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covered by the night and the thick grass, and he had lost her.  He was

trying to panic her, make her run again and betray her position.  She

concentrated all her attention on remaining absolutely still and silent.

Akker's threats and sadistic droolings ended in silence again.  He

listened for her with the patience of the hunter, and the long minutes

dragged by.

The ache in her bladder was like a red-hot iron, and she wanted to sob

out loud.  Something loathsome crawled out of the wet grass over her

arm.  Her skin prickled with fresh horror at the feel of multiple insect

feet on her skin, but she steeled herself not to move.

The thing, scorpion or spider, crawled across her neck and she knew her

nerves would crack within seconds.

Suddenly Akkers spoke again.  All right!  he said, I'm going back to

fetch a flashlight.  .  We'll see how far you get then.  I'll be back

soon, don't think you'll beat old Akkers.  He's forgotten more tricks

than you'll ever learn.

He moved away heavily, noisily, and she wanted to strike the insect from

her cheek and run again, but some instinct warned her.  She waited five

minutes, and then ten.  The insect moved up into her hair.

Akkers spoke again out of the darkness near her.  All right, you clever

bitch.  We'll get you yet, and she heard him move away.  This time she

knew he had gone.

She brushed the insect from her hair, shuddering with horror.  Then she

stood up and moved quietly into the forest.  Her fingers were stiff and

cold on the fastenings of her slacks, but she loosened them and squatted

to relieve the burning ache in her lower belly.

She stood up again and felt the child move within her body.  The feel of

it evoked all her maternal instincts of protection.  She must find a

safe place for her child.  She thought of the hide by the pools.

How to reach them?  For she was now completely lost.

Then she remembered David telling her about the wind, the rain wind out

of the west, now reduced to an occasional light air, and she waited for

the next breath of it on her cheek.  It gave her direction.  She turned

her back to the next gust and set off steadily through the forest with

hands held out ahead to prevent herself running into one of the trunks.

If only she could reach the pools, she could follow the bank to the


As the cyclonic winds at the centre of the storm turned upon their axis,

so they swung, changing direction constantly and Debra followed them

faithfully, beginning a wide aimless circle through the forest.

Akkers raged through the brightly lit homestead of Jabulani, jerking

open drawers and kicking in locked cupboard doors.

He found the gun cabinet in David's office, and ransacked the desk

drawers for keys.  He found none, and giggled and swore with


He crossed the room to the built-in cupboard unit.

There was a sealed-cell electric lantern on the shelf with a dozen

packets of shotgun shells.  He took down the lantern eagerly and thumbed

the switch.  The beam was bright white, even in the overhead lights, and

he sucked his teeth and chuckled happily.

Once more he ran into the kitchen, pausing to select a long

stainless-steel carving knife from the cutlery drawer before hurrying

across the yard to the gate and along the path.

In the lantern beam, Debra's footprints showed clearly in the soft earth

with his own overlaying them.  He followed them to where she had

blundered off the path, and found the mark of her body where she had


Clever bitch, he chuckled again and followed her tracks through the

forest.  She had laid an easy trail to follow, dragging a passage

through the rain-heavy grass and wiping the droplets from the stems.  To

the hunter's eye it was a clearly blazed trail.

Every few minutes he paused to throw the beam of the lantern ahead of

him amongst the trees.  He was thrilling now to the hunter's lust, the

primeval force which was the mainspring of his existence.  His earlier

set-back made the chase sweeter for him.

He went on carefully, following the wandering trail, the aimless

footprints turning haphazardly in a wide circle.

He stopped again and panned the lantern beam across the rain-laden grass

tops, and he saw something move at the extreme range of the lamp,

something pale and round.

He held it in the lantern beam, and saw the woman's pale strained face

as she moved forward slowly and hesitantly.  She went like a

sleep-walker, with arms extended ahead of her, and with shuffling

uncertain gait.

She was coming directly towards him, oblivious of the light which held

her captive in its beam.  Once she paused to hug her swollen belly and

sob with weariness and fear.

The legs of her trousers were sodden with rain water and her flimsy

shoes were already torn, and as she hobbled closer he saw that her arms

and her lips were blue and shivering with the cold.

Akkers stood quietly watching her coming towards him, like a chicken

drawn to the swaying cobra, Her long dark hair hung in damp ropes down

her shoulders, and dangled in her face.  Her thin blouse was wet also

with drops fallen from the trees, and it was plastered over the

thrusting mound of her belly.

He let her come closer, enjoying the fierce thrill of having her in his

power.  Drawing out the final consummation of his vengeance, hoarding

each moment of it like a miser.

When she was five paces from him he played the beam full in her face,

and he giggled.

She screamed, her whole face convulsing, and she whirled like a wild

animal and ran blindly.  Twenty flying paces before she ran headlong

into the stem of a morula, tree.

She fell back, collapsing to her knees and sobbed aloud, clutching at

her bruised cheek.

Then she scrambled to her feet and stood shivering, turning her head and

cocking it for the next sound.

Silently he moved around her, drawing close and he giggled again, close

behind her.

She screamed again and ran blindly, panic-stricken, witless with terror

until an ant-bear hole caught her foot and flung her down heavily to the

ground, and she lay there sobbing.

Akkers moved leisurely and silently after her, he was enjoying himself

for the first time in two years.  Like a cat he did not want to end it,

he wanted it to last a long time.

He stooped over her and whispered a filthy word, and instantly she

rolled to her feet and was up and running again, wildly, sightlessly,

through the trees.  He followed her, and in his crazed mind she became a

symbol Of all the thousand animals he had hunted and killed.

David ran barefooted in the soft earth of the road.  He ran without

feeling his bruised and torn skin, without feeling the pounding of his

heart nor the protest of his lungs.

As the road rounded the shoulder of the hill and dipped towards the

homestead he stopped abruptly, and stared panting at the lurid glow of

the arc lights that flood lit the grounds and garden of Jabulani.  It

made no sense that the floodlights should be burnin& and David felt a

fresh flood of alarm.  He sprinted on down the hill.

He ran through the empty, ransacked rooms shouting her name, but the

echoes mocked him.

When he reached the front veranda he saw something moving in the

darkness, beyond the broken screen door.

Zulu!  He ran forward.  Here, boy!  Here, boy!  Where is she?  The dog