and it seeped in under the doors, flooding the floorboards

and swirling about Akkers feet; but he reached the safety of the far

bank and raced the engine as he shot up it.  The wheels spun on the soft

mud, and the Chevy skidded and swayed drunkenly in the loose footing.

The closer he drew to Jabulani the more reckless he became in his haste.

Before his conviction and imprisonment, ARkers had been a twisted and

blighted creature, a man of deep moods and passionate temper.  Feeling

himself rejected and spurned by his fellow men he had lived in a world

of swift defensive violence, but always he had kept within the bounds of


However, during the two years that he had laboured and languished within

prison walls, his anger and his lust for vengeance had driven him over

that narrow boundary.

Vengeance had become the sole reason for his existence, and he had

rehearsed it a hundred times each day.

He had planned his prison break to give himself three days of freedom,

after that it did not matter.  Three days would be enough.

He had infected his own jaw, running a needle poisoned with his excreta

deeply into the gum.  They had taken him to the dental clinic as he had

planned.  The guard had been easily handled, and the dentist had

cooperated with a scalpel held to his throat.

Once clear of the prison, Akkers had used the scalpel, vaguely surprised

by the volume of blood that could issue from a human throat.  He had

left the dentist slumped over his steering-wheel on a plot of waste

ground and, with his white laboratory gown over his prison suit, he had

waited at a set of traffic lights.

The shiny new Chevy had pulled up for a red light and Akkers had opened

the passenger door and slid in beside the driver.

He had been a smaller man than Akkers, plump and Prosperous-looking,

with a smooth pale face and soft little hairless hands on the

steering-wheel.  He had obeyed meekly Akkers instruction to drive on.

Akkers had rolled his soft white body, clad only in vest and shorts,

into a clump of thick grass beside a disused secondary road and pulled

the grass closed over him, then he had beaten the first road block out

of the city area by forty minutes.

He stayed on the side roads, picking his way slowly eastwards.  The

infection in his jaw had ached intolerably despite the shot of

antibiotics the dentist had given him, and his crippled claw of a hand

had been awkward and clumsy on the gear lever, for the severed nerves

and sinews had never knitted again.  The hand was a dead and insensate


Using the caution of a natural predator and helped by the newsflashes on

the radio, he had groped his way carefully through the net that was

spread for him, and now he was on Jabulani and he could restrain himself

no longer.

He hit the mud hole at forty and the Chevy whipped and spun, slewing her

back end deep into the mud and high-centring her belly on the soft ooze.

He left her there and went on swiftly through the rain, loping on long

legs.  Once he giggled and sucked at his teeth, but then he was silent


It was dark by the time he climbed the kopie behind Jabulani homestead.

He lay there for two hours peering down into the driving rain, waiting

for the darkness.

Once night fell, he could see no lights, and he began to worry, there

should have been lights burning.

He left the kopje and moved cautiously through the darkness down the

hill.  He avoided the servants quarters, and went through the trees to

the landing-strip.

He ran into the side of the hanger in the dark and followed the wall to

the side doorway.

Frantically he spread his arms and felt for the aircraft that should be

here, and when he realized that it was not he let out a groan of


They were gone.  He had planned and schemed in vain, all his desperate

striving was in vain.

Growling like an animal, he smashed the fist of his good hand against

the wall, enjoying the pain of it in his frustration, and his anger and

his hatred was so strong that it shook his body like a fever, and he

cried out aloud, a formless animal cry without coherence or sense.

Suddenly the rain stopped.  The heavy drum of it upon the iron roof of

the hangar ceased so abruptly that Akkers was distracted.  He went to

the opening and looked out.

The stars were swimming mistily above him, and the only sound was the

gurgle and chuckle of running water and the dripping of the trees.

There was the glimmering of light now, and he saw the white walls of the

homestead shine amongst the trees.  He could do damage there, Akkers

realized.  He could find there some outlet for his terrible frustration.

There was furniture to smash, and the thatch would burn, if lit from

inside, the thatch would burn even in this weather.

He stared towards the homestead through the dark sodden trees.

Debra woke in the silence.  She had fallen asleep in the midst of the

storm, perhaps as a form of escape.

Now she groped for the warm comforting body of the dog but he was gone.

There was a patch of warmth on the bed beside her where he had lain.

She listened intently and there was nothing but the soft sounds of water

in the guttering and far-off the growl of thunder.  She remembered her

earlier panic and she was ashamed.

She stood up from the bed and she was shivering with the cold in her

loose, free-flowing dark blue maternity blouse, and the elastic-fronted

slacks that were adjustable to her expanding waistline.  She felt with

her toes and found the light ballet pumps on the stone floor and pushed

her feet into them.

She started towards her dressing-room for a sweater, then she would make

herself a cup of hot soup, she decided.

Zulu started barking.  He was outside in the front garden.  Clearly he

had left the house through the small hinged doorway that David had built

especially for him in the veranda wall.

The dog had many barks, each with a different meaning which Debra


A self-effacing woof, that was the equivalent of the watch-man's Ten

o'clock on a June night, and all's well.  Or a longer-drawn-out yowl,

that meant, There is a full moon out tonight, and the wolf's blood in my

veins will not allow me to sleep.

A sharper, meaningful bark, Something is moving down near the pump

house. It may be a lion.  And then there was an urgent clamouring

chorus, There is dire danger threatening.  Beware!

Beware!  It was the danger bark now, and then growling through closed

jaws as though he were worrying something.

Debra went out on to the veranda and she felt the puddled rainwater

soaking through her light shoes.  Zulu was harrying something in the

front garden, she could hear the growling and scuffling, the movement of

bodies locked in a struggle.  She stood silently, uncertain of what to

do, knowing only that she could not go out to Zulu.  She was blind and